Alwen Williams, Portfolio Director, to provide and update to the board about the development of a strategy to address the required investment for the Growth Deal.
To note the update
on the development of an investment strategy.
The report was submitted by Alwen Williams (Portfolio Director).
To note the update on the development of an
investment strategy.
year the North Wales Growth Deal enters into an independent Gateway Review as
part of its governance and assurance process. The Portfolio’s Gateway Review,
held in August 2021 delivered a delivery confidence rating of Amber/Green,
which recognises that successful delivery appears probable. However, constant
attention will be needed to ensure risks do not materialise into major issues
threatening delivery.
of the review panel's recommendation was that that a portfolio level strategy
for attracting and securing private, and other, sector investment should be
developed and adopted
The report was presented and it was noted that each year the Growth Deal
entered into an independent Gateway Review as part of its governance and
assurance process. The Review was held in August 2021, and a delivery
confidence rating of Amber/Green was achieved, which recognised that successful
delivery appeared probable. It was explained that the review panel recommended
that a portfolio level strategy be developed for attracting and securing
private, and other, sector investment.
It was explained that the Growth Deal is based on the delivery of
projects across five programmes with an anticipated total capital expenditure
of up to £1.1 billion. Of this total, it was added that £240million had been
committed by UK and Welsh Government, and it was noted that £179.2million was
expected to come from other public sector sources and £722million was to be
committed by the private sector. It was noted that the investment would
collectively contribute to the region’s economic growth over a ten to
fifteen-year term and that the investment was targeted at strategically
important industrial sectors, via the portfolio’s five programmes.
In line with the recommendations of the review panel, it was noted that
an initial draft of the Strategy had been submitted to the Portfolio Board on
26 November for consideration. The Portfolio Board requested additional time to
consider and provide input to the document. It was stated that the strategy
noted seven key objectives to get to grips with its aims effectively as well as
encouraging regional collaboration and seeking to identify potential
opportunities and threats associated with securing investment. It was added
that successful deliver of the objectives would ensure a co-ordinated approach
to securing the necessary investment.
Members were guided through the seven objectives within the Investment
Strategy. It was explained that there would be continued collaboration with the
regional stakeholders to build the approach which had been outlined and it was
noted that an update on the Strategy would be given to Welsh and UK Government
on 14 December 2021.
Observations arising from the discussion
Concern was expressed
that the local element was missing from the strategy and that the element of
local discussion was taken from the region. It was explained that it was not
intended for the document to lose the local element and it was noted that the
full document disclosed much more. The importance of looking locally for
investment and to extend further to attract other investment was noted. It was
noted that the purpose of the strategy was to implement definite objectives to
facilitate investment opportunities in the region and to ensure that the area
attracted the right investors as well. It was explained that it was important
to understand how every authority wanted to attract the investors and to
include this in the strategy.
The need to get
businesses to invest was noted and to do this there was a need to work together
and be a welcoming area.
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