Extension and alterations
to property, plus the conversion of the roof space to a bedroom & bathroom
and annex to the rear of the dwelling.
LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Elin Walker Jones
DECISION: To refuse
The proposed development would be tantamount to
an over development of a residential domestic property and due to its scale, setting
and height it would create an oppressive element that would dominate nearby
private property and would harm the amenities of local residents
contrary to the requirements of Policies PCYFF 2 and PCYFF 3 of the Anglesey
and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan.
Extension and alterations to a
property, together with conversion of the roof space into a bedroom and
bathroom and an annexe to the rear of the dwelling.
a) The Planning Manager highlighted that this was an
application to undertake alterations to an existing two-storey house. The work
would include:
- erecting a first-floor extension above the existing single-storey
garage at the front of the property
- erecting a single-storey front extension with a
lean-to roof beside the existing garage
- converting the roof space in the existing dwelling
into additional living space, and
- erecting a two-storey rear extension as an annexe to
the main house.
It was explained that the site was within the curtilage of 33 Bryn Eithinog, which was a detached property within the
development boundary of the Bangor Sub-regional Centre, as defined by the
Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan (LDP). The property would be
increased from a four-bedroom house to a house with an annexe and a total of
six bedrooms. It was reiterated that the proposal was a revised plan to the
previously refused plan, when the Committee had considered that the proposal
would equate to an over-development of the property and that due to the scale, layout and height of the extensions, it would create an
oppressive element that would dominate nearby private properties (planning
application C22/0608/11/LL).
The application had
been submitted to the Committee at the Local Member’s request.
Reference was made to the main changes to the plans - a reduction in the
width of the ground floor of the annexe; removal of dormer windows from the
southern aspect and installing roof lights in their place; installing an
additional rooflight in the rear (northern) slope of the annexe roof. It was considered that the proposal was acceptable in relation to
visual amenities, private amenities and general amenities and it was
recommended to approve the application subject to relevant conditions.
b) Taking advantage of the right to speak, the Local
Member made the following comments:
the extension was slightly smaller, the reasons for refusal remained the same
neighbours' concerns remained the same
The scale
and layout of the proposal was oppressive
The change
was too insignificant - not enough to appease nearby residents
that the annexe would be used as an Airbnb - this was not needed in a
residential area
That the
proposal was on the main access route to Ysgol Friars
Increase in
c) It was proposed and seconded to refuse the application
as the scale and size of the proposal was excessive for the site
ch) During
the ensuing discussion, the following observation by a Member
was noted:
Concerns that the house was used as a house in multiple occupation
although there was no formal evidence of this.
The proposed development would be tantamount to an
over development of a residential domestic property and due to its scale,
setting and height it would create an oppressive element that would dominate
nearby private property and would harm the amenities of local residents contrary to the requirements of Policies PCYFF 2
and PCYFF 3 of the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan.
Supporting documents: