Reserved matters application for the erection of 15
dwellings including 3 affordable houses, following the approval of outline
application ref. no. C09A/0518/16/AM
Councillor Dafydd Meurig
to relevant background documents
To refuse
As a result of the
changes to the plan that are not reflected in the housing mix statement and the
lack of information in terms of the valuation, it is not considered that the
proposal as a whole complies with the requirements of policies TAI 8 of the
Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan 2017 and SPG Housing Mix in
terms of justifying the mix provided, or policies PS18 and TAI 15 of the
Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan 2017 and SPG Affordable
Housing in terms of justifying the floor area of the affordable units and
ensuring that the units are affordable in price in perpetuity.
It is considered that
losing substantial parts of the hedges on the western boundary will have a
significant detrimental impact on the character of the area and so the proposal
is contrary to the requirements of criteria 2 and 3 of policy PCYFF 3 of the
Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan 2017 in terms of respecting
the context of the site and incorporating soft landscaping when appropriate,
and criteria 3, 4 and 6 of policy PCYFF 4 of the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local
Development Plan 2017 in terms of respecting and protecting local views and any
positive natural features that exist and providing justification for
circumstances where it is not possible to avoid removing/losing trees or
The proposal involves
providing a hard floor development, and associated activities to the houses
such as parking and gardens within tree root protection areas designated as an
ancient woodland and protected under a Tree Preservation Order and to this end,
it is considered that the proposal is contrary to the requirements of criterion
8 of policy PS19 of the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan 2017
as the proposal does not ensure the retention or enhancement of trees, hedges
and woodlands of value.
Reserved matters application to erect 15 dwellings to include
five affordable dwellings, following an outline permission under reference
Attention was drawn to the late observations form.
The Planning Manager
highlighted that the outline application had been approved for constructing 15
houses including five affordable houses, with all matters reserved, and
therefore the application submitted before the Committee was for agreement on
all reserved matters including layout, scale, appearance and landscaping.
It was explained that the site was located
within the village boundary of Llandygai and under
the Gwynedd Unitary Development Plan (2009), when the proposal was given
outline permission, the site had been designated for housing. However; the site
was not currently designated, but it remained within the development boundary.
It was explained that the land was currently used for grazing with a stone wall
and hedge running along the western boundary of the site with the adjacent
public road. It was reiterated that mature trees, protected under a recent Tree
Preservation Order (04.10.2019), were situated along the northern boundary of
the site, and a private road led to a cluster of houses along the southern
It was
reported that the application had been subject to extensive discussions with
the agent over a period of time, and the latest plans had been submitted
(13.08.2021) proposing to reduce the number of affordable dwellings from five
to three and retain a buffer area between the protected trees and the housing
development. It was reiterated that there was a proposal to provide one
vehicular access to the estate along with a pedestrian access through the
existing hedge - with the complete removal of the hedge at the part located to
the south of the entrance.
Although the amended plans proposed
a reduction in the number of affordable homes from five to three, it was noted
that although it was possible to amend the number of affordable houses under
another separate application, this could not be done via a reserved matters
application as the outline application form and the outline planning consent
referred specifically to the provision of five affordable units in the context
of this application. Despite discussions on reducing the number of affordable
houses to three, and that this could be done via a separate application,
neither the application form nor the amended plans confirmed clearly that there
was a change to three affordable properties. It was outlined that the
application had been assessed for five affordable houses.
The reasons for refusing the
application were explained noting that refusal reason 4 had now been deleted,
as the agent had provided correspondence between them and Welsh Water
confirming that Welsh Water were satisfied for them to connect to the main
sewer. It was noted that outline
planning permission had been approved for the proposal which included providing
a sewage treatment system and it was not possible to deal with the change to
connect to the main sewer through a reserved matters application.
b) Taking advantage of the right to speak, the
applicant’s agent noted the following points:
That the committee
report and the recommendation were unexpected given all the collaboration and
discussions that had taken place with Gwynedd Council since the application was
submitted in 2015.
Responses to the reasons for refusal:
Reason: 1.
Affordable Housing
That the Housing Strategic Unit had confirmed that the affordable units
met the local need and the open market units were in accordance with the SPG's
Housing Mix Statement.
The number of affordable units had been reduced on grounds of the
planning officer's advice. However, as the reduction had led to a reason for
refusal, the number of affordable units as approved to five had been restored
A Housing Mix Statement had been submitted along with an updated
valuation: the floor surface area of the affordable units had been reduced to
accord with policy - amended plans submitted
Reason for refusal 2. Biodiversity
Site plan had been amended in response to a comment in the report that
providing a gap for the vehicular access only would be acceptable but that the
remainder of the hedge should be kept.
for refusal 3. Trees
In response to the
observations that the proposal related to providing hard floors, parking spaces
and gardens within tree root protection areas, it was noted that no gardens,
patios or parking spaces had been set within the RPZs as this area had been
designated as a buffer. The management company would ensure that the area was
left for wildlife and would prevent any development. These trees did not reach
over any garden or house.
Reason for refusal 4 - Foul Water Drainage:
With regard to a
confirmation of the intention to connect to the main sewer, NRW did not have an
objection to the application and they welcomed the connection through Welsh
The Committee Report stated that no amended information had been received
from the applicant and therefore it was considered that the proposal was not
Correspondence to the
planning officer between Welsh Water, Gwynedd Council and the agent had been
resubmitted along with confirmation that the connection was acceptable - these
had been submitted on 12.03.2020 along with an amended application form.
The scheme would provide a well-designed attractive development with a
good mix of housing in accordance with the Gwynedd Housing Mix SPG.
Taking advantage of the right to speak, the local
member made the following points:
That the application dated back to 2009.
That the field in question was reasonable but there
were a number of associated difficulties and unresolved issues.
Drew attention to NRW's significant concerns.
Locally, many were concerned about the increase in
traffic and the access, although it was possible to deal with these matters.
Observations regarding surface water and imposing a
condition to manage it was acceptable.
there was a need to draw attention to an element of overlooking - three houses
on one side of the field - a downward slope from the field
Need confirmation that there were five affordable
houses - three were not acceptable, in principle more affordable houses should
be included - Tai Teg suggested 63%.
application was not mature enough.
Agreed with the recommendation to refuse based on the
three reasons
ch) It was proposed and
seconded to refuse the application.
d) In response to a
question regarding the fact that the application was a historical one (2009)
and the land, although within the development boundary, was no longer
designated for housing, albeit there was a need for housing locally, it was
noted that perhaps better sustainable sites nearer to Bangor had already been
approved and that the area had now reached the target. It was reiterated that
this was a reserved matters application and should the application be refused a
new application would be needed to respond to the need for housing locally.
e) During the ensuing discussion, the following
observations were made by members:
the plan and the site were acceptable.
Information between the agent and the Planning Unit
contradicted each other.
the application submitted in 2009 responded to the need for affordable housing.
RESOLVED to Refuse.
As a result of the changes to the plan that are not
reflected in the housing mix statement and the lack of information in terms of
the valuation, it is not considered that the proposal as a whole complies with
the requirements of policies TAI 8 of the Gwynedd and Anglesey Joint Local
Development Plan 2017 and SPG Housing Mix in terms of justifying the mix
provided, or policies PS18 and TAI 15 of the Gwynedd and Anglesey Joint Local
Development Plan 2017 and SPG Affordable Housing in terms of justifying the
floor area of the affordable units and ensuring that the units are affordable
in price in perpetuity.
It is considered that the proposal, due to the
proximity of the proposed houses and hard standings, is likely to have a
detrimental impact on the condition and future of the hedge which could
contribute to losing substantial parts of the hedges on the western boundary
will have a significant detrimental impact on the character of the area and so
the proposal is contrary to the requirements of criteria 2 and 3 of policy
PCYFF 3 of the Gwynedd and Anglesey Joint Local Development Plan 2017 in terms
of respecting the context of the site and incorporating soft landscaping when
appropriate, and criteria 3, 4 and 6 of policy PCYFF 4 of the Gwynedd and
Anglesey Joint Local Development Plan 2017 in terms of respecting and
protecting local views and any positive natural features that exist and
providing justification for circumstances where it is not possible to avoid
removing/losing trees or hedges.
The proposal involves providing hard standings, and
supplementary activities to the houses such as parking and gardens directly on
the boundary for tree root protection areas designated as an ancient woodland
and protected under a Tree Preservation Order and to this end, it is considered
that the proposal is likely to have a
detrimental impact on the protected trees and that the proposal is contrary to
the requirements of criterion 8 of policy PS19 of the Gwynedd and Anglesey
Joint Local Development Plan 2017 as the proposal does not ensure the retention
or enhancement of trees, hedges and woodlands of value."
Supporting documents: