To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting of the Barmouth Consultative Committee held on 15 October 2015.
Submitted: Minutes
of a meeting of the Barmouth Harbour Consultative
Committee held on 15 October 2015.
Resolved: To accept and approve the minutes as a
true record.
2.1 Matters arising from
the minutes:
Wintering Boats
In response
to an enquiry regarding wintering boats on a section of the car park, the
Maritime and Country Parks Officer noted that following a discussion with Mr Colin Jones, Parking and Road Safety Manager, that the
principle was acceptable, however, discussions were required on how to
administer the arrangements, responsibility for the boats etc. There had been discussions regarding the
cost which could be in a form of a bond between £300-£500 as a deposit for any
cleaning required once the boats had been moved. As a way forward, the Maritime and Country Parks
Officer suggested that Members could ask their clubs if they were interested in
the above provision and to record their interest with the Harbour
Master and then a scheme could be undertaken by next winter.
Resolved: To request that the clubs/associations
contact the Harbour Master if there is any interest
to winter boats on a section of the car park, in order to further complete the
required arrangements.
Wheelchair Access to the Promenade
Stemming from
the discussion regarding the submission of an application for a grant to the
Lottery Fund to provide more access locations for wheelchair access to the
promenade, an update was given by Cllr. Eryl Jones-Williams and he stated that
the Meirionnydd Access Group did not submit
applications themselves but in conjunction with other organisations. In addition, the Meirionnydd
Access Group did not currently have a Secretary or Treasurer. It was also felt that if the Town Council
established a Barmouth Access Group then this would
fragment the Meirionnydd Access Group. To add to the problem the Council had
deleted the post of Disability Officer.
It was understood that approximately 4 sections from the Black Patch to
the Arbour Hotel were inaccessible to wheelchairs.
Resolved: To accept and note the above.
Launching from Penrhyn Point
In response
to concern regarding supervising launching from Penrhyn
Point, the Maritime and Country Parks
Officer explained that the Service did not have the capacity to send staff to Penrhyn Point and signs had been erected in the area in
cooperation with the local community. In
terms of the potential to get volunteers to assist, it was not anticipated that
there would be any problem if 3 / 4 individuals were willing to assist under
the Harbour Master's wing, dependent on insurance
terms. It would also be useful if ferry
operators could inform the Harbour Master if they see
any unregistered boats launching.
Maritime and Country Parks Officer stressed that there was a formal system to
follow namely that it was necessary for individuals to complete forms PG1
(details of individuals) and PG2 (risk assessment).
Resolved: To request that Members make enquiries
with their clubs/associations to find volunteers to assist the Harbour Master with unregistered launching from Penrhyn Point and for them to contact the Harbour Master if there is any interest.
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