Report by
Hedd Vaughan-Evans (Operations Manager)
To note and accept the Quarter 1 Performance Report and updated Portfolio Risk Register.
To note the work to reprofile the delivery plan as part of the Portfolio Business Case update and that this information will be available for the Quarter 2 report.
To approve the submission of the Quarter 1 Performance Report to Welsh Government and UK Government as well as the local authority scrutiny committees.
The report
was submitted by Hedd Vaughan-Evans (Operations Manager).
To note and accept the Quarter 1 Performance
Report and updated Portfolio Risk Register.
To note the work to reprofile the delivery plan
as part of the Portfolio Business Case update and that this information will be
available for the Quarter 2 report.
To approve the submission of the Quarter 1
Performance Report to Welsh Government and UK Government as well as the local
authority scrutiny committees.
and annual reporting on progress against the North Wales Growth Deal is one of
the requirements of the Final Deal Agreement. Following the North Wales
Economic Ambition Board's consideration, the reports would be shared with Welsh
Government, UK Government as well as the local authority scrutiny committees.
The report
was submitted noting the NWEAB's highlights for the first quarter of the
year. It was noted in relation to the
Digital Programme that the first claim for the DSP Project was about to be
submitted. It was explained that an Outline Business Case (OBC) for the
Connecting the Last Few % project would be presented to the Board today.
It was
highlighted in relation to the Low Carbon Energy Programme that a request to
change the Morlais project had been supported by the Programme Board, provided
that the contractual constraints associated with the Morlais’ WEFO funding are
appropriately addressed. In terms of the Egni project, it was noted that Bangor
University had requested a delay to the business case timetable to allow for a
review of the project. When drawing attention to the highlights of the Land and
Property Programme, it was explained that Wrexham County Borough Council had
approved funding to develop a Master plan for the Western Gateway Project. In
addition to this, it was noted that a delivery mechanism had been agreed for
the Former North Wales Hospital, Denbigh project which shared the risk of
developing with an in principle three step development.
In relation
to the Agri-Food and Tourism Programme, it was noted that Grŵp Llandrillo
Menai had confirmed the structure of the Tourism Talent Network between the
college and partners in the private sector, and that they were preparing to
submit a pre-planning application for the Glynllifon Rural Economy Hub.
It was
stated that four projects were reporting red at present, which is one fewer
than last reported upon at the end of the last financial year. Firstly, it was
noted that the Low Carbon Energy Centre of Excellence Project (Egni) is under
review by Bangor University due to the proposed changes to capital and revenue
projections and the delay caused by the review of the project. It was explained
that outline planning permission for the Bodelwyddan Key Strategic Site had
lapsed, and a request had been made for additional information on the likely
planning policy position of the site to Denbighshire Council. It was noted in
relation to the Glynllifon Rural Economy Hub that planning permission needed to
be secured and a potential financial deficit was raised as a result of
increasing building capital costs. In relation to the Llysfasi Zero Net Farm
project, it was noted that there was some delay following the need to
incorporate feedback from the Gateway 2 review.
In relation
to the risk register, it was explained that the risk profile had continued to
be stable and affordability remained the biggest risk facing the portfolio,
together with inflation, supply chain issues and a substantial increase in
building costs. In terms of the political risk, this had reduced following the
local government election in May 2022.
arising from the discussion
¾ In relation to the Bodelwyddan Key
Strategic Site, a question was asked about the timetable together with options submitted
in September. It was noted that the team had asked for an update and that they
hoped to submit a further report to the Board in September or October.
¾ A question was asked as to whether
there was a need to strengthen the amber rating given to the financial risk due
to the consistent increase in capital costs and the effect this would have on
projects. It was stated that the Portfolio Office was doing everything within
their ability to keep within the amber risk, and were working very closely with
the programme managers to ensure that the projects could be completed and that
the expected benefits could be provided within budget. The need to revisit the
risk level was needed, and to report back in the quarter 2 report.
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