Plas Weunydd Hotel, Llechwedd, Blaenau Ffestiniog, LL41 3NB
To consider the above application
To grant the application
Representing the premises:
Mr Michael Bewick Gwesty Plas Weunydd, Llechwedd, Blaenau
Others invited:
Mark Mortimer -
Environmental Health Officer
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. The Chair highlighted
that each party would be allowed
up to ten minutes to make their observations
The Licensing Department's Report
Submitted – the
report of the Licensing Manager giving details of the application for a
premises licence for Gwesty Plas
Weunydd, Llechwedd, Blaenau
Ffestiniog. The application was made in relation to
the sale of alcohol, live music on the premises, and recorded music on and off
the premises
It was noted that
the Licensing Authority Officers had sufficient evidence that the application
had been submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Licensing Act
2003 and the relevant regulations. Reference was made to the measures that had
been recommended by the applicant to promote the licensing objectives, and it
was highlighted that these measures would be included on the licence.
Attention was
drawn to the responses that had been received during the consultation period.
It was noted that observations had been received from the Police and the Public
Protection Department, and that the applicant had already agreed to a
compromise in relation to the proposed conditions:
It had been agreed to curtail the hours of playing
music off the premises at 9p.m.
A temporary event notice would be submitted if it
was intended to hold an event after 11p.m.
No bottle or recycling bins to be emptied after
To undertake a risk assessment and to employ door
supervisors if this was deemed necessary by the risk assessment, or at any
other time at the Police's request and agreement.
It was recommended
that the Committee approved the application in accordance with what was agreed
with the Public Protection Department and the Police and in accordance with the
requirements of the Licensing Act 2003.
In considering the application, the following procedure was followed:-
· Members of the Sub-committee and the applicant were given the opportunity to ask questions of the Licensing Manager
· The Police were invited to expand on the application
· Members of the
Sub-committee were given an opportunity to ask questions of the Police
· The licence holder, or their representative, was invited to respond to the observations
· Consultees were given an opportunity to present their observations
· Members of the Sub-committee were given an
opportunity to ask questions of the licence holder and consultees
Elaborating on the application, the applicant
The historic building had now been converted into a
luxury hotel
It was hoped that the site would be part of a
future World Heritage Site
There was an increase in the number of visitors to
the area – the hotel was responding to demand
It was intended to provide a high value and high
quality service to visitors
The hotel would create jobs in the area
They intended to be good neighbours and to
collaborate with the community – a safe and quiet stay was part of the service
The consultees in attendance
took the opportunity to expand on the observations
they had submitted by letter.
Health Officer,
· Llechwedd had complied with
all the requirements
Reference was made
to the observations received from the Police
ch) Taking advantage of the
opportunity to conclude his case, the applicant noted that he was happy with
the contents of the written report, and the opportunity to submit the
d) The applicant, the Licensing
Manager and the
Environmental Health Officer
withdrew from the meeting whilst the members of the Sub-committee discussed the
dd) In reaching its decision,
the Sub-committee considered
the written comments submitted by interested parties, the Licensing Officer's report, and verbal comments
from the applicant at the hearing. The Council's Licensing Policy and the Home Office guidelines were also considered. All considerations were weighed up against
the licensing objectives under the Licensing Act 2003, namely:
Prevention of crime and disorder
Prevention of public nuisance
Ensuring public safety
Protection of children from harm
RESOLVED to approve the application
The licence was given as follows:
Opening hours: Sun-Sat 07:00-23:00
Live music indoors: Sun-Sat 12:00-23:00
Recorded music indoors: Sun-Sat 11:00-23:00
Recorded music oudoors: Sun-Sat 11:00-21:00
Alcohol to be consumed on
the premises: Sun-Sat
The issues in section M of the application for a licence (schedule of actions) to be included as conditions on the licence.
The premises not to empty
bottle and recycling bins after 21:30 each day.
In relation to any special events,
and at the request of the Police, the premises to undertake a written risk assessment and, if advised
by the assessment, to employ
SIA registered door supervisors for the event.
All parties were thanked for
making representations on the application.
The Sub-committee gave due consideration
to all the representations.
It was noted that the neither the Public Protection Unit nor the Police had any objections to the application in principle. Public
Protection had submitted a recommendation that the final hour of playing
music outdoors was curtailed to 21:00, and that bottle and
recycling bins should not be emptied after 21:30. Additionally, the Police recommended the inclusion of a condition requesting that a risk assessment be prepared, and if
necessary, that a door supervisor should be employed for special events.
The recommendations were submitted in order
to promote the four objectives.
A condition
regarding the need to request a temporary event notice was not included if it was intended to hold an event after
23:00 as it was not necessary to include
such a condition. Under the circumstances, the Sub-committee was satisfied that the application, as amended, was in accordance with the four licensing objectives.
The Solicitor reported that the decision would
be confirmed formally by letter to everyone who was present. He added that all
parties to the application had the right to submit an appeal to Caernarfon Magistrates'
Court against the Sub-committee's decision. Any such appeal should be lodged by
giving notice of appeal to the Chief Executive, Llandudno Magistrates’ Court,
Llandudno within 21 days of the date that the appellant received the letter (or
a copy of the letter) confirming the decision.
Supporting documents: