Application to amend
conditions attached to planning permission
C21/0042/25/LL f or the erection of a two storey dwelling,
garage, creation of new vehicular access
and associated works :
Condition 2 - Variation of the approved
plan to enable a change in the position of the proposed building within the site; Condition 9 - amendment in wording
to require the completion
of the access shown on the submitted plan prior to
the occupation of the dwelling.
Local Member: Councillor
Menna Baines
Link to relevant background documents
To approve subject to relevant planning conditions:
Compliance with the new submitted plans
The window on the eastern
elevation of the ground floor to be opaque
3. The development shall be commenced within five years
4. No development to commence until a drainage plan for the site has been
submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing.
5. The exact mitigation measures and the biodiversity enhancement suggestions,
as included in sections 5.2 to 5.4 of the Preliminary Ecological Report
submitted with application C21/0042/25/LL, must be followed.
6. It will not be permitted at any time for the highway's current boundary
wall/hedge/fence or any new highway-facing boundary erected to be higher than 1
metre above the carriageway level of the adjacent county road from either end
of the site's boundary to the highway and it is not permitted to erect anything
higher than this within 2m of the wall in question.
7. The access must be planned and constructed completely in accordance with
the submitted plans.
8. Removal of permitted development rights
1 - Party Wall Act Note
2 - Draw the applicant’s
attention to the observations of Welsh Water
3 - Sustainable Drainage
Systems Note
An application to amend conditions attached to
planning permission C21/0042/25/LL for the erection of a two-storey dwelling,
garage, creation of new vehicular access and associated works: Condition 2 –
Variation of the approved plan to enable a change in the position of the
proposed building within the site; Condition 9 – amendment in wording to
require completion of the access shown on the submitted plan prior to the
occupation of the dwelling.
Attention was drawn to the additional observations.
a) The Planning
Manager highlighted that this was an application to vary Condition 2 (planning
permission C21/0042/25/LL) for full planning permission to erect a two-storey
dwelling and associated works, to allow changing the position of the approved
dwelling 3m north-eastwards. He explained that the site was served by an access
from Ffordd Penrhos which was a third-class county
road, and that a parking area, garage and car port
would be provided as part of the development. The rear of the site bordered
with a wooded area that was designated as the Ffordd Treborth
Woodland Wildlife Site, which separated the site from the Treborth
Garden Centre.
Revised plans were received when discussing this application, showing a
reduction in the building's footprint compared to what had been approved
originally. He noted that the proposal to move the location of the dwelling
resulted from the need to avoid development within the buffer zone, which
extended 4m either side of the centre of the main sewer pipe that crossed the
He highlighted that the application also included a proposal to vary
Condition 9 of the previous permission to facilitate the construction work by
ensuring that the final vehicular access was in place before the dwelling was
occupied rather than before development of the site.
The application was submitted to the Committee at the
Local Member’s request. A message had been received from the local member
noting that, after reading the officer's report and in light
of further discussions with the residents of the nearest property, they
had confirmed to her that they no longer objected to the application as it
stood. However, they emphasised the need to adhere to the plans submitted with
the application.
The principle of the proposal to erect a house of a similar size and design
on this site was considered to have already been accepted via planning
permission C21/0042/25/LL – the relevant
policies had not changed since then, therefore that
permission had been implemented and was extant. It was considered that the
principle of building a dwelling on the site remained acceptable and in
accordance with the principle of current housing policies.
Considering the reduction in the development's footprint, especially in the
extension towards the north, together with the discussion regarding the amenity
impacts, it was not believed that moving this house to the new position would
have a significantly harmful amenity impact on the site's appearance, the local
development pattern or on private amenities.
b) It was proposed and seconded to approve the application.
RESOLVED to approve subject to relevant planning
1. Compliance
with the new submitted plans
2. The
window on the eastern elevation of the ground floor to be opaque
3. The
development shall be commenced within five years
4. No
development to commence until a drainage plan for the site has been submitted
to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing.
5. The
exact mitigation measures and the biodiversity enhancement suggestions, as
included in sections 5.2 to 5.4 of the Preliminary Ecological Report submitted
with application C21/0042/25/LL, must be followed.
6. It
shall not be permitted at any time for the highway's current boundary
wall/hedge/fence or any new highway-facing boundary
erected to be higher than 1 metre above the carriageway level of the adjacent
county road from either end of the site's boundary to the highway and it is not
permitted to erect anything higher than this within 2m of the wall in question.
7. The
access must be planned and constructed in full accordance with the submitted
8. Removal
of permitted development rights
1 – Party Wall Act Note
2 – Draw the applicant’s attention to Welsh Water
3 – Sustainable Drainage Systems Note
Supporting documents: