Williams (Portfoli Director) and Hedd Vaughan-Evans (Head of Operations) to
present the report.
1. That the Board support the
action plan developed by the Portfolio Director and timescales for
Implementation in response to the 2023 Gateway Review (PAR) recommendations.
2. That the Board note that
there may be a requirement to amend the action plan following the follow up
Assurance of Action Plan (AAP) review in December and that in such an instance
the Portfolio Director would consult the Chair and Vice-Chair on those
The report was presented by Alwen Williams (Portfolio
Director) and Hedd Vaughan-Evans (Head of Operations).
1. That
the Board supports the action plan developed by the Portfolio Director and
timescales for implementation in response to the 2023 Gateway Review (PAR)
2. That
the Board notes that there may be a requirement to amend the action plan in
light of the follow-up Assurance of Action Plan (AAP) review in December and
that in such an instance the Portfolio Director would consult the Chair and
Vice-Chair on those amendments.
The North Wales Growth Deal was required
to respond to the recommendations set out in the Gateway Review report.
A member expressed fierce
objection to the comment in the Gateway Review that the Business Delivery Board
did not challenge the projects, and emphasised that the recommendations should
not be blindly accepted as the way forward.
It was questioned who would
pay for the Non-Executive Director for the Ambition Board, and what kind of
person would be sought for the role, bearing in mind that the expertise already
existed within the partnership.
It was suggested that all
this bureaucracy held things back, and that we should have greater autonomy so
that we could proceed more quickly.
Members welcomed the fact
that additional extraordinary meetings of the Board could be convened if urgent
decisions were required.
It was noted that although
the action of implementing the recommendation to appoint a Non-Executive Director
to the Board had been designated to the Chair of the Board, it would be
beneficial if the six Leaders were involved in the discussion regarding this,
as it was not clear from the report what the options would be etc.
In terms of the recommendation
regarding training around social procurement in the public sector, a member
noted that it was not clear what was lacking here since everyone around the
table was very well versed in those matters, and questioned whether there was
anything we could have done differently or better. It was noted further that the bar had been
set high in terms of social value requirements, and there were also
requirements in terms of net zero. It
would not be an easy matter to find tenderers that reached all those thresholds,
and it was enquired whether this had been considered as part of the
In response to some of the
observations and questions, the following was noted:-
the action of implementing the recommendation to appoint a Non-Executive Director
to the Board had been designated to the Chair of the Board, the document
highlighted that the appointment was a matter for the whole Board.
the Board and Portfolio Management Office had access to procurement expertise
as required and that our processes were scrutinised at a professional level
before reaching the Board to ensure that those processes were followed
we were not just accepting the recommendations and were taking our time to
consider how best we as a Board, and as a Team, wished to address the concerns
behind some of those recommendations.
must be remembered that any external review such as this was a snapshot in
time. At the time of conducting this review in early October, the Board had
approved only one outline business case in 9 months, but by today the Board had
approved three outline business cases and one full business case in 3 months.
follow-up review would be held the following week, which was an opportunity for
the officers to challenge some of the recommendations.
terms of the observation regarding procurement, they believed the Review Team
were referring specifically to our method of engaging with our private sector
sponsors and improving their understanding of some of our needs, rather than
our partners in the public sector who were very knowledgeable in this field.
guidance and advice had been sought from the Civil Engineering Contractors
Association in Wales regarding what more we could do to assist companies and
organisations that tendered for work.
of these requirements should make it easier for local companies and local
contractors to tender successfully, as they were in the best position to offer
social value and community benefits, and they also had the advantage of having
a low carbon footprint if they employed local staff and used local materials.
The Chair noted that the
Board had a very robust process in place.
Supporting documents: