To consider a report by the Maritime and Country Parks Officer.
Submitted: The report of the Maritime and Country Parks
Officer, Mr Barry Davies, updating the committee on Harbour management matters.
(a) Alison Kinsey, Coordinator
of Cardigan Bay Fisheries Local Action Group, who had requested to attend the
meeting, was welcomed and she explained the purpose of FLAG (Fisheries Local
Action Group). The following main
points were noted:-
there were four groups operational in Wales for the purpose of supporting the
fishing industry and communities: St
Dogmael's to Barmouth, Anglesey and Gwynedd, Swansea Bay and Cleddau to the
FLAG received European funding and approximately £160,000 was available until
2020 and it was trusted that this could be used to assist small community led
a strategy had been created based on local need
was given to funding projects that:
young people, and
innovation at all stages of the supply chain from fisheries products
revenue support can be offered towards new projects such as:
project development, pilot projects, feasibility studies, training,
mentoring, facilitating and consultation.
Examples were given of the
types of activities that could take place with FLAG assistance:
Festival on the quay
cooking competition between the chefs of local hotels
out a fleet of fishermen to sea to catch fish
the local school to take part in a seafood cookery competition
with a group of local fishermen to hold activities, etc.
To conclude, the
Coordinator explained that Mr Neil Storkey from Aberdyfi, worked closely with
her and having a representative from Barmouth Harbour Consultative Committee
would be advantageous to be part of future FLAG meetings.
In addition, reference was
made to Cywain which was part of the Menter a Busnes projects developed to
support the development of products and markets for agricultural and fisheries
During the ensuing
discussion, the following points were highlighted by individual Members:
Barmouth had excellent restaurants and it would be ideal to host a seafood
festival on the quay
the Cambrian group actively collected plastic material that is washed up onto
the beach
It was proposed and
seconded to nominate Cllr. Rob Triggs as a contact point from this Consultative
Committee and the Coordinator promised to contact him directly with any further
Resolved: To approve the
nomination of Councillor Rob Triggs to represent this Consultative Committee at
FLAG group meetings in the area.
(b) The Chairman noted that it
was not necessary for the Maritime and Country Parks Officer to guide Members
through the contents of the report and he asked Members if they wished to raise
or highlight any matters stemming from the contents of the report. To this end, the following matters were
highlighted from the report of the Maritime and Country Parks Officer
Sand Removal - after many years work to
keep afon Ysgethin flowing, it appeared that the sand dunes were disappearing
into the sea and Natural Resources Wales were not willing to do anything about
this. Unfortunately, due to not
listening, the problem with sand clearance at Barmouth will get worse. The above observations were supported by
another Member and it was stated that the relevant departments should discuss
the matter, and that Natural Resources Wales should be challenged.
Coastguard Agency -it was asked if the
inspectors intended to visit Barmouth as they had not visited as part of the
inspection due to time restrictions.
In response, the Maritime
and Country Parks Officer noted that although there was no specific reference
in their report to Barmouth Harbour, the Safety Code was relevant to all
Harbours and they were aware of what is happening in Barmouth.
Attention was drawn to the
intention of the inspectors to undertake yet another visit in the Autumn and
they will attend the Porthmadog Harbour Consultative Committee with an
opportunity for all Harbour Committee members to attend this meeting and there
might be an opportunity for the inspectors to visit Barmouth.
The Senior Manager Economy
and Community added that the main purpose of the report was to investigate
governance arrangements and harbour management.
was asked if everyone had to pay the Crown Estates fee for the sum of £25.00 in
addition to the mooring fee.
In response, the Maritime
and Country Parks Officer confirmed that all moorings owners had to pay the
above fee in every Harbour, including the Council’s moorings, except for
Pwllheli Harbour as the cost for that harbour was £150,000 annually payable to
the Crown Estate. It was added that it was not possible to challenge the fee as
they could charge more if they wished, and that similar arrangements existed in
other counties for many years now.
(iv) Thanks was given for the
safety signage from the RNLI. It was
added that the signs would be erected in suitable places immediately and they
could be erected in a short time.
terms of changing the date of the Motorcross event on Barmouth beach, as it
conflicted with school half-term holidays and that Barmouth would be busy
anyway and the car park full, it was understood from the organisers that it was
difficult to move the date as they were limited to that date as a result of
other competitions that occur throughout Britain.
During the ensuing
discussion the following points were highlighted:
one of the caravan shops intended to close during the above event, if it was on
the same date as the half-term holidays, along with the Lifeboat Shop as it
would be too busy and this meant they would have to keep control of their
event was originally welcomed to Barmouth in order to extend the holiday season
for the benefit of the local economy.
the event did not come to Barmouth this would be a loss to the hotels and bed
and breakfast establishments
it was intended to provide a questionnaire to local businesses to find out if
the event benefited businesses.
it be possible to move this event to another weekend in November to coincide
with Bonfire Night, however it was stated that Remembrance Sunday was on 10th
Resolved: To request that the
Maritime and Country Parks Officer contacts Mr Tom Arnold, Motorcross Organiser
to initially find out if it would be possible to move the event this year to
another weekend and to suggest that it coincides with Bonfire Night; and
secondly, if this is not possible, could they consider a date that will avoid
half-term in 2019.
(vi) A Member noted that it was
proposed to establish a Lifesaving Group and it was suggested that the Maritime
Service should be notified when a meeting had been organised.
the context of 'trot' moorings, the member of the Three Peaks Race Committee
that these moorings
belonged to their Committee and there had been extended discussions in the past
regarding their suitability. It was
noted that expensive boats had moored on them without any trouble. The Three Peaks Race Committee were more
than willing for the Council to use the moorings if they wished, following the
race. It was suggested that the local
contractor and the Maritime Service should discuss the matter further to use
one or two of the above moorings.
It was understood from the
Town Councillor that the Three Peaks Race Committee had recently submitted a
financial application to the Town Council.
It was further noted that the Town Councillor had met the Senior
Harbours Officer to discuss better use of the moorings and that another meeting
was to be arranged.
Town Councillor noted that the Town Council had proposed to fund a small
project in the cemetery area to provide
chains to allow launching.
The matter would be discussed
further with the Maritime Service.
Committee was given an assurance that moorings, where there are no forms for
them, would be taken out during the summer.
Resolved: To accept and note
the contents of the report of the Maritime and Country Parks Officer.
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