To share the consultation documents and invite
comments from the members on the contents of the consultation. The Language Unit will prepare a response to the consultation based on the comments
To accept the report
and ask the Language Unit to draw up a response to the consultation based on
the observations received by Members.
Submitted by the
Language Adviser - documents for information relating to Welsh Government's
consultation on the Welsh Language Communities Housing Scheme. It was explained
that the consultation offered steps to seek to address the current housing
situation and derived from the findings of Simon Brookes' report in 2021. It
was noted there was an opportunity for the Committee to submit comments that
would be added to the Language Unit's response to the Consultation.
Concerns were
that the consultation on the impact of the
pandemic on Welsh speaking community groups, that was referred to in the
consultation, had been held during the pandemic and therefore it was considered
that its true impact was yet to be apparent. It was proposed that a more recent
consultation was needed to provide a more complete picture.
community enterprises were under a lot of
pressure and were reliant on
volunteers as they were a contact point for a number of people in the
Observations arising
from the ensuing discussion:
It was
asked whether there was any data about how community groups / community
enterprises survived during the COVID period. It was noted that the Language
Unit did not have data relating to a specific period.
consultation was welcomed, but concern was expressed about the pressure and
increasing expectations placed on social enterprises and that collaborative
support was needed specifically for less established community enterprises as
there was a concern that these would be forgotten.
It was
emphasised there was a need to be able to prove the local need, and it was
local enterprises that could often best identify that need. Attention was drawn
to good practice in terms of part-ownership in the Llanuwchllyn area and it was
noted that there was a need to collaborate with social enterprises to ascertain
the genuine need for housing. The need to seek further explanation from the
Government about its intentions in relation to the strategy of reaching a
million Welsh-speakers and how it intended to create jobs was needed. It was
further asked if maintaining jobs in Welsh-speaking areas was part of these
It was
also suggested there was a need to be able to act immediately following the
recommendations of this consultation and the recent consultation on Planning
matters, rather than having to wait until the next LDP was published,
was expressed that the Government could be slow in processing the policies on
converting general homes to holiday homes and there was a need for this to be
resolved as soon as possible
It was
asked whether it could be possible to add language awareness in education as
part of the 'general contribution question' section expressing that this was a
major consideration within Welsh-speaking communities.
It was
noted that the Commission and the Government should lead by example and ask the
remainder of the authorities in Wales to use the Welsh language as its main
language of internal administration.
It was
noted that it was crucial that the right foundations were set for the Pilot
Work in Llŷn, and that local people and councillors should contribute and
be involved in the process to ensure local accountability as it was essential
to have the local voice to have a real understanding of the situation.
It was
explained that there was a need to ensure that the local need was underlined in
newly developed rented housing. It was noted that over-development in areas
where the need did not exist was just as detrimental to the language as
To accept the report and ask the Language
Unit to use the observations received from Members to draw up a response to the
Supporting documents: