To provide an overview of the plans for working
in the future and identify the support offered to staff in relation to mental
well-being. The Audit and Governance committee are invited to consider the
information presented
To accept the report and
to note the plans for working for the future and note the support offered to
staff in relation to mental well-being.
The Head of Corporate
Support Department presented
a report in response to the request of committee members for information on the Council’s plan in relation to future working arrangements and also the provision for supporting staff mental wellbeing. It was reported that the vision for working in
the future would be presented formally to a meeting of the Cabinet on 15 February 2022.
It was reported that
regular meetings were held to discuss
well-being matters, working arrangements and to construct new methods of service provision. Reference was made to the main drivers for adopting
new working arrangements for the future, and some
of the principles that were the foundations for flexible working
arrangements. It was emphasised
that, where the circumstances of the post allowed,
any flexible working arrangement would be voluntary for staff. It was highlighted that staff were encouraged to discuss their situation regularly with their line managers,
with staff well-being at
the centre of the new arrangements. Consultation had taken place with
staff, and in response to the vision of future working, it was noted that offices
were being adapted to facilitate the new working arrangements,
a number of working conditions and employment policies were being reviewed,
and a training programme would be provided that would
include leadership skills and holding
hybrid teams.
It was noted that
the vision aligned with Welsh Government's commitment to develop a remote working strategy, with the aim of enabling 30% of the Welsh workforce to work close to or from their homes. It was added that the support provided for the health and wellbeing of staff by the Council had been recognised by Welsh Government as
“Gold Level” Corporate Health Standard.
The members expressed their thanks for the report.
During the ensuing discussion, the following observations were made by members:
The workforce had
been forced to cope with the costs of heating, electricity and telephones over
the period of the pandemic - a need to consider the impact of the income tax
contributions in future.
There would be a new Council in May - the importance of face-to-face
contact and joint discussions
In the context of staff well-being, it was difficult to identify problems
when working from home
Supported the vision and the emphasis on flexibility
Anticipated that
there would be opportunities for workers from the south of the county to apply
for 'central' jobs
Need to ensure that
an element of team working was maintained
A request to ensure
that apprentices were given suitable opportunities to develop their characters
and to collaborate within a team
In response to an observation that significant work would be required to make the offices secure, it was noted that the Housing and Property Department
were leading the work, but they
had only begun to identify the needs and the shape of the offices. It was noted that one
office had already been adapted, and
would be used as a template for the others.
In the context of income tax, it was noted that staff had been informed of HMRC regulations and a percentage had taken advantage of support / tax allowance
for working from home. In
the context of travel costs and a reference
in the report, ‘every member of staff will continue to have a named corporate
workplace, and they can claim travel and sustenance
costs from this location, and therefore no
changes will be made to the existing policy on claiming
travelling costs' it
was noted that discussions had been held with Unions,
but no amendments
would be made to employment contracts in relation to business travelling costs. The matter would need to be revisited if the 'work place' was changed in future.
The observations about
the advantages of face-to-face communication were accepted and
the importance of holding discussions between staff and Members, and
offering support to apprentices were recognised. The Head of Corporate Support promised that every effort
would be made to respond positively to this.
To accept the report
and to note the plans for working for the future and note the support offered
to staff in relation to mental well-being.
Supporting documents: