To consider
and discuss the revision of the Language Policy and approve the recommendation
of seeking the Cabinet Members’ approval.
To accept the report
and note the observations received and approve the next step of the process,
which is to present the Policy – with any changes deemed necessary – the
Council Cabinet for approval.
The report was presented
by the Language Adviser, and
she briefly drew attention to the following main points:
She began by explaining that
the department had started to look into potential revisions to the language
policy in 2020, following major changes in the way the Council operated when
providing services to the public.
It was explained that a need
had arisen to provide clear guidance to staff about specific subjects, such as
how the Welsh language was being used via the Council's IT systems.
Details were given on the
proposed revisions to the policy, such as:
General principles at the start
of each section
Substantial changes to Section 5
(Digital services - website, apps and self-service) to explain the use of Welsh
in different technological systems.
Adding a new clause to Section
6 (Signage) to reflect the Council's commitment to the place names project and
promote Welsh place names.
Substantial changes to Section
12 (job advertisements and the recruitment process).
Obtaining assurance of whom is
accountable to the policy as well as the responsibilities of Elected Members
and Language Committee Members under Section 15 (Accountability).
of the committee were given an opportunity
to ask questions:
A member asked whether consideration had been given to including
suitable wording in various sections of the policy to ensure that the Council
protected the percentage of Welsh speakers in communities, as well as maintain
Welsh services for those speakers.
The need to ask one question
through the medium of English at the Council's recruitment meetings was
questioned and considered.
A member asked whether something needed to be included which noted the
need for Welsh language skills for sub-contractors who worked with the Council
on various projects.
Attention was drawn to the fact
that elected members were bound by the Code of Conduct, and therefore there was
a need to consider whether the language policy acknowledged this.
It was asked if there were any
implications for members of staff who needed to receive training to achieve the
language designation of their job but have been unable to attend those training
It was asked whether this was the final opportunity to propose changes
to the language policy.
In response, the Language Adviser noted:
That consideration could be
given to the point made about protecting the percentage of Welsh speakers
within our communities.
That the
language standards of sub-contractors who worked with the Council was
considered in a specific section of the language policy, but that the wording
of this section could be revisited to ensure that this was highlighted.
It was confirmed that there were
no consequences if staff missed Welsh language training to achieve their
language designation. Nevertheless, individuals who did not reach their
language designation were regularly monitored to see what type of training
could benefit them so that they could succeed to foster Welsh linguistic
In response the Democracy and Language Services Manager noted:
That the suggested changes
would be considered before a draft language policy was submitted to the Cabinet.
Changes proposed by heads of department would also be considered. If the
Cabinet approved the draft, it would be submitted to the Full Council where
there would be an opportunity to propose any amendments.
To accept the draft report and to note the
observations received and approve to proceed to submit the Policy - with
appropriate revisions - to the Council Cabinet as the next step in the process
for it to be formally approved.
Supporting documents: