Head of Corporate
Support to submit information about the role of the Democracy Services
To accept the information on the role of the Democracy
Services Committee.
To accept the information
on the role of the Democratic Services Committee.
Information was submitted by the Head of Corporate Support on the role of the Democratic Services Committee detailing on the Committee's functions. It was noted that reviewing
the available support for the Head of Democratic Services to fulfil the
duties of the role had been the main focus of this Committee’s discussions historically.
Details were provided on
the provision offered to Members over the last Council term and the developments that were fulfilled
such as improvements to the
Members Intranet and the work associated
with virtual and hybrid meetings. The input received from Members to the arrangements for the Election were mentioned
and the welcoming arrangements for new Members before
moving forward to anticipate matters that would receive
attention over the next few years
by the Committee. It was anticipated
that the focus this year would
be on the training programme and presentations
in order to ensure that Members
received the necessary information to fulfil their role.
Attention was drawn to the work that would
continue in order to ensure the provision of hybrid meetings as
well as the new requirements
of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 which placed an emphasis on web-casting
To conclude, some matters that
would be discussed at the next Committee meeting in November
were mentioned and the importance of maintaining a continuous dialogue with Members
in order to ensure that relevant
matters were addressed was emphasised. The Members were reminded
that they represented the rest of Gwynedd's Councillors and were a voice
for them at this Committee. Members were encouraged
to present any observations or concerns between meetings.
During the discussion the following observations were made:
A query was raised regarding point 2.10 of the report,
namely the responsibility to publish a petitioning scheme. It was asked if it
was possible to include this as an item on the agenda of the next Committee
was suggested that experienced Councillors should be included in the informal
sessions for new Councillors to answer questions and act as a mentor.
importance of safety was highlighted, particularly amongst female Councillors.
It was asked if it was possible to provide a report or
template on how to respond to complaints effectively at the next meeting of
this Committee.
was questioned why Members could not print from their new devices.
In response to these observations:
It was explained that it was a requirement of the Act
to publish guidelines on how to present petitions. It was noted that an
operational group would be established soon to undertake this work.
It was noted that the sessions for Councillors would
be arranged under the Women in Leadership project. It was reported that a
session had previously been held during the last six months, this session was
led by an experienced Councillor. It was hoped that this could happen more and
more in the future and it was added that if there was
a demand for this, then similar sessions for men would be held.
The observation on the importance of safety and
well-being was agreed with, noting that there were current discussions being
held between Welsh Local Government Association and Welsh Government on safety
matters therefore the matter was receiving national attention. It was reported
that there was intention for Welsh Government to establish a working group with
representatives from establishments such as the Police, the Ombudsman and
Elected Members to look at good practice in this context. It was added that
support was already available from the Council to advise staff and Councillors
on safety matters, this advice could be found on the Members Intranet. It was
agreed to send a link to this information to the Members following this meeting
and to build on that when the Committee would have a discussion on the matter
later in the year.
It was agreed to send a link about what was being done
by the Council as a result of responding and dealing
with complains with a review or further discussion on the subject being held at
the meeting in November.
regarding problems with the new devices would being discussed with the IT Unit
and members were reminded to bring any matters to the Officers’ attention.
Supporting documents: