Williams, Interim CJC Chief Executive, to present the report.
To approve the proposed draft Action Plan to be submitted to the Welsh
The report was submitted by Alwen
Williams, Interim CJC Chief Executive.
RESOLVED to approve the proposed draft Action Plan to
be submitted to the Welsh Government.
It was questioned whether it would
be practically possible to present the final version of the Regional Transport
Plan to the Welsh Government by the end of March 2025, considering the amount
of work needing to be completed and the expertise needed to complete a project
of this size and type, especially in light of the UK Government's announcement
regarding the work of electrifying the North Wales Coast railway, which was
also a huge amount of work. In response, the interim CJC Chief Executive noted:-
That other regions had
also expressed concern regarding the timetables, and although he had not seen
the final report, the Transport Commission had achieved a great deal of the
work in North Wales over the last 18 months and that there would be a great
deal of data as the basis for the report's conclusions that would be useful,
especially in regard to creating the case for change.
She believed that work
must be commissioned for advisors with expertise, especially surrounding the
Environmental Impact Assessment, as well as maintaining an individual review of
the plans in North Wales. Obviously, that would depend on availability and
timetables within the agencies that could respond to this kind of work.
She believed that the
timetables would have to be adapted as the work went on and as we reached
milestones, but at this moment in time he was optimistic that the requirements
would be achieved by March 2025.
She would report back
to the Joint Committee regularly regarding progress, highlighting any risks,
and in regard to approving the Action Plan, the
Transport Sub-committee would be established to lead the work.
She believed that it
would also be a critical element as well as ensuring that we kept to the
timetable and to the budget and reported back to the CJC as required.
In response to the series of questions, the Interim
CJC Chief Executive explained:-
That the Transport
Sub-committee would guide the plan and guide the officers to lead on creating
the plan and preparing the work.
That the Government had
been through the process of internal approval of draft plans for 4 regions and
that they would award, and inform us, hopefully within the coming weeks regarding
the funding that would come forward.
Up to £125,000 was
expected to help with the work of developing the plan.
A portion of the money
would be spent on advisors. A public consultation would need to be held, and
therefore associated costs would be likely. There would also be costs
associated with the work of creating the Environmental Impact Assessment.
She had been in liaison
with officers from every authority in the North to create the draft plan in the
first place, and she foresaw that once the Transport Sub-committee had been
established and was operational, that there would also be a committee of
officers available to help.
That there was
transport expertise within the councils and that it was important that they
felt they had ownership as well as the ability to lead the plan.
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