Cyflwynwyd gan:Cllr. Dilwyn Morgan
To accept the report and note the information about the work of the
Strategic Safeguarding Panel for 2021-22.
The report was submitted
by Cllr Dilwyn Morgan
To accept the report and note the information
about the work of the Strategic Safeguarding Panel for 2021-22.
A report was submitted which included an overview
of the work of the Strategic
Safeguarding Panel during
the period between January 2021 and March 2022, which gave a clear
and fair picture of the work achieved along with references to reports or observations by external inspectors on the work. It was noted that the Statutory Director was required to consistently and regularly report
to Members on the Panel's work on
safeguarding, and that they could
be satisfied that the Panel
had undertaken the required
work in a thorough and conscientious
Members were reminded that the aim of the Strategic Safeguarding Panel was to ensure that appropriate arrangements and procedures were in place at a corporate
level across the Council to ensure the safety of children, young people and
adults. Since 2017/18 the
Panel was also responsible for an overview
of wider safeguarding issues across Gwynedd.
Attention was drawn to some
of the barriers, reporting that responses and evidence provided
assurance that all departments responded and followed up
on any concerns
in a timely manner.
the Children and Supporting Families Department
found it difficult to recruit and retain qualified staff. As a result, an
individual was commissioned to work in the field, and it was hoped to complete
this work by April 2022.
there was concern about the DoLS
(deprivation of liberty safeguards) service during the year as there were 550
on the waiting list at one point.
Regardless, a successful bid of £100,000 was received by the Government
to address the waiting list (which was now approximately 336).
some parents chose to
continue teaching their children from home when the schools reopened. Although
the numbers were relatively low, an increase had been seen among vulnerable
families - Welsh Government intended to legislate a requirement to register a
child if they received home education.
there needed to be reflexive action and address
misogynistic culture among boys to get to the root of problems in the field of
sexual harassment in schools as a result of the emergence of the 'Everyone’s Invited' website.
data from the Police showed an increase in the
number of domestic offences in Gwynedd during the last two quarters - the
matter would be given priority at the Partnership's next meetings to ensure
that enough was being done to get messages out to the public.
Cllr Dilwyn Morgan was thanked for
chairing the panel along with officers and
Members for their commitment to the excellent work that was being done in the safeguarding
field and during a challenging period - mainly as a result of Covid-19 and the challenges relating to the virus. Regardless, it was noted that the Strategic Safeguarding Panel had continued to arrange on-line meetings and move the agenda forward. It was reiterated that there was also an intention
to reflect on the working arrangements of the Strategic Panel and the Operational Group to ensure effective action - the work would be carried out in early
2022, introducing any changes to the operation of the group and the panel by the meetings of summer 2022 onwards.
Observations arising from the discussion
Eager to look into the number of parents who
continued to home-school their children - this caused concern given that
children who, typically, disengaged from services were vulnerable.
The vision of safeguarding girls in schools and
attempting to change the misogynistic culture among boys was welcomed.
Awdur:Morwena Edwards
Supporting documents: