To present
information about the Department’s contribution to the Language Policy.
To accept the report and note the observations
The report was
submitted by the Assistant Head of Housing and Property. Reference was made to
the following main points:
Members were
reminded that the department sustained a mix of front line, corporate and
commercial services and reassurance was given that they could deliver the
department's duties bilingually, and that respecting the customer's language of
choice was essential.
Members were
reminded that the department had held a number of events throughout the
National Eisteddfod week in 2023. It was noted that events had been held on the
theme of 'Gwynedd Glyd' and raised awareness of the Council's housing plans in
order to address the existing housing crisis, and that around 60% of the
County's population had been priced out of the local market at the moment. It was considered that these sessions had
been beneficial, considering that shift and migration was a huge challenge to
the department and the Welsh language in Gwynedd.
It was reported that the main plans could be seen in the department's
Housing Action Plan. It was explained that 30 operational and strategic
projects had been included in the plan, with a vision for their development for
the next 6 years. Attention was drawn to the residential element grant in
community regeneration plans. It was explained that it was a grant provided to
communities to develop additional living units.
It was confirmed
that 96% of the department's staff met the language designations of their job,
with 60% of those staff reaching higher levels than the linguistic requirements
of their jobs. It was detailed that 85% of all department staff had completed a
linguistic self-assessment following the head's ongoing encouragement. Members
were reminded that this was a 6% increase of all department staff.
It was
emphasised that learning opportunities were considered within the department
for staff. It was noted that officers supported staff who lacked confidence in
their linguistic skills. The fact that
many staff members in the department had voluntarily completed linguistic
training outside work was something to celebrate. It was noted that the
department had identified a challenge for some of the Council's staff as they
followed a hybrid working arrangement. It was considered that working from home
on some days reduced the opportunities that Welsh learners had to practice
their linguistic skills. It was emphasised that the department ensured that
every opportunity was given to relevant staff to practice their Welsh and that
this was a consideration for the future as the new hybrid working arrangements
came into force in April 2024.
It was mentioned
that the department set a condition that the service and support providers had
to speak Welsh in relation to Service Level Agreements. Examples seen at
Tŷ Adferiad, Porthmadog, as well as sites in Bangor, were shared.
Frustration was
shared at the lack of Welsh or bilingual resources in the field of housing.
Members were reassured that the department was placing pressure on the Welsh
Government to address this. It was detailed that many regional and national
discussions were currently held in English, with no priority given to the Welsh
language. It was confirmed that the department would welcome a change in order
to see meetings being held through the medium of Welsh, with simultaneous
translation and bilingual documents provided. Reassurance was given that the
department's discussions with partners and housing associations in Gwynedd were
held in Welsh, with translation available if required.
In response to
an enquiry on the First Time Buyer Empty House Grants, it was explained that an
amendment had been made to the plan, which meant that empty houses that used to
be second homes were eligible for the grant. It was noted that 1 grant
application had been completed following this amendment and that another 5
applications were in the process of being assessed.
The members expressed their thanks for the report.
To accept the report and note the observations received.
Supporting documents: