Cabinet Member – Councillor Dilwyn Morgan
To consider a
report on the above (attached).
A report was submitted providing
Members with an update on the implementation progress of the 'A Healthier
Wales' (Children) Transformation Programme in Gwynedd. Members were reminded
that 'A Healthier Wales' was Welsh Government's long term scheme for health and
social care, published in 2018 in response to the Parliamentary Review of
Health and Social Care. In relation to the Healthier Wales Scheme, there was an
action plan, arranged in the form of a national programme of transformation and
supported by the Transformation Fund. It was added that the North Wales
Regional Partnership Board had responded to 'A Healthier Wales', securing
resources from the transformation fund for four fields of work. It was
highlighted that one of those fields was Transforming Integrated Early
Intervention and Intensive Support for Children and Young People. An update was
provided on the programme's main work streams.
of the 'Effective Child Protection' model - the pilot was operational in
Gwynedd only, in an attempt to ensure that child protection practices were
effective. The other north Wales regions were eager to see whether the project
was successful
Intensive Support Multi-disciplinary Team - the establishment of a team across
Gwynedd and Anglesey to ensure support for a small percentage of families who
would benefit from intensive intervention due to complex needs
Support Hub - work was ongoing to develop the Hub, which had already drawn
together the Children's Social Services Admissions Team, the Information for
Families Team and the Team around the Family. The hub would use one procedure
for admission, assessment and referral, and would be a gateway for information,
early support, preventative services, care and safeguarding.
and Young People's Mental Health and Emotional Well-being - this work stream
was being led by Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board. The first meeting of the
Steering Group, arranged for January, had been postponed.
It was reported that the work
streams supported by designated Project Managers reported to the North Wales
Children and Young People Transformation Group.
During the discussion, the following
observations were made by Members:-
postponing the Children and Young People's Mental Health and Emotional
Well-being Steering Group was unacceptable, given the importance of the field
was a concern that Council services would have to fill the gap if the Health
Board did not provide services
was a need to ensure that the effective child protection model continued beyond
the pilot period.
In response to a concern regarding the fact
that the first meeting of the Children and Young People's Mental Health and
Emotional Well-being Steering Group had been postponed, it was noted that it
was a challenging situation in terms of delivering the right service for
children, and that it was the Steering Group's intention to have open
discussions with the Health Board to improve the provision.
In response to an observation regarding the
effective child protection model, it was noted that the work would continue as
it was led by the Service's internal arrangements. It was added that Gwynedd
would be launching a good practice model, and that the practice would be
cascaded to the entire service over the coming year.
The service was thanked for its work
to receive an update in 12 months' time
Supporting documents: