Application under Section 73 to vary condition 6 on
planning permission C18/1126/17/LL to increase the number of HGV lorry loads
from 5 loads a day to 9 loads a day, Monday to Friday with no HGV movements on
a Saturday
LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor
Dilwyn Lloyd
to relevant background documents
Approve subject to the following amendment to condition 6 of planning
application C18/1126/17/LL:
Except with the prior written
agreement of the mineral planning authority quarry output, alone or in
combination with any other extant minerals planning permission at the site,
shall not exceed a maximum rate of no more than five HGV loads per day Monday
to Friday, with no HGV movements on a Saturday.
Figures of the output from the site over any specified period shall be
made available to the local planning authority within 21 days of request.
to be subject to the same schedule of conditions under the previous grant of
planning permission C18/1126/17/LL to control noise, dust, vibration,
hydrology, protection of the water environment, sequence of operations,
compliance with the application plans, archaeology, ecological mitigation,
review of operations and progressive restoration.
Application under Section 73 to vary condition 6 on planning permission
C18/1126/17/LL to increase the number
of HGV lorry movements from 5 loads per day to 9 loads per day, Monday to Friday with no
HGV movements on a Saturday.
The Senior Planning
Officer - Minerals and Waste highlighted
that planning permission C18/0126/17/MW was approved
on 18 February 2019, subject to conditions, to vary condition 6 of planning permission
C16/0063/17/MW to allow five
HGV loads per day, Monday to Friday, with no HGV movements
on Saturdays.
It was noted that two planning permissions
already existed for this site
and they involved the extraction and processing of minerals from different
areas in the quarry. For the sake of accuracy and to avoid doubt
concerning output rates, a sister application, C21/0721/17/AC, was subject
to a decision to increase output and consolidate
output from the entire quarry to a total of 9 HGV loads on working days.
In the context of transport
and access matters, no unfavourable
observations had been received from statutory
consultees. The Highways Department noted that the proposed increase in vehicle
movements would be minimal and it was further noted that there
was an ongoing voluntary agreement of circular touring where HGVs arrive
at the site from Groeslon and access through
Rhostryfan that, in effect, halves traffic movement to and from the quarry
prior to rejoining the A487. It was added, that this
arrangement could not be conditioned, the applicant and the Minerals Planning Authority were eager for
this to continue - developing such arrangements would be discussed in the ongoing Planning Liaison Group that sits annually to discuss the site's operations.
It was considered that
all the material planning considerations had been assessed and the proposal was consistent with the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development
Plan together with National
Planning Policies and Guidance. This application was submitted under s.73 that allows for the varying of condition 6 of the permission, and also allows sufficient
control with all the other planning conditions being reimposed, such as conditions relating to the impact on the landscape,
industrial archaeology, heritage, environmental and amenity safety,
hours of operation, phasing, restoration, biodiversity, public rights of way and
designated sites.
It was proposed and seconded to approve the application
RESOLVED To approve subject to the following amendment to condition 6 of planning application C18/1126/17/LL:
Except with the prior written agreement of the mineral planning authority quarry output, alone or in combination with any other
extant minerals planning permission at the site, shall not exceed a maximum rate of no more than five HGV loads per day Monday to Friday,
with no HGV movements on a Saturday. Figures of the output from the site over
any specified period shall be made available to the local planning authority within 21 days of request.
Development to be subject to the same schedule of conditions under the previous grant of planning permission C18/1126/17/LL
to control noise, dust, vibration, hydrology, protection of the water environment, sequence of operations, compliance with the application plans, archaeology, ecological mitigation, review of operations and progressive restoration.
Supporting documents: