Erect 6
dwellings (2 affordable), creation of new vehicular access, parking spaces and
associated works
MEMBER: Councillor Rhys Tudur
To delegate powers to the Head of Environment Department to approve the
application subject to conditions, to the completion of a 106 agreement to
secure provision of two affordable houses and to discuss the parking details of
plot number 1:
1. Five years.
2. In accordance with the plans.
3. Agree on the details of the external finish, including
4. Submission and approval of a Landscaping Plan which
incorporates the soft landscaping for the boundary treatments, retention and
reinforcement of hedges and inclusion of ecological enhancements.
5. Prevent the installation of additional windows in the
gable ends of the houses.
6. Removal of permitted development rights for the
affordable houses.
7. Conditions relating to the floor level of the
development / flood matters.
8. Affordable Matters
9. Archaeological Matters
10. Highways Matters
11. Sustainable Drainage Matters
12. Welsh name for the housing estate and houses.
13. Affordable housing condition
Erection of 6 houses (2 affordable), creation of a new vehicular access, parking provision and associated work
The Planning Manager
highlighted that this was a full application to construct 6 houses (2 affordable), creation of a new vehicular access, parking provision and associated work on land
near Maes Llwyd, Llanystumdwy. The units would be semi-detached houses, with four two-storey
dormer houses (2 bedrooms) and two full
two-storey houses (3 bedrooms). It was proposed to open a wide entrance,
install a service road for the houses
and install road-side pavements near the front entrance.
It was explained that the existing site was an agricultural field, a triangular plot situated between two roads near the entrance to the village of Llanystumdwy and within the Development Boundary. It was noted that the Joint Planning Policy Unit has confirmed that the Indicative Housing Supply for Llanystumdwy (including a 10% slippage allowance) was 10 units, with 1 house completed in the village between 2011-2021. It appeared that there were no houses in the land bank that had not been built or housing designations in the village, therefore, a deficit of 9 units remained. Having considered the information, the development could be approved since there were 6 units within the supply level figures for Llanystumdwy.
It was reported that the principle of constructing houses on the site
was based on Policy TAI 4, TAI 8 and TAI 15 of
the LDP. Subject
to the requirements of Policy
TAI 15 regarding the provision
of affordable houses for local need,
policy TAI 4 states that proposals for open market
houses will be approved in Local Villages, provided that they comply
with two criteria, namely,
The scale, type
and design of the development is in-keeping with the character of the settlement
That the site is within the development boundary of the settlement.
It was considered that the size, scale and
type of proposed units were consistent
with the character of the nearest residential houses, with the design being slightly
more modern and as a result
met with the requirements
of both criteria in policy TAI 4 above.
Attention was drawn to the late
observations received from the applicant's agent in response
to the report, stating the intention of landscaping and allocating two additional parking spaces.
In the context of protected
open spaces, it was noted that the eastern half of the field in question
had been designated as a Protected Open Space Sports Field
in the LDP's Maps. Developing the proposed site would
therefore mean that the open space
would be lost. Reference was made to Policy ISA 4 (Safeguarding Existing Open Spaces)
that states that proposals that lead to the loss of existing open spaces will
be refused unless there is an excess
of such provision in the community.
It was considered that the site was an agricultural
field rather than a space used by the public and the proposal indicated that landscaped green areas would be retained in the front part of the development, which would retain
the public, open and rural feel
of the site. In also considering the need for new
housing in Llanystumdwy,
the development boundary as
well as the planning restrictions,
which included the Conservation Area and areas at risk
of flooding, it appeared that suitable development
land for housing was very limited in the settlement. In this specific case,
it was considered that the need for the new
houses outweighed the need to protect the open space. To this end, it was considered that the proposal in essence
satisfied and complied with the requirements of local and national policies
and were acceptable for approval subject to imposing an affordable
housing condition instead of a 106 agreement.
b) The Chair highlighted
that the Local Member had noted
in an e-mail
that he had no objection to the application
c) It was proposed and seconded to approve the application.
delegate powers to the Head of Environment Department to approve the application subject to conditions, to the completion of
a 106 agreement to secure provision of two affordable houses and to discuss the parking details of plot number 1:
Five years.
In accordance with the plans.
Agree on the details of the external finish, including slate
Submission and approval of a Landscaping Plan which incorporates the soft landscaping for the boundary treatments, retention and reinforcement
of hedges and inclusion of ecological enhancements.
Prevent the installation of additional windows in the gable ends of the houses.
Removal of permitted development rights for the affordable houses.
Conditions relating to the floor level of the development / flood matters.
Affordable Matters
Archaeological Matters
10. Highways Matters
11. Sustainable Drainage Matters
12. Welsh name for the housing
estate and houses.
13. Affordable housing condition
Supporting documents: