The Griffin, Griffin Terrace, Penrhyndeudraeth, Gwynedd, LL48 6LW.
To consider the above application
To grant the application
Representing the premises:
Nia Jones
Others invited:
Local Member:
Councillor Gareth Thomas
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
The Licensing Department's Report
Submitted – the
report of the Licensing Manager giving details of the application for a
premises licence for The Griffin, Griffin Terrace, Penrhyndeudraeth, Gwynedd.
The application was made in relation to the sale of
alcohol, live and recorded music, on and off the premises.
It was noted that the Licensing Authority Officers had
sufficient evidence that the application had been submitted in accordance with
the requirements of the Licensing Act 2003 and the relevant regulations.
Reference was made to the measures that had been
recommended by the applicant to promote the licensing objectives, and it was
highlighted that these measures would be included on the licence.
She drew attention
to the responses that had been received during the
consultation period, and noted an objection from the Public Protection
Department and proposed conditions from North Wales Police.
The objection from
the Public Protection Department highlighted noise concerns due to outdoor
entertainment late at night on the premises, which would lead to the creation
of a public nuisance to the residents of nearby houses. Following a series of
e-mails, correspondence had been received from the
applicant confirming that it was intended to build an area for the provision of
live outdoor entertainment, although this work had not yet been completed. The
applicant expressed his wish to withdraw the outdoor entertainment element from the application until they were
in a situation to implement appropriate measures. Consequently, the Public
Protection Department withdrew its objection to the application, subject to the
applicant confirming at the hearing that there was no intention to hold outdoor
entertainment for the time being.
It was added that the applicant had agreed to include
additional conditions in relation to CCTV, promoting the Challenge 25
Initiative and undertaking a risk assessment on the requirement for door supervisors,
at the request of North Wales Police.
It was recommended that the Committee approved the application
if the applicant confirmed that the provision of outdoor entertainment was
removed from the application, and in accordance with the recommendations of the
Police and the requirements of the Licensing Act 2003.
In considering the application, the following procedure was
Members of the
Sub-committee and the applicant were given the opportunity to ask questions of
the Licensing Manager
The applicant was invited
to expand on the application
Consultees were given an opportunity to present
their observations
The licensee, or his/her
representative, was invited to respond to the observations
Members of the
Sub-committee were given an opportunity to ask questions of the licensee
Members of the
Sub-committee were given an opportunity to ask questions of the consultees
Elaborating on the application, the applicant noted:
She was happy with the observations
presented by the Licensing Manager
She was withdrawing the outdoor entertainment element from the
application for the time being – the provision had not been completed
Everything was ready in
order to open
In response to an
observation regarding emphasising the need to ensure that CCTV recordings were kept for 30 days, the Licensing Officer stated that
this formed part of the Police's recommendations, and that the applicant had
agreed to fully comply with these requirements.
At the Chair's invitation, the Local Member in attendance took the
opportunity to present observations
Local Member - Councillor Gareth Thomas
He was supportive of the
It was pleasing to see a
business opening in the hospitality sector.
The applicant and her
family had made
a substantial investment in the enterprise.
The public house was an important resource for the
There were plans to extend
the use of the outside area, but an application would be
submitted following the receipt of planning permission and the
completion of the work.
He was pleased to see The
Griffin re-opening and in safe hands
Taking advantage of the opportunity to conclude her case, the applicant
noted the following points:
She was grateful for the
opportunity to hold a discussion
The enterprise would
provide local employment
The Griffin was the heart of the village, a family
public house with a garden - and the football team were already looking forward
to seeing the public house re-open
The Licensing
Manager added that she was happy with the applicant's confirmation that outdoor
entertainment was being withdrawn from the
application, and that an amended application would be considered. It was intended to continue to collaborate with the applicant
and the Public Protection Department to ensure that a suitable outdoor area was
provided at the premises in future.
The applicant, the
Local Member and the Licensing Manager withdrew from the meeting while the
Sub-committee members discussed the application.
In reaching its decision, the Sub-committee considered written
observations that had been submitted by interested
parties, the oral observations presented during the hearing and the Licensing
Officer's report. The Council's Licensing Policy and Home Office guidelines were considered. All considerations were
weighed up against the licensing objectives under the Licensing Act
2003, namely:
of crime and disorder
of public nuisance
public safety
of children from harm
RESOLVED to approve the application
The licence was issued as follows:
Opening hours
Standard times:
Thursday 08:00-00:30
Non-standard times:
Final hour 01:00 on
Bank Holiday Weekends
Final hour 02:00 on New
Year's Eve
2. Live music indoors only
Standard times:
Non-standard times:
Final hour 00:30 on
Bank Holiday Weekends
Final hour 01:00 on New
Year's Eve
3. Recorded music indoors only
Standard times:
Non-standard times:
Final hour 00:30 on
Bank Holiday Weekends
Final hour 01:00 on New
Year's Eve
4. Supply of alcohol to be
consumed on and off the premises
Standard times:
Thursday 11:00-00:00
Non-standard times:
Outdoor bar closes
Final hour indoors
00:30 on Bank Holiday Weekends
Final hour indoors
01:30 on New Year's Eve
For the purpose of these
conditions, Bank Holiday Weekends are defined as a period commencing on Friday
and ending on the following Monday when a day within that period is a bank
Matters prescribed in
the Schedule of Actions (Section M) of the application are
incorporated as conditions on the licence.
The conditions
recommended by North Wales Policy in relation to age checks, door supervisors
and CCTV shall be incorporated as conditions on the
All parties were thanked for making
representations on the application.
The Sub-committee gave specific consideration to
the observations of the Council's Public Protection Department. The objection
to the original application in relation to public nuisance concerns from
outdoor entertainment late at night, was highlighted.
Consideration was also given to North Wales Police's
observations that recommended the inclusion of standard conditions in relation
to age checks, supervisors and CCTV. Consideration was given
to the applicant's observations confirming an amendment to the application not
to include licensed outdoor music activities for the time being. It was accepted that there was an intention in due course to
include these activities on the licence when the adaptation works to the
premises had been completed.
The Committee did not come to a conclusion
regarding whether or not the original
application would have undermined the licensing objective of preventing public
nuisance, as there was no need to consider the matter following the amendment
to the application. The Sub-committee was of the view that the amendment to
restrict music entertainment solely to inside the premises meant that there was
only a low risk of noise, and that it would not be detrimental to the objective
of preventing public nuisance.
Under the circumstances, the Sub-committee
was satisfied that the amended application was in accordance with the four
licensing objectives. The application was approved.
The Solicitor reported that the decision would be confirmed formally by letter to everyone who was
present. He added that all parties to the application had the right to submit
an appeal to Caernarfon Magistrates' Court against the Sub-committee's
decision. Any such appeal should be lodged by giving notice of appeal to the
Chief Executive, Llandudno Magistrates’ Court, Llandudno within 21 days of the
date that the appellant received the letter (or a copy of the letter)
confirming the decision.
Supporting documents: