Erection of 17 affordable dwellings, access, car parking,
landscaping and associated works
LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Cemlyn
to relevant background documents
To delegate powers to approve subject to signing a 106 Agreement in order to
secure a financial contribution to improve the road / install traffic calming
measures and provide open spaces.
1. Five years.
2. In accordance with the plans and documents submitted
with the application.
3. Natural slate.
4. Conditions and highways.
5. Tree planting plan.
6. Biodiversity mitigation measures conditions to include
compliance with the requirements of the Preliminary Ecological assessment;
provision of Pollution Prevention Plan; ensuring that the site is permeable for
hedgehogs and submitting a biodiversity improvement plan
7. Limit working hours between 08:00-18:00 Monday to
Friday, 08:00-13:00 Saturday and not at all on Sunday or Bank Holidays.
8. Agree on details regarding a Welsh name for the
development together with advertising signage informing of and promoting the
development within and outside the site.
9. Removal of development rights from the affordable
10. Ensure a plan/arrangements to
provide the affordable housing.
11. Submit an Environmental Management Plan to include
noise, vibration and dust.
12. Ensure compliance with British Standard BS number
13. Samples of the materials
and colours for the houses and hard and soft landscaping.
14. Ensure financial contributions for road improvements
and open spaces.
15. Erection of fence along the boundaries.
of 17 affordable housing, access, parking spaces, landscaping and associated works.
Attention was drawn to the late
observations form.
a) The Planning Manager highlighted that the application had been submitted to committee as the proposal would involve constructing
more than five houses. Members were reminded
that the application had been submitted to the Planning Committee on 10/01/22 where it was determined to defer the application for the Committee to receive additional information regarding the following:
More detailed response in response to the Town Council and confirmation
about the period when the Transportation Assessment was conducted.
A more detailed plan indicating the access for pedestrians
and vehicles to the school
Photographs / video showing the site in relation to the school.
More details about the speed restriction and the possible traffic calming measures.
In response to the deferral, the agent had submitted the following additional information:
A copy of the Safety Audit conducted and referred to in the Transportation Assessment.
A statement by Cadarn Consulting, specialist Highway Engineers, who conducted the transportation assessment in response
to the Concerns of the Committee
and the Town Council.
Plan and details regarding
the access to vehicles and pedestrians to the school.
An additional statement in the context of how reliable the traffic calculation figures were and the findings
of the pedestrians survey undertaken on 7 February 2022
Reference was made to the response to the transportation concerns and of the time when the survey
was conducted.
It was noted that
the assessment had been conducted by using an Automated Traffic
Counter installed near the site on
Bethel road for a period of seven days (over periods
of 24 hours) between
21/06/21 - 28/06/21. In response to a concern that the assessment had been conducted during Covid restrictions, the additional information received from the applicant's highway specialist confirmed this and that
the schools were open and when
the number of Covid cases were low.
The statement
referred to historical traffic data for the B4366 from the Department for Transport (DfT) that came from
the manual traffic counting station located approximately 250m West
of the proposed site, that had collected traffic data for 10 years. The mean annual average daily traffic (AADT) from the 10 years of data held by the DfT for this road
was calculated as 5,389 (AADT calculated
from the automatic traffic counter data gathered during the June 2021 survey is included in the report).
In response to members' concerns regarding peak school times and
pedestrians, the applicant’s
highway consultants carried out a pedestrian
assessment on the 7 February 2022. The assessment found that the majority of pupils used the western pavement to walk to the school but 90% were dropped off
at the eastern lay-by and utilised the safe crossing provision
on the road. It should be noted that proposal will
not lead to a loss of parking provision. Parking will be provided within the site to replace the area lost on
the lay-by.
It was reported
that Caernarfon Town Council
continued to be concerned about the application and had suggested that the decision should be deferred in order to get
more information and a request to meet with Officers from
the Highways Department on the site. It was noted that it was the duty of the applicant to submit information to enable the Local Planning Authority to assess a planning application and in this
case it was considered that the applicant had gone beyond the policy requirements to assess the impact of the proposal and to provide additional information, that had been undertaken by qualified highway engineers in response
to the concerns of the committees.
It was added that the applicant had offered a financial contribution to the Transportation Service so that measures may
be put in place / highway improvements made to improve highway safety.
It was considered
that the proposal to develop 17 affordable homes would be a positive response to the various housing needs that had been identified in the area. There was no objection to the design of the houses and it was not considered that the proposal would have a substantial
impact on the residential amenities of nearby houses. It was noted that the Council's Transportation Unit had
submitted observations stating that the proposal would not detrimentally disrupt road safety although
the observations received objecting to the application on the grounds of road safety were
acknowledged. With relevant conditions and notes to ensure
that the work would be completed in accordance with
statutory standards and a financial contribution via a 106 agreement to secure road improvements, it was considered that the proposal was acceptable on the grounds of the requirements of Policy ISA 1, TRA
2 and TRA 4 of the LDP.
b) Taking advantage of the right to speak, the Local Member made
the following points:
He thanked the officers for the comprehensive report
He also thanked the officers for the additional information and for the good
relationship that had been nurtured with
Adra officers
The safety of children continued to be a matter of concern for him
He presented
a video of a car journey along the road in front of the school during busy times
c) It was proposed and seconded to approve the application
d) During the ensuing discussion, the following observations were made by members:
The Local Member was thanked for the video - a very useful contribution
It was noted that every
application refused due to transportation reasons were always
lost in appeal
That traffic caused problems in front of every school
There was a real need for affordable housing in the area - this was in-keeping with Gwynedd Council's Housing Strategy
There was a need to avoid an appeal
and costs for the Council
The additional information had been useful
Satisfied that the transportation matters were acceptable and safe
To delegate powers to approve subject to signing a 106 Agreement in order to secure
a financial contribution to
improve the road / install traffic calming measures and provide open
1. Five years.
2. In accordance with
the plans and documents submitted with the application.
3. Natural slate.
4. Highway conditions.
5. Tree planting plan.
6. Biodiversity mitigation measures conditions to include compliance with the requirements of the Preliminary Ecological assessment; provision of Pollution Prevention Plan; ensuring that the site is permeable for hedgehogs and
submission of a biodiversity
improvement plan
7. Limit working hours
between 08:00-18:00 Monday
to Friday, 08:00-13:00 Saturday
and not at all on Sunday or Bank Holidays.
8. Agree on details
regarding a Welsh name for the development together with advertising
signage informing of and promoting the development within and outside the site.
9. Removal of development rights from the affordable housing.
10. Ensure a plan/arrangements to provide the affordable housing.
11. Submit an Environmental Management Plan to include noise, vibration and dust.
12. Ensure compliance with British Standard
BS number 5837:2012.
13. Samples
of the materials and colours for the houses and hard
and soft landscaping.
14. Ensure financial contributions for road improvements and open spaces.
15. Erection of fence along the boundaries
Supporting documents: