To receive the report for information.
Submitted, for information, a report highlighting the Council's actual
Treasury Management activity during the current financial year. At a meeting of
the Full Council in March 2023, the Treasury Management Strategy had been
approved for 2023/24. It was highlighted that, during the six months between 1
April and 30 September 2023, the Council’s borrowing activity had remained
within the limits originally set. It was reiterated that it was estimated that
the Council's actual investment income exceeded the expected income in the
2023/24 budget.
It was explained, in the external context that it had been a busy and
prosperous time for the Council’s treasury management activity. No organisation
with which the Council had invested money had defaulted, and high interest
rates had produced significant interest income. Reference was made to the
economic background, and it was noted, in the local context, that the situation
on 30 September 2023 was very strong with the Council in a net investment
position as a result of the high level of investments and operational capital
that the Council had, including the money of the Ambition Board and the Pension
In the context of the Council's borrowing position, it was reported that
there had been no movement in the level of borrowing during the past six months
with the Council continuing with its strategy of using internal resources
before borrowing. It was added that the cost of borrowing had raised
significantly recently due to the market terms and therefore the Council was in
a fortunate situation.
In terms of investment activity, reference was made to the type of
investments made, which, as usual, included banks and building societies, local
authorities, financial market funds, Debt Management Office and pooled funds.
It was reported that the basic bank rate had risen to 5.25% in the period and
the returns had been high.
It was added that the Council had invested 13m in pooled funds, which was an
additional £3m since submitting the latest information. It was noted that the
pooled funds were mid/long-term investments which brought in a very good income
level, and with the Council's finance levels healthy, it was highlighted that
the decision had been made for further investment in these funds, on the advice
of Arlingclose.
It was confirmed that treasury management activities undertaken during
the period fully complied with the CIPFA Code of Practice as well as the
Treasury Management Strategy that highlights robust management of the money,
although there was no compliance with the Interest Rate Disclosure indicator.
It was explained that the indicator had been set during the lower interest
rates of February 2023 therefore it was reasonable that the amounts were so
different. Discussions would be held with Arlingclose
to set a different indicator for 2024/25.
Attention was drawn to the Liability Benchmark presentation, which was
an important tool to establish whether the Council was likely to be a long-term
borrower or long-term investor in future, and therefore shaped the strategic
focus and decisions.
Gratitude was expressed for the report.
To accept
the report for information
Supporting documents: