Erection of 41 affordable dwellings and associated development
Local Member: Councillor Meryl Roberts
Link to relevant background documents
DECISION: To delegate powers to
the Senior Planning Manager to approve the application subject to the applicant
signing a Section 106 agreement to ensure an open spaces financial contribution
and the following conditions: -
Five years.
2. In
accordance with the plans/details submitted with the application.
3. Landscaping
4. Secure a
plan/arrangements to provide the affordable units e.g. mix, tenure, occupancy
criteria, timetable and arrangements to ensure that units are affordable now
and in perpetuity.
5. Compliance
with the recommendations of the following documents: Preliminary Ecological
Assessment; Reptile Survey and Elimination of Invasive Species Statement.
6. Agree on
details regarding Welsh names for the development before the residential units
are occupied for any purpose along with advertising signage informing and
promoting the development.
7. Working
hours limited to 8:00-18:00 Monday to Friday; 08:00-13:00 Saturday and not at
all on Sunday and Bank Holidays.
8. Compliance
with the content of the Environmental Construction Management Plan document
submitted as part of the application.
9. Relevant
conditions from the Transportation Unit regarding improvements to the access
and parking spaces.
10. Submit and
agree to samples of materials and colours for the residential dwellings.
11. Submit and
agree to a biodiversity improvement plan to include reptile re-location.
12. Submit and
agree on solar panel details.
13. Restrict
the use of proposed housing to Use Class C3 of the Town and Country Planning
Order (Use Classes) (Amended) (Wales), 1987 - residential houses used as a sole
residence or main residence.
14. Agree on
the location and type of noise barrier adjacent to the houses of nearby
residents before work is commenced on the site.
106 condition/agreement
for the relocation of reptiles.
Note -
need to submit a sustainable drainage system application to be agreed with the
Note -
refer the applicant to Welsh Water observations and amended advice.
Note -
refer the applicant to observations and advice from Natural Resources
Construction of
41 affordable housing and associated developments
a) The Planning Manager
highlighted that this was a full application to provide 41 dwellings, a new access, a
new estate road and associated works on a plot of land on a site that had been
designated under T48 as a housing site in the JLDP. The site was located on a
plot of agricultural land used as livestock pasture, in the middle of the
settlement of Penrhyndeudraeth and within the development boundary. He noted
that the site measured 1.26ha and the application could be split into different
elements, which included: -
The provision of 41 residential
units to include 30 two-storey houses (20 x 2-bedroom, four person houses; 5 x
3-bedroom, 5 person houses; 1 x 7 person, 4-bedroom house and 4 x 5 person
side-access houses); 1 x 2-bedroom, 3 person bungalow; 8 flats (1-bedroom, 2
person); 1 x 6-bedroom, 10 person supported living house, as well as one x
4-bedroom bungalow with wheelchair access.
The provision of parking
spaces within the curtilage of each house and off-road.
The creation of a new
access off Trem y Moelwyn
The creation of a new
pedestrian access off the nearby A487 highway.
Soft and hard landscaping
within and around the edges of the site.
Biodiversity enhancements
The provision of an
informal open space for children as well as an amenity space.
Installation of a surface
water and foul water drainage system to serve the development.
Culverting part of the
watercourse that ran through the site.
It was reported that Penrhyndeudraeth would exceed its
indicative level through this development, and consequently justification would
be required with this application outlining how the proposal would address the
needs of the local community by providing an appropriate mix of housing (Policy
TAI 8). It was added that the applicant had submitted information to support
the application which stated that the Grŵp Cynefin and Clwyd-Alyn registered social landlords would be
working together to build the affordable dwellings and become the site's owners
once the development had been completed. It was also noted that the plan had
been included within a programme to receive a Social Housing Grant from the
Welsh Government. Grŵp
Cynefin would be responsible for 19 affordable
housing units and Clwyd-Alyn would be responsible for 22 affordable housing
units, with the tenure being a mix of social and intermediate rent;
part-ownership and affordable intermediate housing for sale – this housing mix
responded to the local need for affordable housing in Penrhyndeudraeth.
In the context of educational matters, it was
confirmed that there was enough capacity in the schools in the catchment area,
namely Ysgol Gynradd Cefn Coch and Ysgol Ardudwy, to accommodate the proposed number
of children that could be expected from approving this proposal.
With regard to open spaces, it was noted that a
provision of informal open spaces would be located in the centre of the site,
which would give prospective occupiers an opportunity to use them, as well as
other local residents. This provision of informal open spaces was separate and
in addition to the requirement for formal/informal play areas for children and
outdoor sports areas. Nonetheless, it was noted that there was a shortage of
both play areas with equipment for children and outdoor sports areas in the
catchment area of the application site, and a viability statement was submitted
with the application which stated that should they be required to provide open
play areas for the anticipated number of children, this would necessitate the
loss of many housing units, rendering the development non-viable. It was added
that the applicants had already held initial discussions with the Community
Council about making a financial contribution towards improving the facilities
of Parc Mileniwm located in the town centre, by
signing a legal agreement to realise the contribution.
It was considered that the proposal as revised would
be acceptable in principle and that the affordable units would contribute
significantly towards the affordable housing needs of Penrhyndeudraeth. Full
consideration was given to the observations received from local residents and
the statutory consultees, however, no significantly harmful impact that
contravened relevant local and national planning policies was identified.
b) Taking advantage of the right
to speak, the applicant made the following observations:
The Planning officers
supported the application
The application site
had been allocated for housing development
The application offered
more than the 10% affordable housing provision - 41 rather than 4.1%
The scheme addressed
the local need
Drainage concerns were
now being managed on the site and the arrangement had been approved by NRW
Light pollution and
neighbours' privacy had been taken into consideration
A detailed review of
the site's ecology had been carried out, and a comprehensive landscape plan had
been produced in response
They had been careful
when considering the access
The aims of preserving
and protecting the language were welcomed
Discussions regarding a
play area had commenced with the Town Council
c) Taking advantage of the right to speak, the Local Member made the
following observations:
She was supportive of
the application
She welcomed the fact
that the access was larger
She was pleased that
the water problems had been sorted out
Local people should be
given priority
ch) It was proposed and seconded to approve the
d) In response to an observation regarding having assurance that it would be Penrhyndeudraeth residents being
housed in the units, the Assistant Head stated that the units would be let in
accordance with the Council's Allocations Policy, and the Planning Manager
added that an affordable housing condition would ensure that the local need was
addressed, but this did not mean restricting the need to a particular area.
RESOLVED to delegate powers to the Senior
Planning Manager to approve the application subject to the applicant signing a
Section 106 agreement to secure an open spaces financial contribution and to
the following conditions: -
1. Five
2. In accordance with the plans/details submitted with the
3. Landscaping
4. Secure a plan / arrangement for providing the affordable units
e.g. mix, tenure, occupancy criteria, timetable and arrangements to ensure that
units are affordable now and in perpetuity.
5. Compliance with the recommendations of the following documents:
the Preliminary Ecological Assessment; Reptile Survey and Eradication of
Invasive Species Statement.
6. Agree on details regarding Welsh names for the development before
the residential units are occupied for any purpose along with signage
advertising and promoting the development.
7. Working hours limited to 8:00-18:00 Monday to Friday;
08:00-13:00 Saturday and not at all on Sundays and Bank Holidays.
8. Compliance
with the content of the Environmental Construction Management Plan document
submitted as part of the application.
9. Relevant conditions from the Transportation Unit regarding
improvements to the access and parking spaces.
10. Submit and agree to samples of materials and colours for the
residential dwellings.
11. Submit and agree to biodiversity enhancements plan to include
reptile re-location.
12. Submit and agree on solar panels details.
13. Restrict the use of the proposed housing to Use Class C3 of the
Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Amended) (Wales) Order 1987 –
residential dwellings used as a sole residence or main residence.
14. Agree on the location and type of noise barrier adjacent to the
houses of nearby residents before work is commenced on the site.
15. 106 condition/agreement for the relocation of
Note – need to submit a sustainable drainage
system application to be agreed with the Council.
Note – refer the applicant to Welsh Water
observations and amended advice.
Note – refer the applicant to observations and
advice from Natural Resources Wales.
Supporting documents: