Cabinet Member: Councillor Dafydd Meurig
To consider the
To accept the contents of the report and the appended documents
noting the observations.
The priorities and the future direction of the work were supported.
The Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Well-being submitted a report by
the Senior Operational Officer of the Gwynedd and Anglesey Community Safety
Partnership. It was explained that the Partnership was required to report
formally to the Committee every year, presenting an overview of the
Partnership's main strategic developments over the year, together with the
commissioning work that set the framework for the priorities
which were based on a strategic assessment. It was
reiterated that this ensured that the Partnership fulfilled its
obligations in accordance with sections of the Criminal Justice and Police Act
2006, by working with the Police, the Health Service, the Probation Service and
the Fire and Rescue Service. Attention was drawn to
the main messages resulting from the activities undertaken in 2020/21 together
with the year's main achievements.
The main milestones for 2020 –
2021 were highlighted and the Scrutiny Committee was
asked to support the priorities listed in the report together with the future
direction of the work.
Gratitude was
expressed for the report.
In response to an observation regarding
concerns that crimes using scams were on the increase and the need to raise
further awareness on how to identify, avoid or report them, it was reported
that the Police and the Trading Standards Unit were carrying out work to
promote this. It was noted that the Communications
Team had conducted several campaigns to draw attention to the matter on the
Council's website and on social media, but there was a need to avoid
overwhelming the audience with too much information. It was reinforced that the
matter was being addressed by the Safeguarding Panel
and that the Older People Commissioner had identified it as a national matter
with several attempts made to raise awareness.
In response to an
observation regarding the Police's lack of resources and the Council not having
sufficient enforcement resources to deal with matters and offences related to
traffic and highways, it was noted, that although traffic matters were not
within the Partnership's remit, that the Police and the Council had
collaborated well recently (over the period of the pandemic) to deal with these
matters, but that there was room for improvement.
In response to an increase in substance
misuse and that the use was going under the radar in a
number of communities, it was highlighted that work was being done regionally
to increase support. An observation was made that the
Partnership was only reporting on the number of reported crime, nevertheless,
it was collaborating well with County Lines to gather information to gain an
understanding of the situation in order to make interventions. Members were
encouraged to share any knowledge of local matters with the Police to respond /
investigate the incidents.
During the discussion, the
following observations were submitted by members:-
Legalising drugs would free up money to undertake
preventative work rather than spending money on policing the problem. Need to
look at innovative ways of dealing with the situation.
It was suggested that the Police should present a training
session again for the members on the work being done to tackle County Lines.
police presence in our communities - more powers locally to deal with local
matters and to prevent antisocial behaviour.
That the Home Office should consider abolishing the
Police Commissioner function and create a Mayor post for north Wales - need to
consider where the matter could be discussed.
To accept the contents of the report and the
appended documents noting the observations
The priorities and the future direction of
the work were supported.
Supporting documents: