To submit the report of the Maritime and Country Parks Officer.
To note and
accept the report.
Reference was made to the report created by the Commercial Manager of Hafan Pwllheli and Harbour, and it was reported as follows:
It was reported that a notice to mariners had been issued as a pre-warning that the work of dredging the channel would continue on 8 March for a period of a week. It was recognised that this work remained
a challenge for the service and that officers were working
with Gwynedd Consultancy to
find a solution to the situation. It was explained that approximately 12,000 tonnes would be removed from the harbour mouth during this
period. It was
ensured that a hydrographic survey had been completed on the appropriate area and contractors would use specialist
appliances to ensure they work in
the correct location and remove the right amount of sand from the site.
It was explained that work had been
carried out on 'hen ynys' following a delay in agreeing
contractor costs. Local Councillors were thanked for
assisting in engaging with local
residents in Bron y De and
Morfa Garreg about the work
completed by officers. It
was noted that the distilling lagoon would be partly emptied. It was explained that officers had recently mown the grass on the island
and had found out that the land was too wet to place
the wet sediment on it to dry. Consequently, it
was confirmed that approximately 10,000 tonnes would
be removed from the distilling lagoon instead of emptying it completely.
It was confirmed that it was desired for the work on
the island to be completed during March before moving on to dredging
sand from certain sections. It was reported that it would be possible to dredge around 10,000 tonnes from the marina basin once work on
'hen ynys' was complete. It was elaborated
that a hydrographic survey would be carried out at the site to ensure the correct works were
undertaken. It was acknowledged
that communication with neighbours about this work
had been lacking at the start of the process, but every effort
was being made to improve this in
the future.
In response to a query on receiving a permit from Natural
Resources Wales for pumping the sediment onto the nearest beach (Glandon beach) rather than transporting
it further, the Commercial Manager confirmed that the sand had been assessed
and it was clear and will
be used at Carreg y Defaid beach
because it is under the Council's control. It cannot be transported to Glandon beach because the beach is under the control of Natural Resources Wales and the sand does
not pass their tests sufficiently to be pumped there. It was explained that the service had developed a joint plan with Gwynedd Consultancy to formulate 4 options for the future. It was confirmed that one of the strongest options was to dispose of the basin's sediment into the sea, obtaining a marine licence from Natural Resources
Wales. It was elaborated that
the service had had initial meetings with Natural Resources
Wales and they were very positive.
It was assured that officers were
working with Gwynedd Consultancy on several options to determine the future way forward and that a number of the options were dependent
on receiving a marine permit. It was explained that the process was dependent on various requirements
and was a time-consuming process.
It was explained after preparing the processes, Natural Resources Wales also needed to look at the application. It was stressed that the process was challenging and therefore it would take time
for it to be accepted. It was ensured that officers were
collaborating with the Chief Executive and the Leader of
the Council to press on Natural Resources
Wales to work with officers.
Members were guided through
the financial performance
of the harbour and noted that there had been expenditure to upgrade several assets. The berthing association were thanked for
carrying out a survey on the harbour
to receive feedback from customers. Assurance was given that the service listened to the customer satisfaction feedback. An example was shared of upgrading the Wi-Fi to improve customer satisfaction levels in the future.
It was stressed that overall customer and staff satisfaction had increased.
It was pointed out that the numbers
of boats anchored near the Hafan had increased by
60% since 2020. It was explained
that harbour income had increased in line with
inflation. It was noted that overall harbour
expenditure had not increased
at the same rate, as the harbour had used around £250,000 of funds for harbour improvements
and updates. There was pride that the harbour had reached the total number of possible berths and it was confirmed that there was a waiting list of people wishing to anchor their boats there. It was reported that officers had held discussions with the Council's principal officers on how the harbour
could be developed in the future and how that would
influence the local economy, keeping in mind that
the Council was currently leading through a financial crisis.
It was reported that fees and charges
for the year 2024/25 had been approved since
December 2023. It was elaborated
that contracts had now gone out
to customers using a new electronic system. Assurance was given that three
quarters of customers had updated their agreements
to date. It had been observed that not many customers are cancelling their contracts so far compared to last year where
10% of customers had cancelled
their contract. It was noted
that the increase in fees for
the year was in line with inflation.
An update on staffing
issues was provided and best wishes were
extended to the harbour
Team Leader who had recently
received surgery for a medical condition. It was updated that he
had returned to work, and he continued to recover and receive treatment. Best wishes for
a speedy recovery were extended to him. It was also confirmed that the harbour Sub-Manager/Harbourmaster had begun a flexible retirement period. It was noted that this
meant he continued to work for three days
a week to continue to assist and support the team. Members were
reminded that he had been working
with the harbour for a long time and had a great deal of knowledge
about the harbour. He was thanked for continuing to work during the Team Leader's illness.
Everyone involved in the recent consultation on the Strategic Plan were thanked. It was updated that the consultants were pleased with the number of responses received at Plas Heli, the Town Council,
and electronically. It was clarified
that the consultation had now concluded, and a finished draft of the plan had been developed to consider the next steps. It was emphasised that four main objectives had been set out in
the plan including:
Maritime Infrastructure (Pontoons) – It was
explained that a survey of the Pontoons had already been completed to solve the
problems with the Pontoons to further develop the area.
Long-Term Investment – It was confirmed that
officers were currently looking at suitable investments. It was elaborated that
officers had put in a Bid to the Asset Management Fund. It was also noted that
officers had applied to the Council to re-consider where harbour profits were
located, striving to ensure that a proportion of harbour profits is earmarked
for improvements.
Cohesive decisions – It
was noted that this objective considered how the harbour incorporates into the
Town Centre Plan and the Gwynedd Nature Partnership and several different
schemes that the harbour can contribute and benefit from.
It was assured that the scheme would be used continuously
to realise these objectives and to develop the harbour in the future.
It was acknowledged
that Pwllheli Lifeboat station had experienced a challenging period in recent months
forcing the station to close for a short
time. It was confirmed that the station had re-opened since 15 February and that training had resumed. It was hoped that the station could be operational and able to answer calls by Easter, depending on the development of the training and
the numbers of individuals involved in the crew. It was noted that the main aim of the station at this time was to get the main lifeboat back. It was confirmed that recruitment issues over the past few weeks had been
very positive, and the community were thanked for their
favourable response. It was elaborated that 13 individuals had put their names forward
to volunteer and they were thanked for
their time and support.
It was noted that the Plas Heli sailing championships were expected to be very busy over the summer
as a large number of names had been received to take part. It was also noted that
a number of improvements
had been made to the site including tar on part of the road down to the beach and it was
hoped that more showers could be installed for the benefit of users. It was pointed out that there
were several defects in the building which had not been addressed by officers. It was elaborated that a quantity surveyor had been to the site and it was hoped that his report would be received soon to resolve any faults.
Everyone was thanked for their
work over the winter and for their commitment to the harbour and the hafan.
Supporting documents: