Development of 4
(varying in size) commercial units inclusive of new vehicular and pedestrian
access with car parking
Local Member:
Councillor Dafydd Meurig
to relevant background documents
To delegate powers to the Assistant Head of Environment Department to approve
the application subject to completing discussions regarding archaeology as well
as relevant planning conditions relating to:
1. The commencement of the development and
submitting reserved matters
2. All materials to be agreed
3. Submission
of a Biodiversity Enhancement Plan prior to the commencement of the development
4. Landscaping scheme
5. Welsh Water Condition
6. Highways Conditions
7. Permitted
use of buildings for any purposes within Use Class B1, B2 or B8 only
8. Ensure Welsh / Bilingual signs
9. Opening
Hours: 08:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 17:00 Saturday and not at all
on Sunday / Bank Holidays
10. A Welsh
name for the development and ensure that there is Welsh language signage within the site.
1. Welsh Water
2. Land Drainage Unit
Development of 4 commercial units (of varying sizes)
inclusive of new vehicular and pedestrian access with car parking.
It was highlighted that the late observations form
noted that a Welsh Language Statement had now been submitted together with
additional plans displaying the site layout and indicative elevations for a new
building on Plot 3 of the site - the plans were consistent with the scale, design and overall industrial nature of the location.
The Planning Manager
highlighted that this was an application for outline planning permission to develop
four commercial buildings of various sizes on one of the empty plots within
Bryn Cegin Business Park, Llandygai.
As this was an outline application, members were reminded that details
of access to the site and the internal arrangement had been submitted - the
reserved matters would have to be agreed before the planning permission could
be implemented. Appearance, Landscaping and Scale. It was reiterated that it
was proposed to obtain flexible permission for uses within Use Classes B1
(Business), B2 (General Industrial) or B8 (Storage or Distribution) - the
application being one of three current applications for on-site developments.
C23/0844/16/AM Outline
application to develop 4 commercial units (of varying sizes) including a new
access for vehicles and pedestrians with a car park (this application).
C23/0849/16/LL - Full
application to construct new industrial units (on the southern part of this
application site) - item 5.5
C23/0850/16/LL - Full
application to construct new industrial units (on the north
eastern part of this application site) - item 5.6
It was explained that the site was situated on the
Bryn Cegin Strategic Regional Business Site
approximately 1km south of the development boundary of the Bangor Sub-regional
Centre, as defined in the LDP and within the Dyffryn Ogwen
Landscape of Outstanding Historic Interest. Reference was made to Policy PCYFF
1 of the LDP that encourages the refusal of developments outside the
development boundaries, unless they are in accordance
with other specific local or national policies. In this case, when
considering its designation as a Business Site in the LDP, there was proper
justification to approve this development.
In the context of Economic Development, Parc Bryn Cegin is protected as a Regional Strategic Business Site
for businesses in Use Classes B1, B2 & B8 by policy CYF 1 of the LDP and
therefore the proposal is consistent with that policy. During the consultation
process the Economy and Community Department confirmed that there was a shortage
of such units in the area and the development would meet with recognised
demand. It was reiterated that Strategic Policy PS 13 in the LDP aimed to
facilitate economic growth by supporting many aspects of the local economy
including supporting economic prosperity by facilitating growth at an
appropriate rate. It was highlighted that this was a scheme to enable employers
to set up a business locally on a strategically significant site. The proposal
for suitable uses was considered to be at an
appropriate scale for the location within such an industrial site and therefore
met with the requirements of the policy PS 13 in the LDP.
In the context of access, it was noted that the
development would use a road network designed for the industrial estate with
the existing infrastructure designed to cope with transport levels similar to what was envisaged, and the site may be
controlled via conditions. It was reiterated that the Bryn Cegin
site had been the subject of extensive archaeological excavations and had been
known as a historically significant location offering an insight into life of
the last years of prehistory in Wales (Iron Age), and the relationship with the
Roman Occupation. That said, for practical reasons, not all areas of the site
with archaeological potential were excavated during the previous work.
Confirmation was received from the applicant that there would be no development
in that part of the site, but no further response had been received from the
Archaeological Trust. Once confirmation was received from GCAG that they were
satisfied with the scheme, it was considered that the scheme could move forward
in accordance with the requirements of the policy AT 4 in the LDP.
It was proposed and
seconded to approve the application, contrary to the recommendation.
RESOLVED To delegate powers to the
Assistant Head of Environment Department to approve the application subject to
completing discussions regarding archaeology as well as relevant planning
conditions relating to:
1. The commencement of the development
and submitting reserved matters
2. All materials to be agreed
3. Submission of a Biodiversity
Enhancement Plan prior to the commencement of the development
4. Landscaping scheme
5. Welsh Water Condition
6. Highways Conditions
7. Permitted use of buildings for any
purposes within Use Class B1, B2 or B8 only
8. Ensure Welsh / Bilingual signs
9. Opening Hours: 08:00 to 18:00 Monday
to Friday, 09:00 to 17:00 Saturday and not at all on Sunday / Bank Holidays
10. A Welsh name for the development and
ensure that there is Welsh language signage within the site.
1. Welsh Water
2. Land Drainage Unit
Supporting documents: