Re-submission: Change
of use of land to create storage/sales yard associated
with the existing commercial premises, together with the erection of security fence, install hard standing area
and alterations to the agricultural access to create vehicular access to the yard.
MEMBER: Councillor John Pughe
Link to relevant background documents
DECISION: To approve contrary to the recommendation
1. The development referred to in this
permission must be commenced no later than FIVE years of the date of the
2. The development hereby permitted
shall be carried out in strict conformity with the details shown on the plan(s)
numbered 80 1 - 22 - 0 5; 801 - 22 - 70; 22/115/P 09; 22/115/P 04 a 22/115/P 03
Amendment A submitted to the Local Planning Authority, and contained in the
application form and in any other documents accompanying the application,
unless condition(s) to revise them is/are included on this planning decision.
3. Before the facility hereby approved
becomes operational as a storage/sales yard, the applicant must first submit
details to be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority of any
building and/or structure they propose to erect as part of the proposed
facility, including their design and height.
4. The facility hereby approved must be
connected with the use the applicant proposed to make of the commercial
premises on the High Street as a business centre for an agricultural
goods/materials supplier and which is outlined in blue in plan number 22/115/P
03 Amendment A.
5. The scheme for planting a mixed
thorn hedgerow contained in plan number 22/115/P 03 Amendment A must be
completed during the first planting season after the use becomes operational.
In the event that any part of the hedge dies, is removed or becomes seriously
damaged or diseased within the five-year period from the date it was planted,
they must be removed and replaced during the next planting season with others
of a similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority approves a
commitment in writing.
6. Before the facility becomes
operational, the applicant must first submit details to be agreed in writing
with the Local Planning Authority of any signs to be erected on the site, and
those signs shall be in Welsh only, or bilingual with priority to the Welsh
7. The applicant must comply with Part
6.0 (Summary and Conclusions) of the Floods Consequence Assessment (ref.
KRS.0639.001.R001.A) dated September, 2022 by KRS Environmental.
8. The improvements to the existing
access must be carried out in strict conformity with the details contained in
plan number 22/115/P 03 Amendment A.
9. The delivery or distribution of
goods to and from the site hereby approved shall not be permitted outside the
hours of 08:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday; 08:00 to 12:00 Saturday and not at
all on Sunday.
The reasons for the Council's
decision to permit the development subject to the conditions already noted:
To comply with Town and Country Planning Acts.
To comply with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act and
to secure the satisfactory development of the site, and to protect the visual
amenities of the area
To secure the orderly development of the site and to protect visual
To secure the orderly development of the site.
To protect visual amenities and to ensure biodiversity enhancements.
To protect and promote the Welsh language.
To comply with the requirements of Technical Advice Note 15: Development
and Flood Risk.
In the interests of road safety.
To protect residential amenities.
Due to the size and nature of the development it will be necessary to
provide an application to the Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Approval Body
for permission prior to the commencement of the building work. These systems
must be approved by Cyngor Gwynedd in its role as the Sustainable Drainage
Systems Approval Body prior to the building work commencing.
The applicant's attention is drawn to the letter from Welsh Water dated
24/02/23 and the need to ensure that the development complies with the advice
contained therein. The letter can be
viewed under this application’s reference number on the track and trace pages
on the Council’s website.
NOTE: The road verge in front of the access must be reinforced with 125
x 150mm low kerbs installed in accordance with 'Road Design'.
NOTE: The Highways Agency shall not be responsible for any surface water
from the road that enters the premises as a result of the development.
NOTE: The applicant is instructed to write to the Highways Authority to
be granted permission under Section 278 of the Highways Act, 1980 to undertake
any work which entails changes to the existing road in order to create an
access to the site.
NOTE: Surface water from the site curtilage should not flow to the main
road. The highway drainage by the access and along the frontage must be
completed to meet the requirements of the Local Planning Authority before any
work is commenced on the rest of the development.
DECISION: To approve contrary to the recommendation
Resubmission: Change the use of land to
create a storage/sales yard associated with the existing commercial premises,
together with the erection of a security fence, installation of a hard-standing
area and alterations to the agricultural access to create a vehicular access to
the yard
Some Members had visited the site on 15-05-23
The Development Control Team Leader
highlighted that this was a full application to change the use of land in order to create a storage / sales yard adjacent to Idris
Villas, Tywyn, which would be associated with the existing commercial property
located on the High Street. The proposal would include erecting a security
fence, installing a hard standing area and alterations to the existing
agricultural access to create a suitable vehicular access. It was reiterated
that a Planning Statement, Flood Consequence Assessment
and Initial Ecological Report had been submitted as a part of the application
and subsequently on 29 March 2023, a Landscaping Plan had been introduced
around the boundary fence. Following the
previous Committee, details were submitted on 28 April 2023 regarding the exit
routes for HGVs from the site.
Reference was made
to the visual impact amongst the refusal reasons on the previous application
C22/1050/09/LL, with officers highlighting that the same concerns remained
valid. Despite receiving a landscaping plan which showed an intention to
landscape the external side of the security fence, it was considered that this
would mitigate the visual impact of the development somewhat, however, it did
not completely overcome the concerns.
In the context of transport
and access matters and the observations of the Highways Unit (since the
previous Committee on 17 April 2023), plans of the HGV exit routes from the
site were received, as well as details on how the vehicles would turn within
the site. It was noted that the site was central in the town and that the
access on the external side would be in the bow of the road. Following
a site inspection, it was considered that there was satisfactory open
visibility in both directions. There would be parking within the site for
customers and is considered acceptable to satisfy the requirements of TRA 2 of
the LDP. The observations of the Transportation Unit on the latest additional
information, which state their satisfaction with the plans that show the
movements of vehicles leaving the site and they have no objection. Based on the latest observations, it was
considered that the proposal was acceptable in order to
ensure the safe operation of the highway and compliance with policies TRA 4,
criterion 6 of policy MAN 6 of the LDP and TAN 18: Transport.
It was noted that
the officers considered that the development continued to be unacceptable based
on flood concerns, the impact on the area's visual amenities, as well as the
amenities of the nearby residents. Although some elements were acceptable, they
did not outweigh the fact that the principle of the proposal failed to meet the
national policy justification tests of Technical Advice Note 15. These concerns
were raised in response to a Pre-application Enquiry where a recommendation
against submitting an application was made, on the
grounds that locating the proposal in a C1 flood zone could not be justified. A
landscaping plan has now been submitted which will involve a slight improvement
in terms of visual amenities, however it does not overcome all
of our concerns. The additional information relating to vehicle access
and egress paths has overcome our original concerns regarding road safety and
therefore reason 4 can be deleted from the reasons for refusal. However, it was considered that the proposal
essentially remained similar to the details of the
application that was refused earlier this year under application C22/1050/09/LL
which is a material consideration.
It was proposed and seconded to approve
the application, contrary to the recommendation, on the grounds of economic
impact - it would retain a business in the area.
During the ensuing discussion, the
following observations were made by Members:
That the existing site was dangerous -
heavy traffic in the town centre
That the Local Member, at the previous
meeting, had proposed good reasons for approval
The Town Council supported the application
The plans were an improvement in terms of
visibility - possible to plant and erect a fence which would offer a better
No flooding history in this area
No objection had been received to the
application from the residents of the town
That the road leading to the existing site
was busy - this offered an improvement to the situation
That this would not have a detrimental
impact on the residents of Idris Villas
That the site visit had been very valuable
In response to a question regarding the
reference to a goods 'storage' yard, and should there be a need in the future
for a structure to store goods and the need for further planning consent for
this purpose, it was noted that no information had been submitted with the
application regarding the layout of the storage area and therefore, should the
application be approved, there would be a need to impose a condition to ensure
management of the storage arrangement and height. With the reference that the
enterprise is 'ancillary to existing / commercial property', it would be
essential to include a condition to address this.
ch) An amendment was proposed to approve the
application subject to imposing conditions, including:
Permission associated with the commercial
property only
That the application corresponds to what
is being noted by the Transportation Unit - access to follow the submitted
plans - safe and wide
That sufficient planting and fencing is
done along the boundary to reduce the visual impact - ensure that the planting
is green and tall
That the site is lower than the houses and
therefore there is a need to consider that the height of the goods being stored
is capped.
In response to the improvement, the
Assistant Head noted that including the 4 above conditions was acceptable and
he reminded them of the need to impose conditions in order to
act on issues arising from the flooding assessment. A further member was made
by a Member that a condition needed to be included on
managing the goods delivery / distribution times.
to approve the application contrary to the recommendation
1. The development to which this
permission relates shall be commenced no later than FIVE years from the date of
this permission.
2. The development hereby permitted shall
be carried out in strict conformity with the details shown on the plan(s)
numbered 80 1 - 22 - 0 5; 801 - 22 - 70; 22/115/P 09; 22/115/P 04 a 22/115/P 03
Amendment A submitted to the Local Planning Authority, and contained in the
application form and in any other documents accompanying the application,
unless condition(s) to revise them is/are included on this planning decision.
3. Before the facility hereby approved
becomes operational as a storage/sales yard, the applicant must first submit
details to be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority of any
building and/or structure they propose to erect as part of the proposed
facility, including their design and height.
4. The facility hereby approved must be connected with the use the applicant proposed to make of
the commercial premises on the High Street as a business centre for an
agricultural goods/materials supplier and which is outlined in blue in plan
number 22/115/P 03 Amendment A.
5. The scheme for planting a mixed thorn
hedge contained in plan number 22/115/P 03 Amendment A must be completed during
the first planting season after the use becomes operational. In the event that
any part of the hedge dies, is removed or becomes seriously damaged or infected
within the five year period from the date it was
planted, they must be removed and replaced during the next planting season with
others of a similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority
approves a commitment in writing.
6. Before the facility becomes
operational, the applicant must first submit details to be agreed in writing
with the Local Planning Authority of any signs to be erected on the site, and
those signs shall be in Welsh only, or bilingual with priority to the Welsh
7. The applicant must comply with Part 6.0
(Summary and Conclusions) of the Floods Consequence Assessment (ref. KRS.0639.001.R001.A) dated September 2022 by KRS Environmental.
8. The improvements to the existing access
must be carried out in strict conformity with the details contained in plan
number 22/115/P 03 Amendment A.
9. The delivery or distribution of goods
to and from the site hereby approved shall not be permitted outside the hours
of 08:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday; 08:00 to 12:00 Saturday and not at all
on Sunday.
The reasons for the Council's decision to permit
the development subject to the conditions already noted:
1. To
comply with Town and Country Planning Acts.
2. To comply with the provisions of the
Town and Country Planning Act and to secure the satisfactory development of the
site, and to protect the visual amenities of the area.
3. To secure and orderly development of
the site and to protect visual amenities.
4. To
secure the orderly development of the site.
5. To protect visual amenities and to
ensure biodiversity enhancements.
6. To
protect and promote the Welsh language.
7. To comply with the requirements of
Technical Advice Note 15: Development and Flood Risk.
8. In
the interests of road safety.
9. To
protect residential amenities.
1. Due to the size and nature of the
development, an application will need to be provided to the Sustainable
Drainage Systems Approval Body for approval before construction work
commences. These systems need to be approved
by Cyngor Gwynedd in its role as the Sustainable Drainage System Approving Body
before the work starts.
2. The applicant's attention is drawn to
the letter from Welsh Water dated 24/02/23 and the need to ensure that the
development complies with the advice contained therein. The letter can be
viewed under this application’s reference number on the track and trace pages
on the Council’s website.
3. NOTE: The road verge in front of the
access must be reinforced with 125 x 150mm dropped kerbs installed in
accordance with 'Road Design'.
4. NOTE: The Highways Agency shall not be
responsible for any surface water from the road that enters the premises as a result of the development.
5. NOTE: The applicant is instructed to
write to the Highways Authority to be granted permission under Section 278 of
the Highways Act, 1980 to undertake any work which entails changes to the
existing road in order to create an access to the
6. NOTE: Surface water from the site
curtilage should not flow to the main road. The highway drainage by the access
and along the frontage must be completed to meet the requirements of the Local
Planning Authority before any work is commenced on the rest of the development.
Supporting documents: