To submit
a) a report by the Senior Harbours Officer
b) a report by the Harbourmaster
To note and accept
the report.
Everyone was welcomed to
the meeting, and it was noted that many were attending for the first time, and
the opportunity was taken for everyone to introduce themselves. In addition, it
was noted that many were off sick, and it was agreed to send a message to wish
them a speedy recovery.
Due to the sickness absence
of the Senior Harbours Officer, the report was presented by the Maritime
Services Manager. The Maritime Services Manager took the opportunity to remind
the Committee that Barry Davies, the former Maritime Services Manager, would be
retiring on 31/3/23 after 27 years' service to the Council. Barry Davies was thanked for his work and
Moorings and Boat Registration
It was confirmed
that maintenance work had been undertaken to the trots moorings and the
condition of the equipment was acceptable.
A Local Mooring Contractor had confirmed that 2 out of 3 visitors'
moorings had been raised as they stood on a sandbank, however the contractor
had found it difficult to raise the mooring nearest to the railway bridge.
The on-line registration
system for powerboats was now in operation, and this was a great help with GDPR
regulations. It was confirmed that the teething problems had been resolved and
generally the system ran smoothly.
Marine Safety Code
Reference was made to the
New Act for Powerboats that would be operational from 31/3/23 namely, the
Merchant Shipping (Watercraft) Order 2023, and it was noted that further guidance
was needed, although an initial meeting had taken place with the Police.
It was confirmed that the
Senior Harbours Officer was leading on the Safety Code, and that improvement
work had been undertaken to ensure that the Harbour was as safe as possible, in
collaboration with Captain Matt Forbes, Conwy Harbourmaster.
Staffing Matters
It was reported that Kane A
Triggs had been appointed as Assistant Harbourmaster and he was welcomed to his
first meeting. The intention to appoint five beach officers was confirmed, with
two of these commencing in post before Whitsun, and the officers would continue
with the maintenance work, and there was no intention to employ more staff in
the Harbour.
Members were invited to
offer observations on the above, and it was noted as follows:
The on-line
registration system was in operation, and any concerns had been resolved.
A request had been received
for the Seasonal Beach Officers to receive further first aid training. It was expanded that the time for training
last year was insufficient, however prior to Covid advanced first aid training
was part of the induction training, and this was something that had slipped, but
it was intended to organise training this year.
It was noted that the Police and the RNLI had also raised the same
point. It was reported that there was
good cooperation on the beaches with the Coastguard, the RNLI and the Police
and that they all appreciated each other. The Assistant Head of Economy and
Community reinforced the comment regarding the change in Legislation for
personal Watercraft, particularly the concern that they did not fall into the
boats category, and he confirmed that they were still awaiting guidelines and
it would take time to receive the operational arrangements, however he agreed
to circulate the information once it comes to hand.
The Chair asked whether it
would be possible for the Officers to visit caravan parks in the area to
highlight the new Act and it was confirmed that this work was afoot to remind
people of their responsibilities.
Financial matters:
Financial Situation of Barmouth Harbour
Reference was made to the
table and a further explanation was given:
Staffing Costs - underspend
of £12,948 - as a result of the previous Harbourmaster leaving and the delay
before making a new appointment.
Land and Property - nearly
in agreement.
Boat and Vehicles -
(alternative budget) - expenditure of £90 on petrol for the boat. The boat had not been launched a great deal
as it had been out of use for a while.
Equipment & Tools - it
was reported that there was expenditure of £20,004 with investments in
additional buoys, chains, new lights together with a trailer for the Harbour
Harbour Income - £30,760
was the target and £30,869 had been received.
Therefore, the budget total
was £52,950 with the expenditure total at £45,964, and an underspend of £6,986
- this was based on discussions with the Finance Unit in November 2022. The Committee was informed that the £6,986
underspend was likely to be reduced by the end of the month.
The Members noted their
pride in seeing that the income was increasing, and it was noted that Barmouth
was a busy place, however concern was noted that the Harbour would be
criticised for making a profit.
Fees and Charges 2023/24 -
Mooring Fees
It was confirmed that
mooring fees had been increased by 8.5%, and that some fee headings had been
raised higher than inflation, and the details were given as follows:
Powerboats previous fee £50 Now £60
Launching previous fee £150 Now at
It was suggested that the
launching fee should be frozen at £20 this year, with boats smaller than 30hp
increasing from £30 to £35.
It was noted that every
income source had to be looked at, however the service was of course dependent
on tourism and good weather.
The Chair noted that the
fees were quite reasonable.
Navigation Matters
It was confirmed that the
channel was dynamic and had moved. It was expected that the contractor would
move the aid to navigation before Easter. Two notices to mariners were
currently in operation due to the sand - (5/22 and 2/23), while the fairway
buoy had been taken out of the water ready to be re-stationed once the contractor
is available. It was confirmed that the inspection by Trinity House of the aids
to navigation had confirmed that everything reached the expected standard. It
was noted that encouragement was given to mariners to contact the Maritime
Office directly with or for any information.
Reference was made to the
need to buy a new trailer, with finance coming from the alternative budget, and
the boat would be launched next week. The Service has four working boats, and
it was confirmed that the statutory requirements to code the boats had changed
and the investment work had been undertaken to conduct a structural survey,
label the wires etc,.
It was reported that staff
had undertaken and continued to undertake a great deal of work on the moorings
and had commenced the work of numbering each mooring.
Staff had
been sharing good practice in other Harbours so that it was possible to share
staff should the need arise.
Good work had been
undertaken to install the moorings, new doors, work on the SS Dora store and
the Diesel Store and tidying-up, and it was noted that the Harbour was looking
good. Staff were thanked for their work.
were invited to offer observations, and in response the following was noted:
The representative of the
Barmouth Viaduct Access Group referred to the work on the bridge, and
specifically access to water users, and it was noted that the area between the
central span had been restricted. The Maritime Service Manager was not aware of
this, however, he noted that they worked closely with Network Rail, and had a
contact point at Network Rail regarding any work on the bridge. The Harbour Assistant confirmed that he had
spoken with the contractor, and he was awaiting further information and would make
arrangements to share any information he received. In addition, it was noted
that there was wire and debris on the estuary bed in the area and it would be
problematic for swimmers or canoeists, and it was asked if it was intended to
address this? It was agreed that the
Representative of the Barmouth Viaduct Access Group would send photographs for
the Harbour staff to act appropriately.
Other matters
It was reported that the
company who were renewing the Bridge were eager to remove the irons and transport
them off the site. It was reported that a couple of suggestions had been made
but it was agreed that transporting them on a barge to Pwllheli or Aberystwyth
would be the most convenient way. The Chair noted that this was of course
dependent on the course of the channel, and it may be necessary to remove some
The Chair noted that he had
heard a rumour regarding a date for the bridge closure, and he noted concern
regarding the date, as it was very close to the beginning of September. The Maritime
Service Manager confirmed that he had not received a date from Network Rail,
and unfortunately, he had no influence regarding the date.
At a previous meeting there
was a reference to the wish to install an electronic barrier on the Compound
Road, however, unfortunately it was noted that the cost was over £5,000 and
there was currently no intention to buy a barrier, however, bollards would be
installed in specific parking areas.
It was confirmed that sand
together with timber fences had been erected, and it was assumed that this was
very successful as it was a natural barrier and it was confirmed that the YGC
department would clear the sand before Easter and the causeway.
It was noted that several
events applications had been received, and he would communicate these with
Local Members and Town Council Members.
were invited to offer observations, and in response the following was noted:
It was noted that it was good
news about the clearance before Easter, however it was noted that many concerns
had been raised regarding the fence, although signage had been erected
regarding safety. The Maritime Service Manager felt that the fences were
prominent, and signage had been erected but unfortunately it was not possible
to close the beach. A representative
from Barmouth Town Council noted that a great deal of concern had been noted,
especially by those who walked along the beach in the evening.
There was an enquiry about
the Coronation Celebrations (7/8 May), and it was confirmed that specific
details had not been received from Katie Price, although there was a suggestion
that the Town Council was looking to organise a street event on 8 May, with a
request to possibly use the beach.
As the discussion on this
item came to a head, the Assistant Head of Economy and Community Department
reminded all should they have any concerns, they should contact the
Harbourmaster's Office in Barmouth.
Everyone was thanked for
their contribution.
To note and
accept the reports.
Supporting documents: