Venue: Hybrid - Siambr Dafydd Orwig, Swyddfeydd y Cyngor, Caernarfon LL55 1SH and Zoom
Contact: Rhodri Jones 01286 679556
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Members and Officers were welcomed to the meeting. An
apology was received from Councillors Nia Jeffreys and Craig ap Iago. |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of personal interest. |
URGENT ITEMS Additional documents: Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 14 SEPTEMBER 2021 Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes
of meetings held on 14 September 2021 were accepted as a true record. |
shall propose that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the
discussion on the item following due to the likely disclosure of exempt
information as defined inParagraph 14 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government
act 1972 Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any
particular person (including the authority holding that information) and
Paragraph 16 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government act 1972 Information in
respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in
legal proceedings. The report relates to the situation and
options in relation to the management of a charity of which the Council is the
trustee. Therefore this a role which is distinct from that of the Council as a
statutory public authority and is subject to the requirements and
responsibilities of the law relating to charities. There is a public interest
in understanding how the Council undertakes such a role. However, this is
addressed through the law relating to charities. This report relates to the
business transactions and options which the trustees should have an appropriate
opportunity to discuss in a free and frank manner before coming to a view in
the best interests of the charity. Holding the discussion in public could
undermine their ability to do this. The Cabinet sitting as trustee is the
appropriate forum for holding this discussion. Therefore the public interest
falls in favour of making the item exempt. Additional documents: Minutes: It was resolved to exclude the press and public from
the meeting during the discussion on the following item due to the likely
disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 14, Schedule 12A of
the Local Government Act 1972 - information about the financial or business
transactions of any specific person (including the authority that retains that
information) and Paragraph 16 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972
- information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could
be maintained in legal proceedings. The
report outlines the position and options for the management of a charity of
which the Council is a trustee. Therefore, this function is separate from the Council's position aa
statutory public authority and subject to the specific requirements and
responsibilities of charity management. There is public interest in obtaining
information about how the Council operates in such a function. However, this is
addressed via charity law, this report is regarding business transactions and options the trustees should have an appropriate opportunity
to discuss and evaluate in a free and open manner before reaching the best conclusion
for the charity’s benefit. Conducting the discussion publicly would undermine
their ability to achieve this. The Cabinet sitting as trustees is the only
appropriate forum to implement this. Therefore, the public interest falls in
favour of exemption. |
LLOYD GEORGE MUSEUM CHARITABLE TRUST Additional documents: Decision: 1. To approve the completion of a draft
Agreement of Understanding which sets out formal collaboration arrangements
between the Trustees of the Lloyd George Museum Charitable Trust (The Trust)
and Cyngor Gwynedd (The Council), which provides specialist support and
supplementary services to run and operate the Museum on behalf of the charity. 2. To approve the completion of the
draft Agreement of Understanding which sets out the collaboration arrangements
between The Trust, The Council and the Friends of Lloyd George Museum. 3. To receive an update on the
implementation of the business case and contribution of the Friends of the
Lloyd George Museum. 4. To respond to the SPF Project and
outline plans to re-interpret and modernise the Museum. Minutes: The Report was discussed. |