Erection of building
for Use Classes
B1/B2,/B8 (with Trade Counter in any
B8 units) and a building for use
as a Builders' Merchant (storage,
distribution, trade counter, offices and ancillary retail)
with associated external storage, display area, access,
parking, lighting, fencing, hard and
soft landscaping.
LOCAL MEMBER: Councillor Dafydd Meurig
DECISION: To delegate powers to the Senior Planning
Officer to approve the application subject to completing discussions regarding
highways and archaeology matters as well as material planning conditions
relating to:
1. Time
2. Compliance with the plans
3. The development shall be implemented in accordance
with the recommendations in the ecological report / landscaping plan
4. Archaeology conditions
5. Permitted use of units 1 - 6 (Building 1) for any
purpose within Use Class B1, B2 or B8
6. Ensure Welsh / Bilingual signs
7. Opening Hours: 06:30 to 18:00 Monday to Friday, 06:30
to 17:00 Saturday and 08:00 to 16:00 Sunday / Bank Holidays
1. Welsh
2. Land
Drainage Unit
3. Network
Erection of a building for Use Classes B1/B2/B8
(with a Trade Counter in any B8 unit) and a building to be used as a Builders’
Merchant (storage, distribution, trade counter, offices
and ancillary retail), with an associated external storage area, showroom area,
access, parking, lighting, fences, hard and soft landscaping.
The Planning Manager
highlighted that this was an application for full planning permission to erect
two buildings on one of the vacant plots within Bryn Cegin
Business Park, Llandygai. One of the buildings (Building 1) would be split
into six units, with the intention of obtaining flexible consent to allow for
uses within Use Classes B1 (Business), B2 (General Industrial) or B8 (Storage
or Distribution Services) within the units. The second building (Building 2)
would be for use by a builders' merchant business (Unique Use).
It was explained that Parc
Bryn Cegin was protected as a Strategic Regional
Business Site for businesses in Use Classes B1, B2 and B8 by policy CYF 1 in
the LDP - the
proposal for Building 1 was consistent with this policy and the use of Building
2 as a builders' merchant was a unique use as it did not fall under any
specific use class. Policy CYF 3 encouraged
protecting specified business sites for the use earmarked unless there were
exceptional circumstances for alternative use. The policy set out four criteria
to assess such proposals:
that there was overwhelming justification for the development
that the scale of the plan mainly corresponded with the workforce needs on
the employment site
that the proposed development would not undermine the function of the
employment site
that the development
would not lead to an under-provision of B1employment use land.
Having considered the importance of
the scheme in securing the development of a business on a strategically
important site which had been empty for many years, it was considered that
there was exceptional justification to grant the proposed development on the
designated employment site in accordance with Policy CYF 3 of the LDP.
In terms of archaeological matters, it was noted that
the Bryn Cegin site had been the subject of extensive
archaeological excavation which had been identified as a location of historic
importance, with evidence dating from the Iron Age, and of the relationship
with the Roman Occupation. For practical reasons, not all parts of the site
with archaeological potential had been excavated during the previous work and
reference was made to a strip of land on the periphery of the site which had
potential for important archaeological material. The Gwynedd Archaeological
Planning Service (GAPS) had suggested that a planning condition was needed to
ensure that appropriate investigation work was carried out before this land was
affected by development.
In the context of
infrastructure and sustainability matters it was noted that Bryn Cegin had been earmarked as a sustainable location for
business and had been developed with the plots served by appropriate utilities
for the expected businesses. Natural Resources Wales did not have any objection to the development and
Welsh Water had confirmed that there was adequate capacity in the local
sewerage system to meet the requirements of the development and that a
connection to the water supply could be ensured. Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) would be required to control surface water for every
new development and an application would need to be submitted to the SuDS Approval Body for approval before the construction
work commenced.
Reference was made to the Planning
Statement submitted with the application along with an Energy and
Sustainability Statement which identified steps to reduce the development's
carbon footprint. It was noted that additional information was expected in
relation to ensuring that the flow of water from the new inner road would not
affect the existing roads network but, from receiving that information, and
from following the statutory requirements regarding sustainable drainage, it
was believed that this development would comply with the requirements of
policies PCYFF 5, PS 5 and PS 6 which ensured that new developments would not
have a harmful impact on the broader environment and that they would be robust
against likely environmental changes in the future.
It was not considered that the
proposal was contrary to any material planning policy within the LDP and that
the proposed development was appropriate for the site and was likely to be of
strategic importance to the county as a starting point for business
developments on the site. It was not considered that the proposal was likely to
cause any unacceptable detrimental impact to nearby residents or the community
in general.
Taking advantage of the right to speak, the applicant noted the following
That the officers' report was very thorough and led to a recommendation to
approve the application
That the
site was a Strategic Business / Employment Site and that it had not yet
provided any jobs.
An application for a builders' merchants had been approved recently and
there was no reason to believe that the development would not proceed. By
combining that application with this application for smaller units and a
builders' merchants, around 80 new jobs could be created within the next 18
months. It was hoped that these developments would act as a catalyst and that
other developments would follow soon.
That the application had been submitted in two parts. One was a builders'
merchant and the operator had been confirmed. All staff would be recruited
locally, regardless of the job in question. The other units would be speculative and no occupants had been secured so far. They
would be constructed as shells ready to be adapted to any future occupant -
they were likely to appeal to existing local businesses looking to expand.
The only matters raised during the application process were archaeological
and run-off water matters. It was hoped that the proposed archaeology condition
would be accepted and that the development would be
able to continue while the archaeological work was being carried out in the
important locations.
officer's report noted that the Transportation Unit had no objection to the
plan in relation to its impact on transport despite the request for more
information about water drainage. There had been a response to the request and it had been demonstrated that water would not
drain into the road. In response to SuDS approval -
the process was ongoing.
The officers' thorough report noted, 'As a result of the above assessment,
it is not considered that the proposal is contrary to any material planning
policy within the LDP and the proposed development is
appropriate for the site and is likely to be of strategic importance to the
county as a starting point for business developments on the site. Consideration
was given to all material issues and it is not
believed that the proposal is likely to cause any unacceptable detrimental
impact to nearby residents or the community in general'.
Committee was therefore requested to accept the recommendation
c) The Local Member, Councillor Dafydd Meurig, had sent
his apologies for missing the meeting, however he had noted in an e-mail that
he had no objection to the application and had not received any observations
from electors.
ch) It was proposed and seconded to
approve the application.
During the ensuing discussion, the following observations were made by
Welcomed smaller units for smaller businesses
Welcomed seeing Bryn Cegin being developed after
being empty for an extended period.
RESOLVED: To delegate powers to the Senior
Planning Officer to approve the application subject to completing discussions
regarding highways and archaeology matters as well as material planning
conditions relating to:
1. Time
2. Compliance
with the plans
3. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the
recommendations in the
ecological report / landscaping plan
4. Archaeology
5. Permitted use of units 1 - 6 (Building 1) for any purpose
within Use Class B1, B2 or B8
6. Ensure
Welsh / Bilingual signs
7. Opening Hours: 06:30 to 18:00 Monday to Friday, 06:30 to
17:00 Saturday and 08:00 to 16:00 Sunday / Bank Holidays
1. Welsh
2. Land
Drainage Unit
3. Network
Supporting documents: