To receive and consider a report by Mr Barry Davies, the Maritime Officer.
Submitted: The report of the Maritime Officer, Mr Barry Davies,
on activities in Aberdyfi Harbour with specific
reference to the following:
(A) Mooring figures – Aberdyfi
figures for 2015/16 were presented and it was noted that the number was
disappointing due to the inclement weather over the summer and the fragile
position of the economy and the maritime sector. The following points were
That fewer
numbers would have an impact on income and therefore expenditure and budgets
would have to be cut. This reduction was also reflected throughout the country
and further afield, attention was drawn to the fact that some marinas in Europe
had a maximum of 30% moorings in use. It
was trusted that the decline in the maritime sector had come to an end and it
was anticipated that there would be no further reduction with the market
gradually growing over the next two years.
The format of the
submitted report had been amended to be less historical and more concise,
however, it was noted that full details were available for anyone who required
them in electronic or hard copy format.
Gwynedd had
managed to retain the number of powerboats at a consistent level. There was a
high use of personal watercraft in Gwynedd compared to that of the neighbouring
counties of Ceredigion, Anglesey and Conwy. The facilities and the welcome given to boat users in
Gwynedd were some of the key factors.
Special thanks
were given to the Aberdyfi Advertising and
Improvements Committee for the high quality Aberdyfi
Visitors’ Packs.
The wish to
expand this successful practice to other areas of Gwynedd was noted.
A request was
made by the Chair for the number of visiting boats to Aberdyfi
to be noted in the report. The Maritime and Country Parks Officer agreed to
undertake this in the next report in March 2016.
To accept and note the above.
That the Maritime and Country Parks Officer states the
number of visitors to the harbour in his next report in March 2016.
(B) Marine
Safety Code
It was noted that
the Marine Safety Code had been fully adopted following discussions at the
Harbour Committees and it was reviewed regularly. A copy had
already been circulated to Members and was available on the Council’s website.
Adopting the Code
was good practice, however, it was noted that it may be unsuitable in certain
cases as the Code had the same requirements for fairly small Harbours such as Aberdyfi as those of larger commercial Ports such as Dover.
It would be useful to have guidelines that were more suitable and purposeful
for smaller sized harbours.
The Maritime and
Country Parks Officer would send an electronic link to Members following the
Government’s consultation into the proposed legislation that would vary harbour
abolition powers and competent harbours.
Members were
encouraged to raise any concerns regarding Aberdyfi
harbour as soon as possible following an incident and they could do this by
contacting the Harbour Master or the Maritime and Country Parks Officer.
In addition,
there was an opportunity to air issues at these Harbour Committee meetings.
following matters were discussed:
Launching Personal Watercraft on the Leri
Watercraft were not considered as a boat or vessel in the context of Commercial
Vessels Legislation. This could be a barrier to control their use.
If there is an incident
with a boat (and the boat is registered) the Harbour Master can look into the
A member gave an
account of a dangerous incident where Personal Watercraft was towing an
inflatable donut with a young lad steering. This nearly caused a nasty accident
in Aberdyfi. The
Personal Watercraft number was noted and given to the Harbour Master. (However, the matter could not be investigated further as the owner had
sold the craft.) The Personal Watercraft had been launched from the Leri in Ceredigion.
The fact that
these craft were launched from the Leri outside the
jurisdiction of Aberdyfi Harbour was a significant
barrier to control as it appeared that it was not possible to get cooperation
on these issues with Ceredigion Council and Natural Resources Wales.
It was difficult
to deal with such situations as no regulation was being breached.
The Harbour
Master had been over to the Leri several times to
give advice to users and had been as active as possible with these issues.
Other incidents noted
Only five
complaints had been received this year. This
was a substantial reduction.
One accident had
occurred in the vicinity of the harbour with a fisherman losing part of his
little finger, he was now recovering.
Reference was
made to a bad accident at Morfa Bychan.
In addition,
reference was made to an incident last year when a Personal Watercraft hit
three canoes on the Warren beach near Abersoch.
Further comments
The message that
safety had to be considered at all times had to be conveyed consistently to
boat users.
To request that the Gwynedd Cabinet Member for Economy
conducts discussions with the corresponding Cabinet Member in Ceredigion, to
see if the arrangements on the Leri can be improved.
The Maritime and Country Parks Officer to investigate
to see if it could be arranged for the Aberdyfi
Harbour Master to have powers to act on the Leri.
That a letter be sent from Gwynedd Council and Aberdyfi Community Council to Ceredigion Council to express
concern about the situation on the Leri.
The Maritime and Country Parks Officer to see if
arrangements can be made for joint-funding with the Community Council or to
make arrangements for suitable volunteers to be out on the water to supervise
during school holidays.
The Maritime and Country Parks Officer to send an
electronic link to Members for their observations.
(C) Performance Indicators
was noted that one of the purposes of measuring the deficiencies and relevant
data was to give a better service. The
members suggested the following indicators:
Number of boats
Number of
incidents / accidents including beach issues – e.g. tractor and trailer causing
damage, injuries.
request was made for the Member to send any further suggestions to the Officer.
The Maritime and Country Parks Officer to give
consideration to the above.
Members to forward any further observations to the
(CH) Navigation
was noted that no Notice to Mariners was in operation at Aberdyfi
latest information regarding the Navigational Aids was considered by the
Members and the following observations were made:
The new yellow
buoy indicating the speed restriction of 4 knots was useful.
It was noted that
the members of the RNLI and boat users were very happy with the new locations
and the quality of the aids.
Resolved: To accept and note the above.
(D) Maintenance
request was made for the observations of Members regarding the work in the
pipeline and for any further suggestions. The following
observations were made:
It was noted that
the cost of sand management in Aberdyfi and Barmouth Harbours cost £20,000 each a year. If this could
be identified as flood protection work it may be possible to find up to 80%
additional funding.
The nature of the
problem was that when the wind was from the East – there were hardly any sand
deposits but when the wind was from the West then there was a problem.
It was noted that
a barrier had been placed to alleviate the problem and this was of some
Although the
annual work of sand management alleviated the problem there were times when the
situation got worse quickly at the end of the work, causing sand to re-settle
within a short period.
It was possible
to partly resolve the problem in terms of the use made by boats launching and
landing near the Yacht Club.
Using a specific
winch would be a means of supplying the need safely; but it would be necessary
to undertake a technical assessment to choose a suitable one.
It would be
necessary to conduct a separate meeting to air this matter with Council
officers, specialist consultant and a Yacht Club representative.
Concerns were
noted that transfer of the responsibility for sand management to the separate
issue of the wall as protection, may lose the focus on the need to continue to
deal with sand management work.
The current sand
management work could have a wider impact in terms of sand encroachment in the
area – the sand dunes, car park, drains and to avert the risk of flooding in the village.
The problem had
worsened following the large storms two years ago. It was necessary to give the
matter prompt attention; and not spending the annual £20,000 could lead to
bigger problems and costs.
Work Programme
The Harbour
Master noted that the work programme was on-going and included work on the
jetty, installation of planks, railings, painting, cleaning, work on the
external buoy, visitors’ moorings and powerboats etc.
A request was
made for any further suggestions by the Members.
The Maritime and
Country Parks Officer to get more details regarding the long term plan with
removing sand on Aberdyfi beach.
The Yacht Club
representative to give ideas to the Maritime Officer regarding the winch.
The Maritime
Officer to discuss with a specialist engineer / consultant.
Maritime Officer
to submit a brief report on the above matter to the next meeting of the
Committee in March 2016.
Members to note
any suggestions regarding maintenance work to the Harbour Master.
(DD) Staffing Matters
Only a few
applications had been received for the post of part time Harbour Assistant
between April and September this year.
would be given to altering the post's period for 2016.
A request was
made for all to raise awareness of the post amongst suitable people.
Harbour Master
The thanks and
appreciation of the Chair of the Yacht Club was noted for the Harbour Master’s
excellent work and this was supported by the Chair and Vice-chair of this
Resolved: To accept and note the above.
(E) The Quay Wall
The work of
developing the plans to upgrade the quay wall was on-going, with Gwynedd
Consultancy leading.
There would be a
far reaching effect having undertaken the work and this would benefit the whole
village, Canolfan Dyfi,
Outward Bound etc. - i.e. there was a strong foundation to the business case.
Planning application:
The Planning
Application had been submitted to the National Park in June this year.
A site meeting
would be conducted next week.
It was
anticipated that the detailed design work would be completed by 13 November
Engineers were
undertaking further detailed work to assess the cost of the plan.
It would be
necessary to prepare tender documents
An application
would be submitted for a Maritime Licence
observations were expected from Natural Resources Wales on the Environmental
Impact Assessment.
New Financial Fund
Following the
planning process it would be possible to submit a bid to the new Fund.
A Declaration of
Interest would be required soon for the Fund in the hope that finance could be
received for implementation in 2018.
The Members' concern was noted due to the planning
process delay and any further delay could have a significant detrimental impact
on the plan.
The Maritime and Country Parks Officer to send an
electronic copy of the letter received from Natural Resources Wales to Members.
(F) Common land area
The following points were noted about the site on the
outskirts of the village.
There was serious
misuse of the land by builders storing and disposing of materials on the site.
The Community
Council and all Committee members were thanked for their support in dealing
with this matter.
Although some
tidying up work had taken place, further work was required to reclaim the land.
It was noted that
the Yacht Club had a right via an agreement to store some equipment on the
It was suggested
that it would be wise not to overreact to the situation in order that the
element of common land right was not abused by some that would make the
situation worse.
Basically, this
was a storage area for certain materials to be kept in a tidy and orderly
manner. There was no right at all to tip and dispose of materials on the site.
The Maritime and Country Parks Officer to organise a
skip for the site and coordinate the time-table with a representative of the
Yacht Club in order to get volunteers to assist with the work of tidying up and
Set an aim to achieve the work before the summer.
(FF) Bridges
Picnic Island (Bryn Llestair) Path
The Council had
shouldered the burden of completing the work.
The examination
of the railway bridge showed that it was currently acceptable.
It was noted that
there was concern about a large piece of rock that required attention on part
of the path.
(G) Disposal of Boats
It was noted that there was good order with racking
and the Harbour Master intended to dispose of some boats that had not
registered with the Council.
(NG) Financial Matters
Submitted to the attention of
the Members:
Income and
Expenditure Report 2014-2015 on Gwynedd Council Harbours
Detailed accounts
for Aberdyfi and Barmouth
New fees 2016/17
The following were noted:
There had been
significant expenditure in Aberdyfi on buildings to
the value of £17,000 + but due to Gwynedd Council's financial arrangements this
appeared as an underspend of £16,072 in the accounts.
It was noted that
a contribution of £8,335 towards central costs indicated value for money
considering the service supplied.
The income from
fees and rents were down to £33,270.
It was
anticipated that the increase in fees for 2016/17 was a small increase of 1%.
Resolved: To accept and note the above.
(H) Events
It was noted that
the Aberdyfi Seafood Festival had been a great
It was estimated
that around 2000 people had visited the village during the day.
There had been
good cooperation with the ‘Race the Train’ event at Tywyn.
The Yacht Club
were thanked for all the voluntary work undertaken.
The intention to
conduct the event again next year was welcomed. It was
understood that the date would be the third Saturday in August 2016.
Supporting documents: