To discuss
the report of the Senior Harbours Officer.
To accept the contents of the report and to note the observations.
To accept the contents of the report and to note the observations.
An update was given on Harbour Management
Matters by the Senior Harbours
Officer emphasising that the pandemic had affected the figures of every harbour in
Gwynedd. This
was supported by the Chairman.
He proceeded to update Committee members on the following points:
The annual moorings were reported upon and the
reduction seen in 2020, namely, that there had been 47 boats on annual moorings
compared to 68 in 2019. It was presumed that many vessel holders had decided
not to utilise their vessels during this period.
It was reported on the number of registered
boats and personal watercraft and it was noted that there had been an increase
in the number of personal watercraft.
Reference was made to the report and it was
stated that all the relevant statistics were noted within, and questions on
these were welcomed.
The Port Marine Safety Code was discussed and members
were asked to inform the Service if they had any observations
regarding this. The situation regarding harbour staff was discussed and they were
thanked for their work during
the lockdown period. It was
noted that they had continued to work throughout the pandemic to ensure the safety of the public and the harbour.
In relation to the situation regarding the Covid-19 regulations,
it was noted that signage had been erected to assist with compliance and to ensure that
staff remain safe.
The Assistant Harbourmaster was welcomed and his appointment was now a permanent contract. It was noted that his contribution had been key in
supporting the Harbourmaster
during this difficult period. Along with this appointment,
the Senior Harbours Officer
noted that it was proposed to appoint two seasonal beach
officers as it was anticipated
that there would be a great deal of visitors this summer.
In relation to financial matters, it was noted that the current figures were not currently available from the finance unit; however, assurance was given that these
would be available to members soon. An update was given on the financial situation and it was noted there had been a major impact
on the income gained as a result of the lower number of boats and it was anticipated that uncertainty regarding travel would also
impact income this year. It was added and noted
that Council members had supported and had reduced the income targets to take into consideration
the maritime industry's challenges.
The Harbourmaster and the Harbours Assistant were thanked for
the work last year during a very
busy period, although it had been a short season. The importance of their posts was reiterated in relation
to the safe management of
the harbours and beaches.
During the discussion, the following observations were raised;
All harbour staff were thanked for their work
by the Members.
It was added that the area had experienced a
very high number of visitors and it was anticipated that this would happen again
this year and harbour staff will be very busy, it was emphasised that they
needed every support.
Sympathy was shown to the department as the
income had obviously reduced due to the restrictions.
It was accepted, however, that the income
needed to be raised and it was proposed that keeping the fees the same would
increase the number who would pay.
In response to some of the above observations, it was noted;
That the Council was very supportive of the
harbours' financial position and that there had been several meetings to
discuss ways to respond to the post-restrictions period.
The main focus this
summer would be to ensure the safety of visitors to harbours and beach areas.
It was confirmed that the Council was very
supportive and many meetings had taken place to look at how to respond to opening up and the numbers of visitors in all parts of
It was added that the support of two members of
staff this summer would release a member of staff to be out on the water more
regularly to keep everything in order.
It was noted that the justification for raising
fees was to support the Service and to encourage people to register for the
It was added that people were encouraged to pay
on-line or electronically as it was not possible to register at the harbour
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