To consider
and accept this report on the work
of the Internal Audit Section in the period from 25 January 2023 to 31 March 2023, comment
on the contents in accordance with
members’ wishes, and support the actions agreed with the relevant service managers.
accept the report
support the actions that have already been agreed with the relevant services
To refer
the 3 limited fields to the Improvement Working Group
- Communication Arrangements
of Liberty Safeguards Measures
Note: Appendix 10 Staff Recruitment and Retention Arrangements.
Bullet point 3 'Move from the exit form system to the Council's
Self-service system but continue to prioritise face-to-face interviews as a
means of ascertaining individuals' reasons for leaving their jobs'
Submitted for information, a report by the Audit Manager updating the Committee on the internal audit work for the period
from 25 January 2023 until 31 March 2023. It was highlighted
that 12 of the audits in the existing plan had been completed and given a high assurance
level; adequate or restricted.
audit was referred to in turn.
arising from the subsequent discussion
Planning –
Communication Arrangements – Restricted
The service's
performance was insufficient in responding to planning applications.
Planning enforcement
did not happen.
In the context of planning
decisions made within eight weeks, although 70% of the applications that were
checked had received a decision within the eight weeks, more information and
details were required about the remaining 30%.
The report was
disappointing, although not surprising. Although the report noted the problems
of the Covid period and recruitment problems, how confident was the Audit Unit
that the Planning Service could operate effectively?
A suggestion was
made that enforcement arrangements were considered as an area to be examined.
In response to the
observations, the Audit Manager noted that the Planning Manager had proposed
the actions, and therefore concerns such as staffing resources had been
considered in discussing the draft report and the action plan with the
Arrangements for Ash
Dieback Disease
Risks to people and
vehicles should over-ride biodiversity risks in the context of Ash Dieback
Staff Recruitment
and Retention Arrangements
The Adults, Health and Well-being Department's intention to establish
exit interviews to be held through the self-service system was welcomed. This
would provide a good opportunity to understand and improve working conditions,
was good practice and an opportunity for individuals to express their views without
It was recommended
that the auditors should return to the Service to suggest that personal
interviews were held.
Although it was accepted
that personal interviews were not always possible, and that self-service
provided better circumstances, it was suggested that the individual could be
offered the choice.
This was a
bureaucratic process here to facilitate a process - it was not mandatory to
complete the interview on the system - it was only voluntary. As a major
employer, the Council should use personal interviews that could identify
problems and ways to resolve them.
In response, the
Audit Manager suggested that an additional piece of work could be undertaken on
'exit interviews' and report back to the Committee. She reiterated that the Corporate Support
Department was trying to improve the arrangements regarding exit interviews –
personal interviews should be considered as a good opportunity to receive
feedback, to return equipment and 'conclude' the employment.
Liberty Protection
Concern about staff
shortages and the use of agency staff could lead to a financial penalty
An expectation for
BIA officers to conduct assessments 'in their own time' was unacceptable
In response, the
Audit Manager noted that the aim was for BIA staff to allocate time to complete
the DoLS work by using the overtime element - there
was no expectation for them to work for free.
The report was
disappointing, and the situation had not improved at all over the past five
They were not
considered to be a 'major' service and therefore better arrangements were to be
expected with the problems resolved.
Inconsistencies with
rent payments - Council negligence here.
Concerns had been
highlighted by Members in the Full Council, but no response.
In response, the Planning Manager noted that this
related to 39 houses and seven land-holdings and that it was not a high number within the smallholdings estate. There was acknowledgement and acceptance that the rental situation was one that should
have been identified and resolved earlier - the auditor had been responsible for this finding.
were expressed for the report.
To accept the report
To support the
actions that have already been agreed with the relevant services
To refer the 3
limited fields to the Improvement Working Group
- Planning -
Communication Arrangements
- Liberty
Protection Safeguards
Appendix 10 Staff Recruitment and Retention
Arrangements. Actions.
Bullet point 3 'Move the exit form systems
to the Council's Self-service
system but continue
to prioritise face-to-face interviews as a means of ascertaining individuals' reasons for leaving their
Supporting documents: