Report by Dewi A Morgan, (Head of Finance)
A presentation was given by the Head of Finance Department,
which confirmed that a great deal of the information changed continuously, and
that the Authority's Financial Settlement figure would not be available until
14 December. The Head of Finance
Department noted that it appeared that the settlement would be slightly better
than what he had feared, and he shared slides with the Forum. He referred to matters that would affect the
settlement such as general inflation of 10/11%, and that homelessness had
increased in the county.
In terms of the financial position of the current year
(2022/23), it was confirmed that there would be no additional grants, and an
overspend of £7.1 million was expected against the Council's budget. As additional grants could not be used this
year, the deficit would have to be filled by using Council balances. The Head
of Finance Department referred to a letter that had already been sent to Heads
of Department regarding the financial deficit, but it was noted that the
deficit may come down slightly.
It was noted that the 2021 census figures were also
starting to feed through, and there was some hope that the settlement would be
slightly better than what he had anticipated.
It was confirmed that it may be possible to buy time in 2023/24 but, of
course, this depended on the Minister's announcement.
Reference was made to options to close the deficit, but
there was balancing work to be carried out, especially as the financial
position had changed so unexpectedly since the beginning of the current
financial year.
Reference was made to the prioritisation system, confirming
that the Chief Executive and the Director were examining the individual
proposals from each Department, and this would be followed with every Head of
Department attending a meeting with the Leadership Team on 19 and 20 December
for further discussion.
The Head of Finance Department referred to modelling cuts
from 1% to 6% for schools, and although time could be bought, this was only
possible for a period of time.
The Head of Finance Department referred to the procedure
and indicative figures with a clear cut across all sectors. He noted that 6% equated to £4.8 million, but
it was emphasised that these were indicative figures.
The need for another meeting at the end of
January/beginning of February, depending on
diaries, was noted.
It was emphasised that these were the worst figures.
The Head of Education Department thanked him for a good and
clear presentation, noting that every Department had to prepare, but it was not
possible to predict the situation at present.
The meeting was opened for questions / observations:
The Chair noted that showing figures was one thing, but the
figures did not reflect the situation and the vulnerability of children who
were getting over Covid. The Head of
Education Department noted that work was needed to recover from the impact of
Covid on children. In addition, the Head
of Education Department confirmed that he had had to illustrate the impact on
Gwynedd residents when submitting proposals to the Leadership Team. The Head of Education noted the need to
consider general cuts across the three sectors, although the demographic dip
had affected the primary sector, which would soon affect the secondary sector.
The Head of Finance confirmed that each proposal would be
considered across the Council.
The Union Representative raised a question regarding the
Council's reserves, along with any earmarked funding, asking whether this was
also on the table, as it was important to consider. The Head of Finance
confirmed that there were reserves and it would be possible to consider them to
fill the deficit and to buy as much time as possible. He added that there were reserves for
specific projects and decisions on projects had been made for some time, but
any withdrawals would be completely transparent. It was noted that preventative work was the
way to meet the requirements of some projects.
Whatever the percentage, one Secondary School Headteacher
questioned that some schools were already under protection. The impact of this
would involve higher cuts for some schools and he noted the need to keep the
situation of each school separate.
The Union Representative noted his concern about the recruitment
and retention situation, along with his concern about circulating
messages. He noted the need to catch up
immediately after Covid and that this was very bad timing. It was noted that there were three clear ways
to save money, namely larger classrooms, energy reduction and staff cuts, and
it was questioned whether or not schools were suitable
for this?
The Head of Finance referred to schemes that were sometimes
identified to bring in more funding, along with the Asset Management Plan and
the Invest to Save Scheme, which was under discussion in this cycle.
One Secondary School Headteacher enquired whether or not Invest to Save was open to individual
schools, and the Head of Finance noted that he would check and report back on
One Primary School Headteacher noted that savings were
unavoidable, but that she was concerned about the children, and the
responsibility towards staff, which put a strain on schools, and the side
effect of losing Headteachers and teachers.
The Chair made an observation that if schools admitted
fewer pupils, fewer classrooms would be needed and
this would rationalise schools. The Head of Education confirmed that the
Council had had to make difficult decisions and that demography would have to
be examined and offer value for money.
It was questioned whether or not funding outside schools
was being cut in the same way (e.g. GwE and ALN), and
it was confirmed that it was.
It was confirmed that more clarity would be available at
the meeting, which would be arranged for the end of January/beginning of
February, in terms of the Authority's expenditure for 2022/23, along with the
The Head of Education confirmed that the purpose of the
meeting was to share information and that the situation would be more mature by
January/February. He urged Forum Members
to take the opportunity between now and the next meeting to discuss with fellow
RESOLVED to accept the report and arrange a meeting as soon
as possible to discuss further, when figures were available.