In accordance with the Notice of Motion received under Section 4.20 of
the Constitution, Councillor Rhys Tudur will propose as follows:-
In order for the Council to be innovative in its
method of monitoring the implementation of Welsh medium education and
the progress in detail and effectively in our schools, the Education and
Economy Scrutiny Committee is requested to give consideration to the
appropriate means of collecting data and monitoring the Welsh language
provision in all secondary schools against the baselines of the categories in
which the schools are included.
In order for the
Council to be innovative in its method of monitoring the implementation of
Welsh medium education and progress in detail and effectively in our schools, I
ask the Education and Economy Scrutiny Committee to consider the most
appropriate way of gathering data and monitoring the Welsh-medium provision in
every secondary school against the baselines of the categories in which the
schools are included.
Submitted - the following notice of motion by Councillor Rhys Tudur in
accordance with Section 4.20 of the Constitution, and it was seconded:-
In order for the Council to be innovative
in its method of monitoring the implementation of Welsh medium education and
progress in detail and effectively in our schools, I ask the Education and
Economy Scrutiny Committee to consider the most appropriate way of gathering
data and monitoring the Welsh-medium provision in every secondary school
against the baselines of the categories in which the schools are included.
The member set out the context to his motion, noting that:-
This was not the
original notice that he had wished to submit before the Council, and that his
notice had been changed as suggested by the Monitoring Officer.
That his original
notice asked the Full Council to gather data and monitor the Welsh-medium
education provision against the baselines of the national categories, and
although he accepted the counsel, that it was disappointing and surprising to
him that it was not possible for a member to submit a notice asking the Council
to gather data.
That the notice did not
go straight for the aim as he had hoped, but instead, crawled slowly towards
the aim by calling for the Education and Economy Scrutiny Committee to look at
the data gathering method. We should not
be crawling towards the aim with the Welsh language, but instead we should be
leaping and innovating.
That the significance
of the proposal essentially was that the Welsh-medium education provision
should be measured in line with the national categorisation.
As the baseline for
Welsh-medium schools notes that 60% of the children undertake 70% of their
education through the medium of Welsh, it is assumed that measuring how many
children undertake 70% of their education through the medium of Welsh would be
important to measure, along with the way in which the schools fit into the
category's baselines. In the absence of that information, it was not known how
the schools fit into the category and how they were improving.
That the Council's
current measure in terms of Welsh-medium education provision was the Welsh in
Education Strategic Plan (WESP) in terms of how many children undertook 5 or
more GCSE subjects through the medium of Welsh.
That the Council, had
not only failed in the objective of increasing the number that undertook 5 or
more subjects through the medium of Welsh, but had also slipped over the years,
and so the WESP had failed in terms of that aspect.
It was hoped that we
will collect data thoroughly from now on in order to
reach our objectives and innovate for the benefit of Welsh.
That the national guidelines
had been in force since September 2022 and that it would be very sad should
Cyngor Gwynedd of all people refuse to measure in line with this
That he was calling on
all his fellow members to support the notice as it would empower us with
information, and this was the most important step to move the Council forward
on the language continuum.
In response to the observations of the proposer,
the Cabinet Member for Education noted:-
That she fully accepted
the point regarding the importance of being able to measure and obtain data,
and that she had mentioned that in her response to the questions previously.
That work was currently
on-going in the Department to do exactly that, which was to gather data to
obtain a comprehensive picture of what exactly was going on in the classrooms
of our schools in terms of the Welsh language and bilingual education.
That a Welsh measure
was being introduced to the performance challenging meetings and that
representatives from the Education and Economy Scrutiny Committee were being
invited to some of those meetings.
That Gwynedd was not
subject to the baseline in the category and the fact that the guidance was
non-statutory was important since the baselines could either change or
disappear completely.
That the notice
therefore asked us to measure against something that would not exist in due
course, but of course, we were required to measure against what we wish to see
here, and any aspiration we have would be substantially higher than the
category's baseline.
That this Council, and
not the national framework, set the local Language Policy. The Welsh Government fully understood this
and appreciated that our situation in Gwynedd was unique.
Other members expressed support to the notice.
In his closing comments, the proposer noted:-
That he welcomed the
fact that work was currently happening in the Department on an additional
measure, but that he could not see that his notice was creating a difficulty in
terms of referring to the baselines.
Should the baselines
change in the future, we would measure in line with what those baselines would
be in the future.
That he welcomed the fact
that there was an objective to give a better baseline than what the Government
proposed, but the Council measured poorer than the baseline currently allowed,
and the only fairly detailed measure we had was the
number of children undertaking 5 or more GCSE subjects through the medium of
Welsh, 50% in reality, or fewer possibly if the child undertook 11 GCSE
That he strongly
recommended that we measure in line with what the categorisation proposes,
non-statutory or not, and that disregarding national guidelines on increasing
Welsh education, considering that we are innovative, is something quite foolish
to do.
RESOLVED to adopt the motion, namely:-
In order for the Council to
be innovative in its method of monitoring the implementation of Welsh medium
education and progress in detail and effectively in our schools, I ask the
Education and Economy Scrutiny Committee to consider the most appropriate way
of gathering data and monitoring the Welsh-medium provision in every secondary
school against the baselines of the categories in which the schools are