To submit
the report of the Cabinet Member for Corporate Support.
That the Council instigates
a process which could
lead to the adoption of a Single Transferable Vote System for Cyngor Gwynedd
Submitted - the report of the Cabinet Member for Corporate Support asking
the Council to consider whether a process which could lead to the adoption of a
Single Transferable Vote System for Cyngor Gwynedd elections should be
The Chief Executive and the Monitoring Officer provided a detailed
explanation of some aspects of the act and the process.
The Cabinet Member proposed that a process should not be commenced which could lead to the
adoption of a STV system for Cyngor Gwynedd elections.
Members were given an
opportunity to make observations and ask questions.
Although a few members expressed some concerns about
the size of wards under the STV system, several other members objected to the
proposal on the basis:-
That the process needed to proceed for the Council to be able to make a
meaningful decision on the way forward.
That a STV system exceeded the current electoral system as it was a more
contributory, fair and logical system that gave more
consideration to people's votes, meaning fewer wasted votes and easier for the
voter to use.
Unlike most other contributory systems, that a STV system kept a close
connection between elected members and their wards and gave more of the power
to choose elected representatives in the hands of electors, and less so in the
hands of political parties.
That one of the main weaknesses of the current system was that it was
possible for members to be chosen as councillors unopposed, and the STV system
abolished that.
That undertaking a
consultation would not lead the Council down an irreversible path, but rather
offer an opportunity to examine the whole matter and obtain the opinion of
electors on it.
That the system needed to be revolutionised if our electors were to be empowered,
to increase people's interest in democracy, better engage with our electors and
have a fairer system, and this is exactly what STV offered.
The Leader presented closing
remarks on behalf of the Cabinet Member who had had to leave the meeting early. Although he supported the principle of having
a new voting system for every election, he noted that the Welsh Labour
Government's decision not to enforce the system on every council in Wales, as
this would weaken the Labour Party's position, was unfair. On this basis, he
was not supportive of moving forward with the matter at present.
Members voted on the
proposal not to commence a process which could lead to the adoption of a STV
system for Cyngor Gwynedd elections. The
proposal fell.
It was proposed and
seconded that the Council commenced a process which could lead to the adoption of a STV
system for Cyngor Gwynedd elections. The proposer noted further:-
That adopting this proposal would be a positive and historic step towards
being more democratic.
That a STV system removed the idea that there was no point in voting for
a specific party and that every vote counted.
That the system increased the number of people who got the opportunity to
earnestly voice an opinion and, in doing so, strengthen democracy.
That the Welsh
Government did not have the backbone to say that this would be the system in
Wales and that it feared that the people of Wales would wake up and choose an
alternative system.
Another member noted that
the first past the post system had led to two arrogant main parties in the UK
and that there was an opportunity here to change this. This should be further
examined as the current political system was broken and people did not bother
to turn out to vote.
A vote was taken on the proposal and it carried.
As the proposal was carried,
the Monitoring Officer explained therefore that the intention would be to
submit a report to the Council meeting in March outlining the consultation
process to proceed the matter to consideration or decision by the Council by
means of an Extraordinary Council in due course.
RESOLVED that the Council commenced a process which could lead
to the adoption of a Single Transferable Vote System for Cyngor Gwynedd
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