Present the
initial results of the consultation from the Research and Analytics service,
and invite comments from members about the potential response of the Language
and Scrutiny Unit in formulatin the final strategy.
To accept the report, and the information presented in
Appendix 1, and to note the observations received.
The Language Adviser presented the report. She referred
briefly to the following
main points:
Members were reminded that
the Welsh Language Standards (Welsh Language Measure) (Wales)
2011, placed a requirement upon
the Council to produce a five-year strategy noting how the Council intended to promote and facilitate the use of the Welsh language within the county. It was noted that the Council should explain how these
actions would contribute to the national Welsh
2050 objective to increase
the number of Welsh speakers.
It was explained that the period of the existing promotion strategy would end in October
2023. It was noted
that the review period had commenced since the beginning of 2023 and that discussion sessions had been held with Cabinet members, Language Committee members and members of the
Gwynedd Language Forum, in order to gain their
input, prior to a consultation
period on the draft strategy between 17 April and 21 May 2023.
It was reported that
159 electronic responses
and one letter had been received by the service. There was a good cross-section from all parts of the County, with the majority of respondents being individuals between 35 and 74 years old. It was confirmed that there were
only three responses from people under the age of 34, and it was emphasised that the service carefully considered how they would
gather the views of this group within
the community in the future.
It was explained that 72.3% of the respondents agreed with the intention to focus on increasing opportunities
for people to use the Welsh language. This was a common theme in a number
of responses in order to enable people to increase confidence when speaking Welsh.
It was confirmed that
consideration would be given to making changes or adaptations to the final strategy in order to respond
to some of the comments in the consultation. Members were informed
that the final draft would be shared with internal
departments in order to identify work streams that
would address the objectives and produce an initial work
It was hoped to submit the final draft of the strategy to the
Cabinet in October 2023.
Members were given an
opportunity to ask questions and offer observations.
During the discussion, the following matter was raised:
· The
number of responses to the consultation were low, probably as the Council had a number of other consultations underway at the same time.
It was agreed that there was a need to consider new methods of sharing
information, to ensure that the feedback received was a fair reflection of the
views of the public, although it was acknowledged that there were currently
challenges in relation to holding consultations – such as the challenge of
using social media and the challenge of receiving responses from a range of
different ages.
It was confirmed that the service had not yet researched the future
impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the Welsh language. It was emphasised
that this technology had developed quickly and that
research would be undertaken during the lifespan of this strategy.
It was emphasised that the Council had a duty to consider all the
responses to the consultation. It was agreed that only a minority of the
responses were negative, but it was noted that officers had to be aware of
these observations when proceeding to produce a final draft.
Gratitude was expressed for the report.
To accept the report,
and the information presented
in Appendix 1, and to note the observations received.
Supporting documents: