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Agenda item

Conversion and change of use of a single dwelling to form 6 x 1 bed apartments

LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Rob Triggs

Link to relevant background documents



DECISION: To approve with conditions


1.    Five years.

2.    In accordance with the documents/plans submitted with the application.

3.    Any alterations to external elevations of the building to be finished to be in-keeping.

4.    Condition to agree on affordable housing scheme.

5.    The flats hereby permitted to be for C3 use class only from the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2022 and not for C5 or C6 use.

6.    Submit and agree on details of storage for waste / recycling bins.

7.    Working hours.


Notes - Welsh Water, Party Wall Act



Conversion and change of use of a single dwelling to form six one-bedroom flats


Attention was drawn to the late observations form.


a)    The Planning Manager highlighted that this was an application that involved converting and changing the use of a single dwelling to form six one-bedroom flats.  One flat would be created in the basement, two on the ground floor and then one flat on the first, second and third floors.  Externally, the change included replacing one window with a door and constructing a steel walkway frame at the rear on ground floor level. The site was within the Abermaw development boundary and the property formed part of a row of houses. The application had been submitted to Committee as it involved five or more houses.


It was reported that Abermaw, in the LDP, had been identified as a Local Service Centre under Policy TAI 2 which supported housing developments that would meet the Plan’s strategy, which was based on the Policy's indicative supply. From the information received from the Joint Planning Policy Unit, it was noted that the indicative supply level for Abermaw over the Plan period was 91 units, with 50 units completed between 2011 and 2021 and 36 units with extant planning permission. The proposal would create 6 additional living units meaning that Abermaw had reached the indicative growth level for this development and the proposal would be acceptable in terms of Policy TAI 2 of the LDP.


There was a reference to Policy TAI 9 which permitted the sub-division of existing properties to self-contained flats provided they conformed to the four criteria within the policy.  Attention was drawn in particular to criterion (4) which noted that the proposal must not exacerbate existing parking problems in the local area. It was reported that although there were no parking spaces within the property curtilage, the existing property had nine bedrooms and the proposal would provide a total of six bedrooms. It was reiterated, due to the reduction in the number of bedrooms provided, that the Transportation Unit considered there would be less demand for parking spaces locally and there would be a positive impact on the local parking provision. The proposal was therefore acceptable in terms of criteria (4) of Policy TAI 9 of the LDP


It was noted that a third party has submitted observations highlighting concerns that the flats would be used as holiday flats and the impact of this on the town with the possibility that it would become similar to other areas in Gwynedd and further afield.  In response, it was noted that the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2022 which had come into force on 20/10/22 had made changes in terms of the class use of residential units and the C3 class use was now recognised as dwellings used as the sole or main residence. Two use classes had been added - C5 for dwellings used in a different manner to a sole or main residence and C6 use class for short-term lettings no longer than 31 days for each period of occupation.  Therefore, it was considered appropriate to include a condition that the flats to be let were for C3 use class only.


In accordance with Policy TAI 15, an affordable housing contribution was requested on residential developments of two or more housing units. As Abermaw was inside the 'West Coast and Rural Arfon' house price area of the Plan, it is noted that providing 10% of affordable housing was viable. It was confirmed that the applicant had offered the basement level flat as an affordable flat and had agreed to sign a 106 agreement to this end. As part of the application, a Community and Linguistic Statement, Housing Mix Statement and valuation for the affordable flat were submitted.


It was considered that the proposal to change the property into 6 flats complies with the requirements of relevant policies.


b)    Taking advantage of the right to speak, the Local Member made the following points:

·         There had been a long wait for the flats

·         That local people had already been expressing interest and making enquiries

·         That he was supportive and recommended that the Committee should approve


c)    It was proposed and seconded to approve the application in accordance with the recommendation.


ch)   An observation was made that although intended for one person, the plans for flats 4 and 5 showed an en-suite and bathroom along with an office which suggested that maybe in future, they could be adapted to a second bedroom and/or for holiday home use.  Needed to ensure that the class use condition was enforced.


              RESOLVED: To approve with conditions


              1.       Five years.

              2.       In accordance with the documents/plans submitted with the application.

              3.       Any alterations to external elevations of the building to be finished to be in-keeping.

              4.       Condition to agree on affordable housing scheme.

              5.       The flats hereby permitted to be for C3 use class only from the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2022 and not for C5 or C6 use.

              6.       Submit and agree on details of storage for waste / recycling bins.

              7.       Working hours.


              Notes - Welsh Water, Party Wall Act


Supporting documents: