8.1 £4.3m summary
8.2 Education comparative spend 2015-16
8.3 Summary of weakening PTR an effect o protection
8.4 Modelling of weakened primary PTR
8.5 Modelling of weakening PTR in individual primary schools
8.6 Modelling of weakening PTR in individual secondary schools
A report was submitted by the
Head of Education outlining the options to share the remaining savings target
of £3,348,000.
Chairman expressed to the Forum, whilst accepting that schools lost money via grants,
demographic impact etc, that it was necessary to come to a specific decision
bearing in mind that other services within the Council had already agreed on
their targets.
Head of Education summarised the previous arguments and the report before them
took into consideration the context of the Gwynedd Challenge, the discussion
and the options to share the remaining savings target between the primary and
secondary sectors, Estyn feed-back and comparative national statistics. They were reminded that in the past the Cabinet had
protected educational interests and the authority had been extremely
transparent and totally open regarding the contents of the options within the
report. It had to be remembered that the
department was being challenged corporately.
Education Finance Working Group was thanked for determining the agreed plans in
the sum of £1,028,000 with the remaining savings of £2,320,00 to be found.
the recommendation before for preferred Option C was based on educational
arguments and options A and CH were not under consideration.
response to a comment made regarding long term plans for school organisation,
it was explained that the Cabinet’s direction was a target savings of £4.3m to
schools and that no saving was based on school organisation to be included
within the £4.3m. It was
stressed that the infrastructure was not sustainable within the available
the discussion regarding achieving the remainder of the savings target, the
following observations were highlighted:
In response to some of the
above observations, the Head of Education noted -
(g) Following a discussion, it was proposed and seconded
to compromise by recommending option B to split the £2,320,000 remaining of the
savings target for both sectors subject to the following conditions:
To retain the savings of £4.3m fixed over the
next three years up to 2018.
That any further schools
organisation savings would contribute to the savings after 2018.
An amendment was proposed to the
above, namely to offer another option between the option of cut B and C that
would take into consideration the cut to large primary schools and that more
work was undertaken to address the above.
In response, the Head of
Education noted his appreciation of the compromise by implementing option B and
this would be a challenge for the Cabinet Member for Education to press on the
Cabinet to approve recycling the money stemming from the schools organisation
to alleviate the schools cut in 2018/19.
Following the Head of
Education's response, the amendment was withdrawn.
The meeting was deferred for
10 minutes in order to give both sectors an opportunity to discuss the proposal
as outlined in (g) above.
The meeting was reconvened
and a vote was taken on the proposal and was carried with thee members
Resolved: (a) To
convey to the Council’s Cabinet that the Schools’ Budget Forum approve
implementing the remainder of the savings target of £3,348,000 as follows by:
Confirming the agreed plans of the
Education Finance Working Group in the sum of £1,028,000;
Sharing the remainder of the savings
target of £2,320,000 in accordance with the option B cut (£1,642,151 – primary
sector and £680,363 – secondary sector) subject to the following conditions:
That any further schools organisation savings would
contribute to the savings after 2018.
(b) That the Schools’ Budget Forum
discusses the budget of the special learning needs budget at its next meeting
on 20 January 2016.
Supporting documents: