To submit
the report of the Head of Corporate Services
The report was submitted at the request of the members
in order to have a better understanding of the Language Standards and
The report was submitted by the Head of Corporate
Support Department and he reported on the problems identified. He explained
that language levels had been denoted to fulfil the requirements of the posts;
however, there was no certainty that every Manager had given adequate
consideration when denoting an appropriate level for posts and that the
language levels denoted for each post needed to be reviewed. In addition, it
was reported that there were no recognised criteria in relation to the existing
levels and that any assessment was dependent on interpretation and professional
opinion of the Co-ordinator in consultation with the line manager. He reported
on the intention for the Language Tutor to use the assessment plan noted in
Appendix 2 which set out practical language levels which were in keeping with
the WJEC language levels and to assess the officers' attainment against the
language requirements.
It was further noted that an agreed timescale needed
to be set in order to reach the language requirements but that timescale would
need to be flexible and adapted for the language requirements of every
individual situation.
In response to a member's request for figures in terms
of officers' progress in reaching the requirements, the Head of Corporate
Support Department confirmed that officers were making progress and that there
were great successes which resulted in awarding the Dafydd Orwig
prize every year.
In response to the members' concerns that the
Council's conditions were not realised, it was reported that it was important
to ensure that Heads of Departments referred the officers to the Language
It was explained that it was intended to submit the
details of the recommendation to the Management Group as the next step, which
would be followed by scheduling consultations with service managers across the
In response to an enquiry by a member regarding the
reason why the Council would appoint an officer who was not on the language
requirements level, it was explained that there was a shortage of
Welsh-speakers for some posts particularly in some specific areas of the
The Head of Corporate Support Department confirmed
that there would be robust evidence under this new Scheme to display whether
officers reached the language requirements relevant to their posts.
In response to an enquiry by a Member regarding why
chief officers were exempt from the Under-performance Policy provided as an
appendix to the report, it was explained that those officers worked under
different conditions of employment and that there was a corresponding policy
for them also.
In terms of timescale, it was explained that the
Scheme would be implemented immediately with the Human Resources Advisory
Service and the Learning and Development Service raising awareness of the new
a) To approve the Scheme
b) To ask the Head of
Corporate Support Department to submit a progress report against the Scheme to
the Language Committee in 12 months' time.
Supporting documents: