Dafydd L
Edwards, Host Authority Statutory Finance Officer and Sian Pugh, Host Authority
Group Accountant to provide details of the actual revenue expenditure and income
for the second quarter of the 2021/22 financial year as well as projected full
year out-turn against its annual budget.
1. To receive and note the NWEAB Joint-Committee’s
revenue and capital second quarter review for 2020/21.
2. To acknowledge
the receipt and proposed use of the £500,000 for the Whole System Business Research Innovation for Decarbonisation (WBRID)
grant, in line with the award of funding letter that was received by Welsh Government in June
3. To approve
the use of a specific earmarked reserve to hold the partner interest contributions received, to set against the cost of borrowing required to fund the negative cash flow
in future years.
The report was submitted by Sian Pugh (Group Accountant - Corporate and
1. To receive and note the NWEAB Joint-Committee’s
revenue and capital second quarter review for 2020/21.
2. To acknowledge the receipt and proposed use of the
£500,000 for the Whole System Business Research Innovation for Decarbonisation
(WBRID) grant, in line with the award of funding letter that was received by
Welsh Government in June 2021.
3. To approve the use of a specific earmarked reserve
to hold the partner interest contributions received, to set against the cost of
borrowing required to fund the negative cash flow in future years.
note a forecast underspend of £183,178 against the revenue budget in 2021/22.
Any underspend at the end of the financial year may be transferred to the
earmarked reserve.
note a slippage on the capital programme which means that it will now be
running for an extra three years to 2028/29
The report was submitted noting that it was a financial review for the
second quarter of the year. It was noted that the department estimated an
underspend of £128k on the Portfolio Management Office heading. It was
explained that this was as a result of delays in recruiting to jobs. It was
noted that the Support Services heading showed an underspend of £7k as a result
of underspend on the Insurance heading. This was because the NWEAB's Insurance
had been incorporated within the Gwynedd Council Insurance policies.
It was explained that an underspend of £18k was estimated on the
Joint-Committee heading, and that this was as a result of receiving a specific
grant from Welsh Government to fund some aspects of the work undertaken by
legal consultants.
In terms of projects, it was noted that the expenditure on this heading
must be considered in the context of the decarbonisation grant of half a
million. It was noted that the award of funding letter for this grant had not
been received until June 2021, and therefore had not been included in the
budget. Attention was drawn to an underspend of £40k on the external legal
support and assurance headings and that this was as a result of slippage on the
capital programme.
It was also noted that the partners' inflation contributions of £678k
reflected the figures presented to the Board in October 2020 and March 2021,
and the Board was asked to approve the use of the specific reserve fund to
allocate this money to fund the average cost of borrowing over the lifetime of
the growth deal. It was explained that once confirmation was received from
Welsh Government, the inflation contributions will be recalculated to reflect
the amended cost of borrowing.
It was noted that income sources for 2021/22 included partner
contributions, ESF Grant, North Wales Growth Deal Grant, Decarbonisation Grant
and the reserve fund. It was noted that this left an estimated position for
2021/22 of an underspend of £183k, and it was currently anticipated that there
would be a balance of £507k in the reserve fund at the end of the financial
In terms of the capital review, it was originally noted that they anticipated
that the capital programme would run from 2021/22 to 2025/26 but it was noted
that a slippage was likely on some of the projects which would mean that the
programme would run for an additional three years. It was noted that there was
a slippage of £13.21 million in 2021/22, £42.49 million in 2022/23 and £21.43
million in 2023/24. It was explained that the North Wales Growth Deal grant
would be used to fund the Capital Programme in 2021/22 and 2022/23 and that no
external borrowing would be needed until 2023/24.
During the discussion, the following matters were raised:-
¾ The Head of Finance added that the situation general was acceptable and
that the underspend as well as the slippage was unavoidable with the situation
as it was. It had been noted in May that the Board had approved the Annual
Return and that Audit Wales had stated that it was a clean return. It was noted
that next year's position remained uncertain.
¾ The department was thanked for all their work.
Supporting documents: