To submit the Senior Planning Policy Officers’ reports
A presentation
by Linda Lee giving an update on the Open
Spaces in new Housing Developments
SPG since it was presented
to the Joint Local Development Plan Panel on the 17 July 2018.
Matters arising:
Should the SPG state that all children’s play areas have
to adhere to appropriate standards?
Support paragraph 2.2.5, which asks for
justification from the applicant regarding developing at a lower density in order
to ensure that applications are not purposefully trying to avoid reaching the threshold level of 10 or more
All childrens’ play areas need to adhere
to the National standards therefore
it does not need to be included
in the SPG.
Comment noted
Approve the publication of the SPG for public consultation.
A presentation
by Rhodri Owen giving an update on the Open
Spaces in new Housing Developments
SPG since it was presented
to the Joint Local Development Plan Panel on the 17 July 2018.
It was noted
that following discussions with legal departments of both Councils there
is one change from the original SPG, which is to extend the period for marketing
the property for 12 weeks in steps
1 and 2. The cascade
Matters arising:
Will it be possible to increase the footprint of local market houses for
people who require a home office?
Will there be a maximum price for building
or selling local market housing?
How much evidence
will applicants have to present and how detailed
will the Councils’ assessment of the evidence be? What will happen
if the evidence is found to be incorrect after the house has been built?
Will builders be allowed to build houses and
sell them on to eligible people?
Home offices will
need to be part of the footprint of the house and not as additional space. This will
be the case no matter what type
of house it is, including affordable housing. Any room in
the house can be used as a home office.
There will be no maximum
price to build or sell Local Market
Houses. Similar to affordable or agricultural dwellings they will be affordable to local people or affordable by design.
The Planning Service does not wish to
make the process of submitting a planning application more onerous than it should be. However it is important to ensure that only eligible
people live in local market
houses. Therefore it is important to ask for robust evidence.
In terms of people submitting incorrect or fraudulent evidence during the application process there are means
of taking enforcement
action against them which may mean
court action because they have knowingly
circumvented the planning
Builders will be able
to build the local market housing but, as with affordable
housing, the housing must be occupied by people who meet
the relevant requirements.
The planning permission will be subject to a condition or 106 agreement ensures that.
Approve the publication of the SPG for public consultation.
Supporting documents: