Erection of
23 dwellings, creation of a new access from Caernarfon Road, an internal estate
road, surface water attenuation pond and associated works
MEMBER: Councillor Eirwyn Williams
Approve subject to
a 106 agreement binding 7 of the houses as affordable houses and make a
financial contribution towards play areas and to conditions:
5 years
In accordance with the documents/plans
submitted with the application.
Natural slate.
Samples of materials and colours for the
houses to be agreed with the LPA.
Highway conditions - visibility splays,
completion of an estate road, completion of parking spaces
Landscaping to be completed in accordance
with the details submitted.
Removal of permitted development rights for
classes A-E for the affordable housing.
Condition to secure Welsh signs and names
for the houses.
Maintenance strip to be ensured near Afon
Compliance with the ecological report.
In accordance with the trees assessment.
Archaeological condition.
Work hours/construction period.
Submission and agreement of a construction
method statement.
Obscured glass in the first-floor window on
the south-eastern gable-end of plot 3.
Water/Natural Resources Wales Notes, SuDS, Major Development
Construction of 23
dwellings, creation of new access road from Caernarfon Road, internal estate
road, surface water attenuation pond and associated work
a) The Planning Manager highlighted that this was an application for 16
open market dwelling houses and seven affordable homes. The houses on the site
would be a mix of two-storey and three-storey houses and they would be of
various types: -
Types A and B - four-bedroom houses with a garage
Type C - three-bedroom houses with a garage - the houses vary in terms
of their interior plans and exterior aspects.
Type D - two-storey, 2 and 3 bedroom houses
with (and without) a nearby garage
Types E and F - 7 affordable units providing a mix of two
and three bedroom houses.
It was noted that the site was partly located within and outside the
development boundary and the land where it was intended to locate the houses
was located within the development boundary of Cricieth,
with the landscaping zone area and surface water attenuation pond located
outside the boundary. It was reiterated that part of the site within the
development boundary had been designated specifically for housing in the Local
Development Plan (LDP) - site T41. The principle of developing the residential units had been
considered against the requirements of Policy TAI 2 of the LDP . It was stated
that the site had been identified as a site for 34 units, but the application
sought to build 23 houses on the site (which was lower than the estimated units
for the site in Policy TAI 2).
It was highlighted that the Planning, Design and Access Statement
submitted with the application noted that site T41 had been the subject of a
detailed assessment of restrictions, which included the need to retain a seven metre clearing on either side of the watercourse of Afon Cwrt, which ran across the
site. In addition, it was noted that a part of the site could not be developed
due to the presence of a culvert that ran along and parallel to the rear
gardens of North Terrace houses. There was also a need to obtain clearing space
on either side of the surface water drain from Afon Cwrt to the proposed attenuation pond between Bryn Cleddau and Plot 3.
According to Policy ISA 5, new housing proposals for 10 or more
dwellings, in areas where existing open space cannot meet the needs of the
proposed housing development, should provide suitable provision of open spaces
in accordance with the Fields in Trust (FiT)
benchmark standards. It was explained that the current information received
from the Joint Planning Policy Unit showed that there was a lack of play areas
with equipment for children locally and as part of the proposal and to this
end, therefore, a financial contribution would need to be made in order to meet
this lack of provision. Confirmation was received from the applicant stating
that he would be willing to make a contribution of
£4848.66 and this could be ensured via a legal 106 agreement.
In the context of transport and access matters, it was noted that the
proposal would involve the creation of a housing estate on an agricultural
field and access could currently be gained to the field from a track that ran
past the northern end of North Terrace. As part of the application, a new
access would be created directly to the B4411. It was reported that the
Transportation Unit had submitted observations stating that additional
information received in relation to the application, along with a full
assessment on the visibility splay of the junction with the B4411, satisfied
the requirements of TAN 18. It was reiterated that minor changes had been made
to the plan to improve the provision for pedestrians and the Transportation
Unit did not have any further observations to make.
It was reported that general and residential amenity
matters, biodiversity, land drainage, heritage and archaeological matters were
acceptable and, as a result of the full assessment, it was considered that the
proposal was acceptable to be approved subject to appropriate conditions and to
a 106 agreement to bind seven of the houses as affordable and make a financial
contribution towards play areas.
b) Taking advantage of the right to speak, the agent
noted the following observations:
application from a local housing developer (Rhys Efans
Cyf Company) to construct 23 houses with seven
affordable homes, on a site specifically designated in the LDP for housing
to approve from Officers following a discussion, consultation and thorough
assessment before and during the period of the application.
There was
some objection to the development from local residents - many highlighted a
concern about the housing designation. However, the development would not have
a detrimental effect on the area or local residents.
designation was for the provision of 34 houses, but the application sought to
build 23 houses - this reflected restrictions on the
site and left land near Caernarfon Road as a significant open space between
neighbouring houses and the new development.
residents had concerns about the access to Caernarfon Road, but the access had
been assessed many times (including an application for 18 houses that had been
approved by the Planning Committee in 2005 for the same access). When
considering the housing designation when preparing the LDP and as part of this
application, it was considered that the site plan clearly showed that access
could only be created from Caernarfon Road.
In terms of
marketing the houses, it was noted that the local builder would adopt the same
strategy used for his recent development at Gerddi Madryn, Chwilog where 15 houses
had been sold to local Welsh-speakers.
developer had already received a number of enquiries about the houses from
people from the Cricieth and Porthmadog area, without
any marketing. It was anticipated that at least 18, or 80%, of the houses would
be sold to people from the local area.
There was
no objection to the development by the Town Council or any other consultee,
including the Transportation Department that had thoroughly examined the impact
of the development on transport and pedestrians who used Caernarfon Road.
c) Taking advantage of the right to speak, the local
member made the following points:
That the
proposal divided opinion locally.
that the Committee visited the site.
d) A site visit was proposed and seconded due to the
impact on the area and on neighbours.
In response to the proposal, the Head of Legal Services noted that the
site had been designated for housing: that the density was lower than what had
been designated in T41 and that the transport and water elements had been
addressed. With the principle established as a result of its designation, he
highlighted that the Committee would have to consider matters that could be
influenced or added to.
e) A vote was taken on the proposal to carry out a site
visit - the proposal fell.
f) It was proposed and seconded to approve the
g) During the ensuing discussion, the following
observations were made by members:
The plan
responded to local demand.
An ideal
response to an observation regarding the road within the estate ending on the
boundary and the suggestion that housing could be constructed beyond the
boundary in future, it was noted that this area was outside the development
boundary, but an agricultural access needed to be created along with access to
the draining ponds. It did not suggest a further development for the future.
RESOLVED: Approve subject to a 106 agreement binding seven of the houses as affordable
houses and making a financial contribution towards play areas and to
1. Five years
2. In accordance with the documents/plans
submitted with the application.
3. Natural slate.
4. Samples of materials and colours for the
houses to be agreed with the LPA.
5. Highway conditions - visibility splays,
completion of an estate road, completion of parking spaces.
6. Landscaping to be completed in accordance
with the details submitted.
7. Removal of permitted development rights
for classes A-E for the affordable housing.
8. Condition to secure Welsh signs and names
for the houses.
9. Maintenance strip to be secured near Afon Cwrt.
10. Compliance with the ecological report.
11. In accordance with the trees
12. Archaeological condition.
13. Work hours of construction period.
14. Submission and agreement of a construction
method statement.
15. Obscured glass in the first-floor window on
the south-eastern gable-end of plot 3.
Welsh Water/Natural Resources Wales Notes, SuDS, Major Development
Supporting documents: