To submit
the report of the Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing.
To approve the Assessment of the
North Wales Population Needs 2022.
The Project Manager, Adults, Health and
Well-being Team, elaborated further on the content of the report.
Councillor Gwynfor Owen enquired whether he should
declare an interest as he had recently used the North Wales Integrated Autism
Service, and as he was also involved with other matters within the field. In response, the Monitoring Officer explained
that the member was within his rights as this was a report of a general
assessment for North Wales.
Members were given an opportunity to make observations and ask
questions. The following matters were
raised by individual members:
It was noted that it was understood that this was a live document, and it
was enquired how quickly it could be changed. In response, it was explained
that the document submitted was a version that would be approved by the Council
today, it was hoped, and by the Regional Partnership Board further along in the
month, before it would be forwarded to Government and published. The officers
were undertaking more detailed work on Gwynedd's details and needs,
therefore anything could be adapted as a part of that work. The document would also be reviewed within 5
years, but the officers would also carry out some work during that time. It was noted that the Gwynedd document would
be a separate assessment, that was not linked to any statutory publication
date, and this would be the actual live document that would be available to
amend and add to it from day-to-day.
Concern was expressed that members only had five days to read this
450-page document, and it was asked how it had been possible for them to
scrutinise the matter and ask detailed questions. It was also suggested, since members could
only speak once on a matter in the Full Council, that important matters were
being pushed through without discussion.
It was also questioned how valuable a document of this size would be for
the people of Gwynedd. In terms of the
observations regarding the 'live' document, it was noted that the members had
heard about such things previously, and had subsequently found out that it was
not possible to change those documents for years. There was also concern that
the new Council would be told that they could not change the document, as the
previous Council had adopted it, and a call was made for the Cabinet Member and
the officers to be more considerate from now on.
It was noted that the Care Scrutiny Committee had scrutinised this
matter, and had supported and sympathised with the officers, who had had to
prepare the documents in a very short time-frame.
To close, the Cabinet Member noted:-
That the officers had completed heroic work within a considerably tight timetable,
in line with the requirements of the legislation.
That the Government was asked to allow more time due to the pandemic, but
that this permission had not been granted.
The Chair noted that he was also of the opinion that it was impossible
for members to scrutinise such a bulky report within 5 days, and he asked the
Cabinet Member to take the comments into consideration and pass them on.
RESOLVED to approve the Assessment of the North Wales
Population Needs 2022.
Supporting documents: