Dewi Morgan,
Host Authority Statutory Finance Officer and Sian Pugh, Host Authority Group
Accountant to provide the North Wales Economic Ambition Board (NWEAB) with
details of the actual revenue expenditure and income for the third quarter of
the 2021/22 financial year as well as projected full year out-turn against its
annual budget.
To receive
and note the NWEAB Joint-Committee’s Third Quarter Review for 2021/22.
To receive
the Joint-Committee's approval
to transfer any underspend in 2021/22 to the earmarked reserve that will be available
for future years.
The report was submitted by Dewi Morgan (Statutory Finance Officer) and
Sian Pugh (Group Accountant - Corporate and Projects).
To receive and note the
NWEAB Joint-Committee’s third quarter revenue and capital review for 2021/22.
To receive the Joint-Committee's approval to transfer any underspend in 2021/22
to the earmarked reserve that will be available for future years.
A forecast underspend of
£297,140 against the revenue budget in 2021/22 was noted. It was noted that any
underspend at the end of the financial year may be transferred to the earmarked
reserve. It was noted that there was a further slight slippage on the capital
programme as a result of a delay with the final business case on one of the
report was submitted, and the Joint-Committee was thanked for their welcome to
the new Head of Finance at Gwynedd Council. It was noted that the purpose of
the report was to report on the budget for quarter 3 noting the actual
expenditure against the budget.
was noted that the Finance Department estimated an underspend of £197k on the
Portfolio Management Office. It was noted that this had increased by £69k since
the last quarter, mainly because the expenditure on the Employee Expenditure
heading and the Transport Procurement and External Support heading was
estimated to be lower. It was noted that an underspend of £18k remained under
the Joint-Committee heading.
terms of projects, it was noted that this expenditure must be considered in the
context of the decarbonisation grant of £500k and the community renewal fund of
£80k shown under the equivalent income budget and approved during the year. It
was highlighted that the underspend on the business case development, external
legal support and assurance headings was also increasing as a result of
slippage on the capital programme. It was explained that the Finance Department
was revisiting the borrowing costs calculated back in October 2020 and would
report back on this at the next meeting.
was explained that income sources for 2021/22 included partner contributions,
ESF Grant, North Wales Growth Deal Grant, Decarbonisation Grant, Community
Renewal Fund and the reserve fund. It was noted that the department estimated
an underspend of £297k for 2021/22 and that there would be £620k in the reserve
fund by the end of the financial year.
terms of the capital review, it was noted that there had been two changes since
the last review, namely minor amendments in the Digital Signal Processing
Centre project to agree the Final Business Case approved in December as well as
a slippage anticipated on the Morlais project. It was noted that there was a
slippage of £16.81 million in 2021/22, £41.39 million in 2022/23 and £18.93
million in 2023/24. It was explained that the North Wales Growth Deal grant
would be used to fund the Capital Programme for the first two years and that no
external borrowing would be needed until 2023/24.
During the discussion, the following matters were raised:-
In response to a question
regarding project interest costs, it was noted that the Finance Department had
prepared a forecast in 2020 for grant income and capital expenditure in order
to identify the borrowing costs. By now, the situation had changed and the
expenditure profile had been changed in addition to the capital income profile.
It was noted that a further report would be presented in March.
Supporting documents: