Vaughan-Evans, Operations Manager to present the Quarter 2 (July - September) Growth Deal report and updated Portfolio Risk Register.
To note
the Quarter 2 Performance Report and updated
Portfolio Risk Register.
To approve
the submission of the Quarter
2 Performance Report to
Welsh Government and UK
Government as well as the local
authority scrutiny committees.
The report was submitted by Hedd Vaughan-Evans, Operations Manager.
To note the Quarter 2 Performance Report and
updated Portfolio Risk Register.
To approve the submission of the Quarter 2
Performance Report to Welsh Government and UK Government as well as the local
authority scrutiny committees.
December 2020, the NWEAB and the Welsh and UK Governments agreed the Final Deal
Agreement for the North Wales Growth Deal. Regular reporting on progress
against the North Wales Growth Deal is one of the requirements of the Final
Deal Agreement.
The report was submitted noting that it provided an overview of the
progress with the Growth Deal programmes and projects for the second quarter.
It was noted that the Growth Deal's second annual assurance review had been
completed and an 'Amber-Green' rating had been achieved. It was noted that this
was the second highest delivery confidence rating available and an improvement
on the Amber rating received in 2020.
It was explained that the first annual update of the Portfolio Business
Case, a requirement of the Final Deal Agreement with Welsh and UK Governments,
had been completed.
It was noted that eight
projects were currently reporting as Red due to either risks to the project
scope, or significant delays to project timescales. It was added that at this
stage, no project Full Business Cases had been approved, therefore the only
expenditure to date related to the drawdown against the 1.5% allocation for Portfolio
Management Office costs.
Attention was drawn to three risks in the risk register had increased
this quarter, which included partners' capacity to provide project board
representatives and difficulty recruiting into PMO vacancies, public sector investment
and spending objectives. It was explained that two of these had increased due
to a number of project change requests being considered. It was highlighted
that two new risks had been added following the portfolio assurance review.
Observations arising from the discussion
¾ It was noted that the increase in the price of materials was affecting
project costs but that this had been highlighted in the risk register in the
previous quarter.
¾ It was noted that the ESF funding would be ending and concern was raised
in terms of funding staff and it was explained that there was a need to lobby
about this matter regionally and separately and that we may need to be united
as a Board.
¾ It was noted that the Election would be held next year and that staff
needed to continue with the good work. It was explained that the deal needed to
continue to be flexible and willing to adjust projects if risks were to arise.
¾ The need to amend the title of Hydrogen project was explained in order
to be more specific and it was noted that the team was looking into this at
present and a further report was requested at the next meeting.
Prior to excluding the press and public, members thanked the Chief
Executive of Flintshire Council, Colin Everett, for his work leading the Ambition
Board in recent years and for ensuring that they stuck to the vision.
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