To consider
the report and the risks arising from
the forecast expenditure against the budget, and scrutinise the Cabinet’s decisions regarding budget management by the Council and its departments.
To accept the report and
note the relevant risks in the context of the budgets of the Council and its
To accept the Cabinet's
decision 18/01/2022
A report was presented
by the Senior Finance Manager, detailing
the latest review of the Council's revenue budget for 2021/22, and the projections for the end of the financial year.
It was noted that
the financial impact of
Covid-19 had been substantial
for the Council - a combination of additional costs, loss of income (to the value of over £20 million in 2020/21 and £10 million this year
to date). It was added that applications for compensation from Welsh Government's Hardship Fund were
being submitted on a monthly basis.
Despite creating an amended
programme of savings for 2021/22 by cancelling, slipping and re-profiling
savings schemes in January 2021, it was explained that there remained a delay in implementing
savings in some fields, with
delays as a result of the crisis an evident
factor. Attention was drawn
to a summary of the final position of all departments and further details
of the main matters where there had been significant differences, and recommendations.
Adults, Health and
Well-being Department - an overspend of almost £1 million was forecast this
year (£995k), with a failure to realise savings worth £855k being an obvious
factor of the overspend. The main overspend fields - older people, learning
disabilities and community care services with the impact of Covid
remaining to have a significant impact on the Department. Again
this year, a value of over £3 million had been claimed from the Welsh
Government for the additional costs for the period. Bids to the value of over
£1.6 million had been approved for the increasing pressure on the 2021/22
budget at the beginning of the financial year.
Children and
Families Department - £1.8 million in additional funding had been allocated to
the Children and Families department in the 2021/22 funding cycle in order to
meet the increasing pressure, as well as cancelling savings schemes to the
value of £1.1 million that had not been achieved. Subsequently, the current
financial projections were very promising.
Highways and
Municipal Department – overspend problems in the field of waste collection and
disposal continued, and difficulties in realising financial savings in a number
of fields (to the value of £666k). The department had also faced additional
costs relating to Covid, but was confident that the
Welsh Government would continue to compensate for the rest of the year.
Corporate - prudent
projections when setting the 2021/22 budget were responsible for additional tax
yields and contributed to the underspend on Council Tax Reductions - the
pressures on a number of budgets were not as severe as had been anticipated
this year.
It was added that
the Council's financial position was balanced as a result of an underspend
on Corporate budgets and underspends
by the majority of departments.
Thanks were expressed for the report.
During the ensuing discussion, the following observations were made by members:
The Head of Highways
and Municipal had appeared before the Controls Improvement Working Group to
discuss improving compliance with the controls and/or introducing new controls
to reduce the risks the service was vulnerable to - had this been completed?
Was it possible to
analyse overspend problems in order to examine the long-term overspend
projections (e.g. increases in fleet costs, costs of treating more waste etc.)
separately to savings matters? This could highlight savings or the need to
reconsider the budget
Was there sufficient
money in the budget, given that the same headings arose each year, while
accepting that setting a budget for the Adults and Well-being Service was
In response to the observations, it
was noted that the Adults, Health and Well-being Department were overspending due to a delay in realising
savings - Adults, Health and Well-being had schemes to the value of £855k, while Highways and Municipal Department had £666k.
Attention was drawn to the list
of bids, and it was noted that consideration
had been given to the pressures on services
during the year as part of the bid arrangements, that the bids had then been effectively
prioritised, in the hope that the funding
would reach the areas of greatest need. It was added that this had succeeded
when prioritising the
2021/22 bids for the Children and Families
In response to a question about the mandate from the Cabinet for the Chief Executive and the Head of Finance Department to get to the root of the problems in the Adults, Health and Well-being Department, it was confirmed that the system for gathering data and financial information
was now operational and had improved the situation.
To accept the report and note the relevant risks in the context of the
budgets of the Council and its Departments.
To accept the Cabinet's decision 18/01/2022
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