Elevenses Distillery Ltd, Neuadd y Faenol, Parc y Faenol, Bangor,
Gwynedd LL57 4BP
To consider
the above application
Others invited:
Jake Davies (applicant)
Simon Bromley (North Wales Fire and Rescue Service)
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
The Licensing Department's Report
Submitted – the report of the Licensing Manager giving details of the application for a premises licence for Elevenses
Distillery Ltd, Vaynol
Hall, Vaynol Park, Gwynedd for
a small family distillery. The application was made in relation
to playing live music and the sale
of alcohol on and off the premises.
It was noted that
the Licensing Authority Officers had sufficient evidence that the application had been submitted in accordance
with the requirements of
the Licensing Act 2003 and
the relevant regulations. Reference was made to the measures that had been recommended by the applicant to promote the licensing objectives, and it was highlighted that these measures
would be included on the licence.
Attention was drawn to the responses that had been received during
the consultation period. It
was noted that no objection had been received to the application but that North Wales Police and the Public Protection Service (Cyngor Gwynedd) had recommended
conditions / observations.
North Wales Police recommended
to include CCTV conditions on the licence as well as ensuring that staff received training in relation to all aspects of the Licensing Act. The
Public Protection Service highlighted the concern regarding lack of information on holding events and on prevention
of public nuisance plans.
It was confirmed that the applicant had noted a limit of 5 events a year
It was recommended that the Committee should approve the application in accordance with
the requirements of the Licensing
Act 2003.
In considering the application, the following procedure was followed-:
Members of the Sub-committee
and the applicant were given the opportunity to ask questions to the Licensing Manager
The applicant was invited to expand on the application
Consultees were given an opportunity to present their observations
The licence holder or his/her representative,
was invited to respond to
the observations
Members of the Sub-committee
were given an opportunity to ask questions of the licensee.
Members of the Sub-committee
were given an opportunity to ask questions of the consultees
Elaborating on the application, the applicant noted:
That he was happy with the Police's conditions and that some
were already operational
That he accepted the Environment Department's observations
That there was an intention to hold an opening
evening in April 2023 - the evening would be invite-only for people over
18 (mainly family and friends)
Porta-loos would be provided for the event
With the collaboration
of the owner of the Vaynol,
it would be possible to provide sufficient parking spaces for the events
In response to an observation regarding if the licence was allowed there would
be opportunity to hold more
than one event and therefore specific
arrangement were needed, the applicant confirmed that there would be specific arrangements for visitors - toilets and sufficient
parking spaces.
The Licensing Manager added that
there had been clear correspondence with the applicant during the process of presenting the application and that the application
was formal. There would be the right to hold up to 5 events
a year in an 'events' building
next door to the distillery.
The applicant, the respondents
and the Licensing Manager withdrew from the meeting while the Sub-committee members discussed the application.
In reaching its decision, the Sub-committee considered the applicant's application form along with
written comments submitted by interested parties, the Licensing Officer's report, and the oral comments
from each party at the hearing. The Council's Licensing Policy and Home Office guidelines were considered.
All considerations were
weighed up against the licensing objectives under the Licensing Act 2003, namely:
Prevention of crime and disorder
Prevention of public nuisance
Ensuring public safety
Protection of children from harm.
All parties were thanked for making
representations on the application. The Sub-committee gave due consideration to
all the representations.
To approve the amended application
Incorporate the matters prescribed in the Schedule of Actions (Section M) of the application as conditions on the licence
Incorporated as licence conditions the recommended CCTV conditions as recommended by North Wales Police
Specific consideration was given to the observations received from North Wales Police and the Public Protection Service. They were satisfied that the applicant had accepted the instruction and advice from
both establishments and had responded and operated in
accordance with the recommendations presented.
Under the circumstances, the Sub-committee
was satisfied that the application was in keeping with the four licensing objectives, and therefore the application was approved.
The Solicitor reported
that the decision would be formally confirmed by letter to everyone who had submitted written observations. It was
added that all parties to the application had
the right to submit an appeal to Caernarfon Magistrates' Court against the Sub-committee's decision. Any such
appeal should be lodged by giving notice of appeal to the Chief Executive, Llandudno Magistrates’ Court, Llandudno within 21 days of the date that the appellant
receives the letter (or a copy of the letter) confirming the decision.
Supporting documents: