Report by Hefin Owen
It was explained that this year was unique as the Budget Forum had not been
held in October as the Welsh Government's settlement was late. It was highlighted that the Council had
requested all departments to find savings of up to £2 million across the
Council. In order to discuss and scrutinise
these savings, it was explained that discussions had taken place to look at the
savings of all departments. It was
explained that the Education Department had highlighted various cuts to schools
as one of the options to find their savings target, however, the Education and
Economy Scrutiny Committee had refused this option. Following the receipt of the draft
settlement, it was highlighted that the Cabinet had resolved not to implement
the cuts this year.
In terms of the Digital Strategy, it was noted that there was nothing to
note and this cut would not now be implemented. It was expressed that there were no financial
commitments to schools in 2020/21. It
was added that some had thought that Cynnal finance would be available for the
digital strategy but it was stated that it was additional finance. It was emphasised that further discussions
were required and to forward plan for the next year. It was therefore noted that the Head of
Information Technology would attend the next meeting.
It was stated that Governors had received the forecasts for this year and
the adjustments seen were explained. It
was expressed that 'Other Integration' would be moved to the centre in case
there will be more need for statement integration. The department will consult
on the options regarding what to do with the money. In terms of permanent
expenditure, it was noted that the responses would be received back by 2 March
and then there would be a discussion at the Cabinet. It was added, that this year the £392,000
at the centre and the spring term had not yet been calculated. It was stated that
a letter would be sent to explain the situation.
The new line in the forecasts for ALN was highlighted as a result of the
developments that are occurring. However, it was emphasised that it was
necessary to see it before its meaning could be made clear.
Observations arising from the discussion
ALN were discussed and it was noted that some
Headteachers received more information than others as some were randomly
invited to meetings. The importance that
everyone received the information in plenty of time was stressed.
It was asked if the department intended to discuss ALN
with all the headteachers and Forum Members as children were highlighted in the
statement but funding was being taken from schools for 1:1. It was noted that a joint presentation with
finance and area leaders would be given to give an understanding and input on
how the money will be used.
To accept the report and a further report was requested with a paper
analysis to give a wider picture of ALN work.