To present
information about the Department’s contribution to the Language Policy.
To accept the report and note the observations received.
The report was presented by the Head of Housing and Property Department,
and briefly drew attention to the following main points:
- It was explained that
the department dealt with a number of front-line
services such as homelessness, refugees and housing supply. It was explained
that the department also dealt with corporate matters such as office cleaning
and security. This meant that the department dealt with a vast number of people and it was pleasing to report that all these services
were offered in Welsh / bilingually.
- It was confirmed that
service users came from various backgrounds and often had specific needs or
were suffering from stress. The department felt that communicating with users
in their language of choice was crucial, and was proud
of succeeding in this respect.
- It was reported that the
department had invested time and effort to assist people through the current
situation in Ukraine. The Department had succeeded to resettle hundreds of
people in the county on a temporary basis in order to
provide them with refuge.
- It was expressed that
94% had reached the language designation level of their job. with the vast majority of the workforce having completed the
self-assessment. It was a source of pride that this had increased from 67%
since January 2022. It was confirmed that 6 members of staff had attended
language training.
- The department
considered that the Common Housing Policy, which gave priority for social
housing to individuals with a connection to Gwynedd, ensured that local people
could live and remain in their communities. It was considered that this reduced
migration and mobility that had been identified as a threat to the Welsh
language within the Welsh Language Promotion Plan. It was further explained
that 96% of social housing allocations had gone to people with a local
connection between September 2021-22.
- It was noted that there
was currently a housing crisis in the area and the aim of the Housing Action
Plan was to ensure that people were able to remain in their communities through
a number of schemes such as the Plans to Develop Our
Own Housing and first-time buyer schemes.
Another source of pride was the
department's computer systems for the Housing Options Scheme.
Members were given an
opportunity to ask questions and offer observations. During the discussion, the following matters were raised:
Due to a clause in the report
noting statutory requirements to advertise in English (in
addition to Welsh), some committee members noted that this
could lead to placing Welsh contractors at a disadvantage.
- In response to the
enquiry, the Head of Housing and Property Department confirmed that advertising
in English was a statutory requirement placed upon the department. However, it
was emphasised that the department often advertised bilingually.
- It was explained that
within the Council's Framework, Cyngor Gwynedd's Language Policy was shared
with the companies following the receipt of bids for work. The department tied
the companies to Welsh language requirements within the service that they
Following a request, the Head
of Housing and Property agreed to share the department's statutory requirement
and contractors' language profiles with members.
It was asked whether the department could provide information about the number of people waiting for social housing
who had Welsh language skills and whether
the department could provide specific information about Dwyfor, Arfon and Meirionnydd in order to examine whether people stayed in their
local communities or moved to different parts of the County.
- In response to the
enquiry, the Head of Housing and Property Department noted that the department
would confirm the latest housing waiting list figures with members of the
Committee as soon as possible.
- In response to the
enquiry about language, the Head of Housing and Property Department confirmed
that the department did not ask individuals applying for housing whether they
were able to speak Welsh. It was emphasised that the department would require
legal guidance before adding a language requirement when applying for housing,
to ensure that no regulations or statutes were breached.
A request was made for an explanation
of the meaning of 'local connection' in the context of allocating social housing, and whether it would be possible to include a language clause, or that they had been educated
in Gwynedd, when people applied for social housing.
- In response to the
enquiry, the Head of Housing and Property Department confirmed that the Council
had defined the meaning of the word 'local' when creating this policy, in
conjunction with Welsh Government. More restrictive definitions proposed by the
Council had been rejected by the Government.
It was further explained that
at the time it was not possible to include a language clause within the policy.
She did not believe that the situation had changed since the inception of the
policy but noted that she would make further enquiries.
Further information was requested regarding the Housing Action Plan
- In response to the enquiry,
the Head of Housing and Property Department confirmed that this project had
been developed since she started in her post in order to
ensure that the work was being managed robustly. It was confirmed that the
department was examining social housing that had been sold with conditions that
any future occupiers of the houses were local residents. It was explained that the department gathered
data at this point, and ensured that any future
purchases were also made by local residents.
At the end of the discussion, Councillor Gwynfor Owen stated that he did not agree with the suggestion of setting a language condition on applications for social housing. He also believed that
it was unfair to include a
condition that applicants for social housing
had to have been partially educated in Gwynedd.
To accept the report and note the observations
Supporting documents: